Home of Outcasts Building / Landmark in Orya | World Anvil
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Home of Outcasts

The Home of Outcasts started as a prison for prisoners kept by the kingdom of Hydonia for committing magical crimes, but it has since been abandoned and is now the home of people who have been Executed by the High Executioner. Here, the former prisoners and current outcasts share a home together and take solace within the formerly solemn and condemning walls, as it now resembles a place of belonging to these people. Remnants of its former purpose still remain, and an interesting surprise awaits anyone who tries to bring a significantly strong magic within its walls.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of the prison was to hold criminals who had committed magical-based crimes in the kingdom of Hydonia. After being abandoned, those who had been punished by the High Executioner took refuge there, and transformed it into a shelter for them since they had nowhere else to go.


The very first design for the prison was a relatively small, concrete box-like structure, no bigger than 20m x 15m x 15 m, but was quickly changed as the number of magical criminals began to rise. The area of the prison was expanded greatly, featuring three stories, one of which was underground, expanded eating and bathing areas, and a small barracks outside the prison.    After being abandoned, renovations to the cells, sleeping, eating and bathing areas of the prison were conducted by the people who began to live there to make it more comfortable. Today, it is still recognizable as the prison it once was, but it is a much more comfortable place to live than it had been before.


The prison itself is made of stone mixed with a special metal that weakens magic throughout the entire structure. This is combined with metallic bars that are made from that metal. The stone took on a deep, dark grey hue when mixed with this material, and the metallic bars are as black as coal. Each room is lit by lanterns that hang from the ceiling. These were used because Humans don't have very many ways of lighting rooms that don't involve magic.    The building is split into three floors, two above ground and one below, and each floor is split into anywhere from 3 to 15 rooms, with the bottom floor containing the most rooms, as those are where the cells were kept. Rooms are typically kept separated by heavy wooden doors carved from Alforance Trees, which are resistant to magic. These doors are very heavy, and are difficult for a single person to open due to their weight. These doors are also reinforced by slide bars that are made from the same material as the cell bars. The outside of the prison is also contained within a giant, level 7 Teleportation Circle that is set to automatically teleport the entire prison if a significant magical power is detected within it.    Currently the prison is filled with softer beds, more tables and chairs, a garden, a swimming area and a library. The walls are also covered in paintings and tapestries ranging from depictions of brilliant and exotic landscapes to personal family members, and even a tapestry of the Shroud of Hollows.


The Home of Outcasts began as a prison that was constructed in 250 4.E. by orders from King Kalypthis. This was in response to the abhorrent misuse of magic that broke the laws put in place by the Council of Archmages. Prisoners were escorted there and routinely weakened in their magical prowess as a method of punishing them for their misdeeds. The prison was expanded shortly after its construction, in 263 4.E., due to the increase in magical crimes being committed. The Teleportation Circle was added to the perimeter of the prison in 270 4.E. after a particularly dangerous criminal, Salthizaar Nemesis, was added to this prison, increasing it's security urgency to 7th level.    The prison was abandoned in 304 4.E., as the new position of High Executioner rendered the prison's magical nullification practically useless. The prisoners being held there, after their Execution, were released, as Hydonia sees their sentences as served. Afterwards, the prison was used as a home for those who had been Executed, and remains as such to this day.


Magical scholars from all schools of magic travel to see the former prison and its inhabitants. Most are interested in the 7th level Teleportation Circle that surrounds the prison, and all are eager to ask its inhabitants questions about being Executed, as well as what crimes they committed to warrant such a punishment.
304 4.E.
Founding Date
250 4.E.

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