Harengon in Orvis | World Anvil


Harengon stand 3.5 to 5 ft tall. They reach maturity by the age of 5 but commonly live beyond 100 years.   Harengon come originally from the feywild. They live in homey dens under the bases on large trees. From the outside, the home may appear little more than a discarded wooden board. The insides though are beautiful hovels with wood or clay walls supported by the roots of the tree above. Herengon homes can seem cramped to outsiders with low ceilings, narrow halls and packed with large families of 30 or more individuals. They share the Halflings love of good company, and despite having hard to find home, love to have guests.   Harengon seem to have a love of exploration, which is what eventually led them to Therin. They may be very uncommon but they can be found in all walks of life, from countryside to inner city, anywhere they can surround themselves with good company.   Harengon are generally cheerful and upbeat. They are also quick to trust strangers, a fact that often gets them in trouble. Having grown up in tight borrows with little to no personal space, Harengon tend to be most comfortable when very close to or in contact with others. When walking into an almost empty bar, you can bet any Harengon to quickly seat themselves next to the least friendly looking, most reclusive stranger.   Harengon are easily startled and quick to flee when taken off gaurd, leaping high into the air out of reflex.  


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