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The Founding

The Founding

Year 0 of the Founding, through Year 0 of the Era of Prosperity.

The founding is viewed as the time before The Dawn War. Asgorath and Tharizdun worked in unison to both create and sculpt the multiverse as it is known today.

  • 1 FND

    The creation of the Multiverse
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The two Dragons of Creation, going by the names of Asgorath and Tharizdun, were born from the far realm. Their purpose at the time was unknown to them, but they used their powers to begin sculpting a new multiverse. Tharizdun, took to the creation of the lower planes. Acheron, The Nine-Hells, and Gehenna were a few of the creations Tharizdun is credited for. While Asgorath created the upper planes such as Elysium, Mount Celestia, and Ysgard. Each time a new plane was created on either the positive or negative end of the great wheel, an opposing force needed to be made for balance. If the great wheel were to lose any of its planes, the entire multiverse would lose stability, unmaking all that live within it.

  • 20 FND

    The formation of the prime material plane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Agorath and Tharizdun complete the creation of the outer planes. With the structure finished, the two come together and form the elemental chaos. The planes that directly connect with the prime material plane. Each element gets an isolated plane that is directly connected with the others. The primordial beings of each plane bear power that could rival their creators.


    The power of both creatures combined pushes into what is known as the material plane. The center piece to the great wheel. The material plane was created for mortal beings, and as such was left a blank canvas for the gods to mold. Following the material, The Feywild is formed, an untapped wilderness built to the likeness of its neighboring plane. The shadowfell is also created, a dark gloomy after image of what the material plane could become, wastelands span as far as the eye can see.

  • 25 FND

    21 /6

    The Birth of the Dawn Father and Wild Mother
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The first inhabitant to both the multiverse and Plains of Elysium was Pelor. While Asgorath and Tharizdun continued forming the multiverse, Pelor created life to live within it. Asgorath created him with the purpose of looking after its lush forests, the mere power of his presence, and the pure light his presence let off was able to provide the plane with the divine power it needed to survive. He took on the tenants of his creator, nurturing and protecting.

    The second being that was created by Asgorath was the Wild Mother. Her power over the wilds met in contrast to Pelor. The two quickly fell in love and took on the divine purpose of inhabiting the multiverse. Across the many upper planes and the material, they in unison created a variety of creatures and beings. Corellon was made, who later became the Father of Elven kind. Odin and Kord were twin brothers created to look over the plane of Ysgard, which later would be known as Ygdrassil. After the birth of the first prime deities came the birth of more. Much like the wheel of cosmology however, balance is needed for the multiverse to remain intact.

  • 25 FND

    21 /6

    The Creation of the Crawling King, and the Strife Emperor
    Celestial / Cosmic

    With the formation of both Pelor and Melora in the heavens, Tharizdun set on the creation of their opposites. Bane, the Strife Emporer and Torog, the Crawling King. Bane is the embodiment of a warlord, blood drenched at birth, he twists the beauiful creatures Melora created into foul monstrosities bent on destruction. He also fuels his engines of war with the forests she grows. Torog the Crawling King, was the opposite of Pelor, fearful of the light and bent on subjugation. Enslaving the creatures of the prime material plane is where he gains strength, deep beneath the earth, in tunnels he created, he commands his followers to drag all life into the dark.

  • 26 FND

    185 FND

    The rotation of the great wheel
    Celestial / Cosmic

    With the gods forming races to inhabit the planes, the great wheel begun its natural course. Its rotation drawing in the eyes of creatures from the far realms. The shear power that was created from the multiverse drew the ire of many. Eldritch beings known as Obyriths from the far realm aimed to seize control. Their jealousy knew no bounds. Tearing off fragments from themselves, they created a shard of pure evil. This shard was launched across the far realm, aimed directly for the lower planes of the multiverse.

