Froggie Pond Settlement in Osnein | World Anvil
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Froggie Pond

A serene settlement nestled deep within the heart of the wilderness. Founded and led by the wise and venerable Archdruid Luther, who, after centuries of adventurous life, decided to create a haven for those who don't quite fit into the molds of elven or human societies.   With a population of 45 diverse individuals, Froggie Pond is a community where misfits find acceptance and purpose. Luther, with his vast knowledge of nature and magic, has cultivated a place where all races coexist harmoniously. The settlement thrives on the principles of unity, understanding, and respect for the land.   The architecture seamlessly blends with the natural surroundings, utilizing materials sourced sustainably from the forest.  
Froggie Pond
A small woodsy settlement near the western north of Osnein. This settlement has no overseeing from the Elven Guard and is run by a nomadic druid who left his grove and decided to create a safehaven for other misfits like himself.


The most diverse settlement in all of Osnein, this is a place of misfits.


There is little government in Froggie Pond but also little issues. The main rules of this village are harmony, respect for nature and one another, and productivity.


The village is protected by a powerful druid spell.

Industry & Trade

No industry or trade.


Little infrastrcuture. A few wooden buildings with many tents. The main water supply is the lake in the middle of the settlement and the main food source is hunting/gathering with some small farm patches.


When Luther settled from a life of adventuring, he wished to do so off-the-grid. He decided to take in misfits who felt ostracized by Osnein soceity. It became known to others who felt the same, and Luther made it his goal for the rest of his life to protect and take in those like him.


No tourism. Froggie Pond is skeptical to outsiders.


Froggie Pond is in a clearing in the forrest near the western border of Osnein. It is about a three days walk from Alderrdeen and a ten days walk from the city of Llyne.
Founding Date
Characters in Location


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