Teiflings/Alraaq-Shi in Orvis | World Anvil


Teiflings and Alraaq-Shi used to be the same race but they eventually deviated and no longer resemble each other.   Several millenium ago, a humanoid race existed in southern Najradayea called the Manshuri. They were the same size and build as humans but sported pointed ears similar to that of an elf. Very few written records exist during the reign of the Manshuri so little is known about them today, but we do know they had a well organized complex society, and we also know what lead to their downfall.   Most of the Manshuri had skin tones in the same range as that of humans, however a minority of individuals within the Manshuri would be born with unique skin tones. These could be any color of the rainbow, Pink, Purple, Red, Green, even obsidian black and snow white. These individuals were refered to as Lutis, and they were born at random. This trait was found in about 1 in 5 and was not passed down from parent to child. The Lutis acted as the upper class of the Manshuri. They prided themselves on their beauty and looked down on the common Manshuri. They went so far as to ensuring the rest of the Manshuri were as unappealing looking as possible. The Manshuri would be punished for cutting or washing their hair. The more attractive Manshuri would be whipped, scarred, beaten or maimed. Manshuri that rose up in exile were publically tortured. The majority of the Manshuri were too scared to speak out or revolt.   News of this hellish treatment, eventually reached the ears of the Archdevil and Lord of the Nine-Hells, Asmodeus. Seeing an opportunity to bolter his armies forces for his war with the demons of the Abyss, he haunted the Lutis with dreams of greater power over the Manshuri, along with ungodly beauty and grace. He gave them plans to a horrid ritual involving mass sacrifice as a way of accomplishing this dream.   At the same time in the Abyss (not the lake in therin, the lower plane of existence of the same name) The Archdemon Demogorgon, Enemy of Asmodeus caught onto his plans and decided to counter it. He offered similar dreams of power to the Manshuri that would allow them to revolt against the Lutis in a similar ritual.   Both rituals took place on the same night and at the completion of the ritual, all those that accepted the deal (which was most) were bolstered and given infernal powers, but their forms were twisted into those we now know of as tieflings and Alraaq-Shi. The Lutis took on visual charecteristics of Asmodeus with horns, sharp teeth, and pupiless eyes. The Manshuri's uncut hair that was a symbol of their segregation grew into a weapon. Stiff, tentacle like appendages, similar to the arms of Demogorgon, grew from their heads and could be controlled just like any other limb.   The Lutis were horrified by their new appearance but the rest of the Manshuri were emboldened. In the chaos, the Manshuri revolted and killed or exiled the Lutis from their cities.   It's unknown what happened to the Manshuri and Lutis who denied the deal from Asmodeus and Demogorgon, but the Alraaq-Shi rebuilt their civilization anew, and the exiled Teiflings fled across the dessert to northern Najradayea  


  After the Teiflings exile, the Alraaq-shi continued to chase them all the way to northern Najradaea, capturing and enslaving as many as possible. Eventually they reached the far north to the southern border of Therin. Dragonborn controlled this region and refused to allow devilish looking creatures into their lands. Eventually a deal was struck with the Dragonborn; The dragonborn would allow the Teiflings to enter and they would grant them protection from the Manshuri. In return, the Teiflings would sell themselves into serfdom for 200 years to repay their dept to the Dragonborn. By this point the number of Teiflings that remained to cross into Therin numbered less than 1000.   So for the next few 180 years the Teiflings would work the fields for the Dragonborn. They worked grueling jobs and it was not the easiest life, but they were given enough to survive, and never went hungry. The Dragonborn code emphasises fairness, honor and dignity so the Teiflings were never mistreated and despite their devilish appearance they were judged only by their actions.   Despite being unable to move around as they pleased, Teiflings duplicated extremly quickly and were eventually found all across Therin. Teiflings breed true, so the blood does not dilute. Despite what other race a Teifling breeds with, their offspring will be a Teifling 100% of the time, even when breeding with orcs who also have strong propogation.   After the arrival of Humans on Therin, Teifling standard of living took a sharp nosedive. With Serfdom, Serfs are considered part of the land, so any land trades would include the serfs that work the land. As Humans and Dragonborn engaged in land trade. Many Teiflings became serfs of Human landlords. Unlike the Dragonborn, Humans absolutely judge based on appearances, and so Teiflings found themselves being treated like monsters, and not like people. This is when fullblown Teifling slavory began. So many Teiflings were dying from routine beatings and malnurishment that despite their ability to breed quickly with other races their population growth haulted.   Eventually this news of Teifling slavery reached the ears of the Alraaq-Shi. They had Teifling slaves of their own from the first days of thier exile. In fact Teifling slaves were used as a status symbol. The bigger and more intricate the horns on a Teifling, the more valuable they were. The Alraaq-Shi were willing to pay huge amounts for unique Teifling slaves and so a booming slave trade developed between the Humans and the Alraaq-Shi. It was so profitable for the Humans that it was their biggest form of income funding their war with the Elves. Teiflings would remain a slave race of the humans for nearly 400 years. The Church of Heironeous's Templar knights, were the greatest advocates for their continued enslavement. They spread propoganda that the "Devils" were too dangerous to be allowed to roam free. After the seige of Fort Greiicon, the power of the church of Heironeous cut down tremendously. In the early years of the newly reorganized Empire, sympathy dor the Teiflings began to spread amung the populous. With the support of the people and the Templars deminished power, the Teiflings became emboldened. A Teifling leader, Martivus Lothear, emerged and inspired the Teiflings to take the step to revolt.   The movement had overwhelming human support in Alvenloch and larger towns, but the king was unswayed. The next few years saw about a third of the Teifling population massacred. After the king was found to have died in his sleep, his son, a supporter of the revolution, signed a declaration declaring the Teiflings freedom. Moreover, he made the Teifling leader Martivus, a member of his council.   In the current day, its been 90 odd years since the Teiflings were freed. There are still those that stear clear of Teiflings or garner a mistrust of them. You'll also occasionally find establishments that don't serve Teiflings. About 25% are cautious of them, and about 5% are hateful.  


  (Not a playable Race)   Alraaq-Shi have large tentacle like limbs protruding through their hair that can be treated like extra limbs. They are also extremely flexible but incredibly strong, dense and hard to cut through. From individual to individual they can vary greatly: Some may have a few very large ones amidst their normal hair while other may have thousands of much thinner ones and no real hair to speak of. They may appear snake like in texture, others may be more like eels or the legs of an octopus. Some individuals may even have few enough that they can be hidden entirely in their long hair and so may appear human at times. Their skin tones cover the full range of human coloration.   From the outset, Alraaqi society may seem lively and friendly, and for the most part that is true. Alraaq-Shi are boisterous, welcoming, and often dress in beautiful, flamboyant silks and jewelry. However, very much in contrast to their outward appearance, their society is built on slave labor and they are unashamed of it. If they feel they have been swindled or otherwise paid unfairly for their work, they may simply take you and sell you to make up the loss.   After the ritual that caused the creation of the Alraaq-Shi and Teiflings, the Alraaq-Shi rebuilt society, relying largely on the labor of Teiflings; Their former ruthless leaders.   The visual inspiration of the Alraaq-Shi Society has heavy Arabian and Indian influence.   Alraaq-Shi exist in large cities and towns, often in desserts and other arid environments. They may also Travel in large Caravans with other Alraaq-Shi. They only occasionally associate with other races unless it's for the purposes of trade. That is to say, most other races only associate with them when they need to.   **possible future subraces (Rashiqa-Mushawah)**  


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