  • 185 FND

    The Corruption of Tharizdun
    Disaster / Destruction

    Over 100 years of growth. Each plane created was given inhabitants. Mount Celestia lay full of angels, Azmodeus being the leader of their kind in the war against the devils inhabiting the nine hells. The feywild lay full of magical creatures and elves, their creator Corellon, teaching them in the ways of elegance and the power he gave them. Those capable were granted passage to the prime material planes. Erathis, helped the mortal beings of the world form civilization and laws. The planes of the multiverse each flourished as the great wheel turned. Asgorath lay dormant on the peak of mount celestia, his duty complete. Tharizdun however did not rest. He felt that his duty to the lower planes was unfinished.


    In the vast emptiness between the lower planes, Tharizdun found something. The Sliver of Pure Evil. The creation of which coming from an eldritch race older than the cosmos. The shear sight of the item compelled Tharizdun to collect it. Its whispers promised the power to reforge the lower planes. The second his body came into contact with the shard, his mind and spirit were destroyed. His physical form as a dragon was twisted into a roiling mass. The eldritch beings drove him into madness. These foul creators aimed to take control of the upper planes, and wanted him to place the shard where they could access the celestial planes. Through the haze of madness, Tharizdun recognized the other prime deities would turn against him. In order to protect the shard, he took it and planted it in the deepest recesses of the lower planes.

  • 186 FND

    188 FND

    The Abyss
    Celestial / Cosmic

    From the seed Tharizdun planted, the Abyss began to grow. Endless layers of pure evil descending like a tunnel towards the far realm. Creatures more foul than devils lurking in the shadows of its darkest corners. Two betrayer gods were formed to take care of it. The demon lord Orcus, master of the undead, and Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons. Tharizdun fully succumbed to his madness, the power he held was once driven towards the creation of the multiverse. Now he sought nothing more than to unmake it.

  • 188 FND

    197 FND

    The Chained Oblivion
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The prime deities of the upper planes were made aware of the corruption of Tharizdun. Asgorath did not awaken from his stasis however, leaving them to formulate a plan. The prime deity known as Ioun, the Knowing Mistress, developed an attack plan for the Prime Deities to bind Tharizdun. Due to his power, killing him would be impossible, but banishing him into The Abyss would be.

    The Knowing Mistress, the Dawn Father, the Wild Mother, the Storm Lord and the Everlight all joined together in a fight that would change the multiverse forever. Tharizdun was powerful, through both cunning and might he held off the assault from the prime deities. Their battle took years, and in one final spiteful blow, Tharizdun inflicted a mortal wound on Ioun.


    Within the farthest recesses of the Abyss, Pelor bound Tharizdun in chains made of pure light. Seven anchors were placed on the prime material plane binding these chains. Though they were successful it took a mighty toll, the wound Ioun suffered turned into an unhealable mass of necrotic flesh. A piece of Tharizdun broken off inside of her body, and is slowly killing her. As the Prime Deities returned to the Upper Planes, they all remained unaware of cunning plan Tharizdun put into place.

The Dawn War

198 1657

Following the imprisonment of Tharizdun, the Prime Deities learned of his true actions on their return to the Upper Planes. When Tharizdun succumbed to madness, due to his contact with the shard, he became a conduit for their evil whispers. Reaching his tendrils up to the Elemental Chaos, and out into the other Lower Planes, he began to amass an army to fight a war on the Prime Material Plane. His whispers corrupted the primordial beings of the Earth and Fire planes of the Elemental Chaos. The Betrayer Gods of the Lower Planes joined forces with these primordials in preparation for an assault.

  • 198 DW

    The Dawn War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In direct response to the amassing evils in the Lower Planes, Pelor amassed an army of his own in the Celestial Planes. Angels were sent forth to begin the process of awakening Asgorath, Ioun went into hiding due to the injury she suffere from Tharizdun. The Dawn Father stood beside the other Prime Deities, along with the primordial beings of the Air and Water planes of the Elemental Chaos. This day marked the beginning of the Dawn War.

  • 199 DW

    220 DW

    The tyranny of Bane and Gruumsh
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The betrayer gods known as Bane, the Strife Emperor and Gruumsh, the Ruiner build a fortress on the elemental plane of fire known as 'The Fortress of Brass'. The location offers a strategic front to the war, and direct access to the prime material plane.

