
12 Selune 851

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"The nights are cold here, boy. Rest now, by the fire. Save your strength. You're going to need it." - Quilana Stormbringer, to her apprentice
  The Great War has ended, and the rebuilding has begun. But the wounds of the past are still fresh, and the world is fighting back. Monsters begin to emerge from the darkest places, eradicating humanity where they find it, like a sickness being purged. It is thought that the same force that brings the monsters caused the vegetation to grow faster and denser than before, quickly reclaiming the ruins of even the greatest of cities.
Technology that might have saved them, shunned for its part in the War, lays rusting and forgotten under the growing foliage. The walls the humans attempt to build around their damaged and scattered settlements go up slowly, and more of them are taken each night. Modern roads crumble and are no longer safe. Merchants and travelers desperate enough to leave their homes move quickly and quietly along new paths carved through the countryside, attempting to avoid detection.
Magic suffered for the War as well - in areas blossoming out of control, while in others it is entirely dormant. Those who wield the magic used in the War are frowned upon, and as a result use their magic sparsely.
The Kingdom of Kesnia and the once-Empire-now-Kingdom of Eucrad are at a tenuous peace, settling more on fighting off the monsters and their own survival than any further conflict with one another.
Oskaria is deadly and thriving all at once, rapidly changing from the place its inhabitants knew years ago. Only the well fortified or most clever will survive this fluctuation in the natural world.