Divaia (Dih-vie-uh)

The Cyclic

"Note that all of Ostelliach blessed deities were reported to have fluid presentations and appeared as any physical form they desired, varying vastly in species, gender, and overall temperament. This record captures only the most commonly cited appearance, which a mortal could suppose (but would blaspheme to do so) that said deity may have preferred or favored."  
  • Scholar Axctin Dvortinee, renowed for collecting historical tales of divine intervention in Ostelliach
  • Divine Domains

    The school of necromancy and all related associations, including:  
    • Life and death
    • Healing, light, hope, stability, renewal and rebirth
    • Stagnancy, disease, decay, loss, an inability to let go
    • Optimism, pessimism, and realism


    Often associated with items related to healing, death, or the intersection between the two. Frequently portraying a sense of spoiled beauty or terrible, gorgeous fragility.   Ex:
    • Rotted fruit
    • Glass daggers, especially of green sea glass (likely due to the common appearance of their eyes)
    • Sunset, especially blood-red or just before dusk
    • Deep red wine, often spilled ceremonially
    • Deep yellows and rich silks, perhaps owing to the hedonistic nature of some of their followers

    Divine Symbols & Sigils

      Inseparable from the ancient studies of the school of necromancy, Divaia is closely associated with the sigil associated with said school of magic. It is said that the sigil served as a sort of somatic guide when spellcasting, hypothesized to focus or strengthen necromantic castings. Very little of the symbol has survived over time but fragments of destroyed temple remnants can be reasonably combined to form it on walls dedicated to this form.

    Tenets of Faith

    Divaia represented the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth that both emboldens and demoralizes. Though pre-Breaking Ostellians paid homage to all deities in turn (as they partook in the domains of all), some did devote themselves to one deity more closely. Those who followed Divaia were said to believe:  
    • Revere the cycle. No part is more or less divine, sacred, terrifying, or beautiful.
    • Practice mindful detachment. All things come, all things go.
    • Revel in the moment, for it is short.
      In this, murderers and surgeons were equally weighted in the eyes of Divaian worship where death was every bit as holy as healing.   All gods of Ostelliach represented harsh dualities, truths that were unpleasant and unavoidable, but Divaian worship is researched specifically for the smaller but more fervent devotion it represented. After all: all Ostellians prayed to Divaia in times of sickness, cancer, loss, death. All hoped for healing and light, healthy births and peaceful passings. But the prospect of embracing (or observing respectful ambivalence toward) death and loss was a limiting factor in recruitment and pulled only the firmest believers. Those who primarily worshipped Divaia were said to be masters of mindfulness and a zen attitude that saw them savoring life (often hedonistically) but with a careful eye toward the darkness, knowing it was coming and not theirs to fear.

    Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Tall, thin, impossibly so. The delicateness of a spindly giant, looming everpresent.
    Divine Classification
    Current Location
    Date of Death
    0 AB
    Any, most commonly 'they' or 'she'
    Pale green
    Iridescent black and silver depending on the light, impossibly long, disappearing into nothingness at the ends
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Mottled with decay and pink fresh growth
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