  • 240 DW

    247 DW

    The Battle of the White Wastes
    Military: War

    One of the first battles that took place for the mortals of Osserea, was the assault on the white wastes. The frost giant king named Thrym, sided with the betrayer gods and was sending forces of his own into the elven continent of Olyne Elunore, along with the Drurian Dynasty. Due to the harsh terrain, the battles were slow fought, and hardly won. The turning point of the conflict came when remnants of frost giant remains began to appear. Some unknown force in the White Wastes aided in the effort. Thrym proved to be a devastating opponent however, slaughtering hundreds before succumbing to his wounds.

  • 245 DW

    277 DW

    Corellon, The Arch Heart
    Military: War

    Corellon, the Arch Heart stood beside fellow elves in a battle with Gruumsh, the Ruiner in the Feywild. Their battle waged for years, claiming large portions of the wilderness and the lives of many elves. The turning point of the battle came when Corellon took out one of Gruumsh' eyes with a shot from his bow. The maiming blow spelt defeat for the betrayer god, forcing him back to the lower planes. Where his blood spilled on the land, Orcs grew. Their direct relation to Gruumsh is the reason for the deep rooted hatred they hold for one another, but these orcs differed from those created in the lower planes, possessing free will over their actions.

  • 286 DW

    300 DW

    The death of Ogrémoch
    Celestial / Cosmic

    On the plane of Gehenna, the earth primordial by the name of Ogrémoch and Thor, the quasi-deity son of Odin, were locked in battle. The fight was a long one, waging over the course of several years, before Thor stood victorious over the fallen body of the primordial. This defeat was one of the first primordials to fall in the war, due to this victory Thor rose in infamy among the others in Ysgard. Legend has it that the legendary hammer Mjolnir was formed from the dense metallic heart of Ogrémoch following his victory.

  • 300 DW

    500 DW

    The Corruption of Azmodeus
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Azmodeus, Angel of Mount Celestia, was given the role of Jailer for Tharizdun, in the Abyss. His close proximity to the shard of pure evil began to warp his views. The years that passed in this prison wore away at his beliefs of the Prime Deities, and his arrogance drove him to take action. Breaking off a sliver of the shard, he took it. Harnessing the power within for an opportune moment to strike in Mount Celestia. His plan was to kill Pelor. Both freeing Tharizdun, and granting him a leadership role over the other Betrayer Gods as he won the war in a single fell swoop.

  • 370 DW

    500 DW

    Vestiges of the gods
    Artistic creation

    Moradin, father of the dwarves, took the title of the All-Hammer. His forge in Mount Celestia became renowned for the legendary items it crafted. Using his gift, he bestowed wondrous creations to the other prime gods, and their allies to use in the dawn war. Mjolnir was forged for Thor. Kords Thunderspear, Meloras staff the Spire of Conflux, and even Heimdalls legendary blade are several examples of items that were produced. Without these armaments, the war for the Prime Gods would have been unachievable.

  • 506 DW

    610 DW

    The Attack on Ysgard
    Military: War

    Elemental lord of the Fire plane, Surtur, mounted a full assault on the celestial plane of Ysgard, with the intention of bringing ragnarok to pass on the people of Asgard. Heimdall, not only intercepted the attack, but also defeated Surtur in combat.

  • 660 DW

    The Death of Torog, the Crawling King
    Life, Death

    With a well placed trap, Pelor and Melora managed to trick Torog into leaving his tunnel network beneath the Prime Material Plane. A battle ensued that took a tole on both Prime Deities, but with a final blow from Pelor, Torog collapsed lifeless to the earth. In his death throes, he released a volley of toxic tears, their acidic liquid burrowed deep into the Prime Material Plane. Rumor says those tunnels are the current hiding place of his followers, awaiting the chance to avenge their fallen lord.

