Thri-Kreen in Orvis | World Anvil


Thri-Kreen are one of the oldest races to date. Younger than only the Elves, Dragonborn and Dwarves. Their origins are unknown as well. Some theories say that they were created by accident. That when the gods came together to create the mantis god Achaekek, the god of assassins, the Thri-Kreen emerged from some remaining energy.   Thri kreen usually inhabit harsh and inhospitable lands, such as dessert.   Thri-Kreen are not religious at all. At most a Thri-Kreen Druid might pay homage to some of the more nature based gods such as Malar and Silvanus. While they are non-religious, they do have a belive in reincarnation. This occasionally leads female Thri Kreen to lay their eggs within the deceased corpse of a recently deceased member of her clutch.   Thri-kreen resemble giant praying mantis, and have large height variations anywhere between 4–7 feet. Females lay clutches of up to 120 eggs, that they burry and abandon. The larvae look more insect like than the adults; they crawl on four legs and are no larger than mice. Eggs from a single clutch usually stick together for their entire lives. They survive on instinct and discover hunting and tool-making on their own. 90% of larvae perish in their first 3 years, after which they can be considered young adults. Thri-kreen lives are short-lived; if they survived their harsh lives, they could be considered middle-aged at 12 or 16, and old by 18 to 20. No thri-kreen has lived past 35 by natural means.   Young Thri-Kreen molt their exoskeletons regularly. After each molt they stand more upright and eventually start walking on two legs, using their front legs now as a smaller set of arms.   Thri-kreen wear little to no clothing or armor. Instead, they wear only simple leather belts, harnesses, or slings to hold their food, equipment, and weaponry, and only as much as they needed. They do not make or wear any kind of adornments.   Thri-kreen have their own language—simply called Thri-Kreen—made up of whistles and clicks and snaps of their mandibles. Typical thri-kreen names are Chak-tha, Chit'al, Drik-chkit, Kacht-ta, Kat'chka, Pak'cha, Tak-tha, Tal'tich, etc; there are no gendered names or surnames. Thri-Kreen can learn new languages just like any other race but have no way of speaking the words. Thri-Kreen do however have light psionic abilities and can project words directly into the minds of nearby creatures.   Thri-Kreen are purely carnivors and cannot digest vegitation. They also will not shy away from eating other intelligent creatures such as humans and Elves. However, Thri-Kreen are as smart as humans and elves; smart enough to know that is a very bad idea. That hunting intelligent creatures will cause them to be hunted and killed and so it is simply not worth the risk.   Thri-Kreen are fiercely loyal to their clutch and will never eat another Thri-Kreen or a fellow clutch mate, even to the point of starvation. Thri-Kreen need to belong to a group, a large part of a Thri-Kreen's purpose is being of use to the clutch. Possibly due to their light psyonic abilties, Thri-kreen feel a deep mental and emotional connection to those they consider clutch; Being able to tell such things as if a clutch member has died or been gravely injured while away from the group, or being able to detect anothers strong emotions. This deep connection creates a very loose sort of hive mind between clutch mates. This is the primary reason they feel such a strong need to belong to a group.   A Thri-Kreen group may accept other races into their clutch if they trust and grow fond of them. A Thri-Kreen that is on their own would not rest until they find somewhere where they feel that they belong, and would just as willingly group up with other races. Also, when I say "will not rest", I mean that literally. Thri-Kreen do not sleep, Thri-Kreen are often even annoyed with races that do sleep. They see it as little more than a bad habit that people are able to break out of with enough motivation. To Thri-Kreen, sleeping is just an unnecessary risk. "Why willingly leave yourself vulnerable with no awareness of your surroundings?". Though, smart as Thri-Kreen are, once they realize that sleeping is largly involuntary for most, their original annoyance/confusion turns more into a fascination. With a Thri-Kreen as a traveling companion, it's not uncommon to wake up in the morning to find them crouching over you, eyes locked, studying you curiously.   In my world, Thri-Kreen exclusively inhabit the dry and arid regions of central and northern Najradaayea. That doesn't mean though they can't be found elsewhere. Thri-Kreen occassionally wander to other continents but they are by no means a common sight. Most outside of Najradayea have never seen one. People in Therin only know they exist there is one in the 'Company of 13' which is famous group and are something of celebrities in the Empire.   Also second only to Teiflings, the Alraaq-Shi love enslaving Thri-Kreen based on the beautiful appearances some of them possess.   **Remember... Extra arms don't give you extra attacks. What they can do is allow you to dual wield while also holding a shield or a crossbow. They can also leave hands open to cast somatic spells. Essentially, you can have lots of things prepared to use quickly. You could also hold a two handed weapon as well as two light one handed weapons if you so wish. They also give advantage to grappling or give you the option to attack a grappled opponent with no hinderance**  
  **This one is hilarious**


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