  • 666 DW

    Azmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the year of 666 DW, Azmodeus put his plan to betray the gods of the celestial plane into action. Kelemvor, the reigning deity over death stood against his plans however, recognizing the treachorous act before he could strike. The two battled in the courtyard of Mount Celestia, landing destructive blows on one another before a lethal thrust of Azmodeus greatsword pierced Kelemvor through the chest. In his dying breaths, Kelemvor cursed Azmodeus, stripping him of his divine power, and binding him to the realm of Baator.
      With his power stripped, Azmodeus fell from Mount Celestia, traveling through the multiverse before slamming into the first layer of the Nine Hells. The force with which he hit broke through every layer creating a hole to the lowest level. This final layer is prison to the Lord of the Nine Hells.

  • 667 DW

    699 DW

    The rise of the Undead
    Life, Death

    Following the Death of Kelemvor, the souls of the dead creatures across Osserea became trapped in the ethereal plane. With no means of escape, and no god to grant them passage to the afterlife, undead began to rise on mass across the prime material plane. Vengeful spirits attacked from graveyards, and revenants seeking justice for their murder stalk moonlit forests. Mortals that were aiding in the Dawn War are pulled back to defend against the hordes of the undead.

  • 700 DW

    The Ascension of the Matron of Ravens
    Celestial / Cosmic

    For the first time in history, a mortal being ascended from their mortal bindings, and became a god. Though her name was stricken from all living beings, the Matron of Ravens rose as the new goddess of death. With the power vaccuum Kelemvor left filled, the dead creatures of the prime material plane were given proper passing into the afterlife.

  • 701 DW

    806 DW

    The Fury of Sehanine
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Moonweaver, Sehanine, joins forces with her followers on the prime material plane and wages a counter offensive against the forces of the undead. Pushing back their numbers and forcing their most powerful to go into hiding. Across the land of Osserea Sehanine is recognized as the turning figure in the war against the undead.

  • 705 DW

    The Creation of Hel
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Odin, King of Asgard, worked with the prime deities to create a secondary goddess of death to prevent an undead uprising on the material plane from happening again. Hel was the god created to fill this role. Both Hel and the Matron of Ravens share the duty of shepherding the dead into the afterlife. The matron of Ravens possesses more power however, granting her the ability to bestow divine rights to Paladins and Clerics in her name.

  • 770 DW

    942 DW

    Wrath of Asgard
    Military: War

    Sif, the goddess of War joins forces with Heimdall, god of loyalty in an assault on the 'Fortress of Brass' in the Elemental plane of fire. The forces hiding within the walls hunkered down, drawing out the battle for over a hundred years. The forces of Asgard proved too powerful though, eventually wittling the defenses down for invasion of the fortress. The location was destroyed, leaving nothing but a ruin of its former self. The Efreeti, took this opportunity and upon the occupying forces departure, took over the ruins. Rebuilding it into a proper city, renamed to 'The City of Brass."

  • 950 DW

    Severed Connection to the Astral Plane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of the Astral plane grew fearful of the attacks from the Betrayer gods, and in a desperate act to defend the multiverse destroyed the connection between the material plane and the astral plane. The former portal and connection was turned to solid stone, leaving behind a piece of history frozen in time. The location in modern times is lost somewhere in the island nation of Teraavos.

  • 970 DW

    The Ambush and Destruction of Tumholde
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the flying city of Tumholde, over the Nation of Durbar, Erathis and Tyr were both ambushed by the demon lords of the Abyss. The battle between them waged for days. Mortals used this time to evacuate the city, which was a well thought plan as the fight ended when Orcus destroyed the city. Erathis fell, suffering a mortal wound as she crashed into the earth below. Her husband, Tyr made the ultimate sacrifice for both her and the mortals of Osserea. Using what divine power he could muster, he tore open a portal to the Abyss, dragging in both Demogorgon and Orcus.

  • 990 DW

    1075 DW

    Sister and Brother are born
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The dragon Asgorath, in an arrogant show of power, entered a fight alone against the Primordial Erek-hus from the elemental Plane of Fire. The two battled on the edge of the ocean known as 'The Sanguine Tide', and it was one of the most brutal battles of the war. In a move that ended the bout, Erek-hus split Asgorath in two with a well placed swing of his adamantine axe. The loss was great, but from the halves rose two new dragons. The Platinum Dragon Bahamut and The Scaled Tyrant Tiamat.

  • 1100 DW

    The Rise of the Platinum Dragon, and Banishment of the Scaled Tyrant
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Scaled Tyrant and the Platinum Dragon rose from the earth, the two joined forces for the first and only time in history to vanquish the primodial Erek-Hus. The Battle was quick, his crumbled form crashing into the sea and forming the island now known as Stros M'kai.
      The two dragons quickly realized their differences however, and a battle for supremacy between the two followed. The fight waged for months, as the two would run and reengage with one another constantly. Only after Bahamut tricked Tiamat with her own arrogance, did he land a maiming blow. As Tiamat crashed into the ground, Bahamut banished her into the nine-hells. With his sister banished, Bahamut would join the prime deities in the war.
      Legend speaks of this battle and its importance on history. From blood Bahamut shed on the prime material plane, metallic dragons such as Gold, Silver and Iron, took to the skies. Tiamats blood gave birth to the Chromatic dragons. The last race that rose were the dragonborn, forming from the splashed blood of Asgorath himself.

  • 1133 DW

    1200 DW

    The Death of Balder
    Life, Death

    In the Battle of Bundifel, in the Kal-Munza Dominion, one of the most devastating losses for the Prime Gods was struck. Akadi, Queen of the elemental plain of Air and Balder, God of life and love in Asgard, both met a tragic end at the hands of Lolth. Both her and her followers sprang a trap on the two gods during a battle in protection of the city. Akadis' death took a heavy toll on the Primordial forces, but Balders death was prophecized to be the start of Ragnarok.

  • 1201 DW

    1235 DW

    War of the Elves
    Military: War

    Between the nations of the Kal-Munza Dominion and Olyne Elunore, war has broken out between the Drow and the other races of the elves. The Drow followed their god Lolth, the Spider Queen, While Corellon lead all other Elves in a war against their cursed and corrupted kin. The battle was long and brutal, taking a severe toll on the numbers for either side. Only with the aid of the Prime god Kord, did they gain the upper hand. In one of the final bouts, Kord threw his thunderspear, pinning Lolth to a mountain side, where she was forced to watch both her people and Zehir, the cloaked serpent be slaughtered. This battle took a heavy toll on the elves, as Corellon the Arch Heart perished.

  • 1260 DW

    1400 DW

    The Final Blow of the Dawn War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The final battle of the Dawn War took place between Kord, and three primordial beings in the elemental chaos. Hamnathuun, the Blood Lord allied himself with both Tabrach-Ti, Queen of Bronze and Vezzuvu, the Burning Mountain. Even though he was outnumbered, Kord drew up the strength of his brother, Odin, bearing down on the primordials with a storm none could survive. Retreating back into the plane of Ysgard following his victory, Kord learned from Pelor that the Betrayer gods retreated into lower planes. The Dawn War came to a close.

  • 1450 DW

    The creation of the Divine Gate
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Prime Deities focused on recovering from the Dawn War, mortal across the prime material plane began to rebuild, but less than half of them survived the war. The Prime Deities recognized that Osserea was vulnerable as long as they walked the plane, to which the gods responded by erecting the Divine Gate. This barrier seperated the gods of both the upper and lower planes from walking on the material plane. Their power could still reach the people, Paladins did not lose their Oaths' and could continue serving their respected religions.
      With most evils vanquished from Osserea, the mortal races spread out. Expanding territories and developing. The Era of Prosperity began with the nations of Teraavos and Anathod being founded. The Dragonborn race established the island nation of Stros M'Kai. Creatures from the Feywild took to Thestria, tucking into the dense forests. The Elves of Olyne Elunore, mourning the loss of their kin and Corellon, closed their borders and locked themselves out from the rest of Osserea. The clans of Morgoth established territory and a hierarchy for their people. The dwarves of Hrothgar fortified their cities and dug ever deeper into the world.