Dortlitt (DOOR-t-lit)

What the quartermaster and supply manager of the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild lacks in size, this Kobold makes up for in fastidious resource management, ferocious loyalty, and quick wit.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Dortlitt is peculiar among Kobolds in that his upbringing in the mycellium of the Shadowcap area (or something to do with his conception and eggbringing perhaps) caused a mild bioluminescence. Simply put: he glows in the dark. Nothing blindingly neon, but certainly enough to make stealth something he's not adept at.

Apparel & Accessories

Dortlitt has never worn shoes in his life and isn't starting any time soon. He also tends to not care for clothes, raised in an overcrowded Kobold tribe where nudity and privacy weren't concerns; he wears them to fit in enough but they're not his priority. That said, he's fond of his scales and his eyes and like many Kobolds matches the clothes he does wear to his body. Typically this means deep greys or greens, dyed leather over tunics of similar colors, to match his eyes. He also is known for carrying a satchel or pouch full of coins and random goods, and ink usually stains his claws and palms from his record-keeping. (It's hard holding a quill with talons!)   He also takes pride in his draconian teeth/fangs and keeps them very white and fastidiously clean (sometimes to a neurotic degree, often refusing to eat in front of others, lest he get messy.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dortlitt came from the deepest parts of the Demoor fungal jungles outside of Shadowcap, where he picked up a great many strange treasures and trinkets that he peddled and traded up and up, forever seeking to get the best deal or strangest items for his collection. This resourcefulness brought him all over the subterranean areas of Ostelliach, far from his native Demoor, until he decided he wanted to try his hand trading to the surface-dwellers.   Over time, he meandered from place to place and eventually wound up in the floating city of Expatria out in the northern oceans. Dortlitt stayed there for a good long while before he decided traveling was getting a bit tedious for his short legs and cold blood.   He headed south toward warmer climates and eventually met someone who knew someone who knew the former quartermaster for the guild. This soon-to-be-retiree was looking for a resource-savvy replacement and Dortlitt passed the interview with flying colors. The guild ethos was something he wasn't necessarily opposed to originally, but in the decades since joining he has taken to it with a ferocious protectiveness, adopting it as his own.


Dortlitt, like most Kobolds, practices a slightly promiscuous nonmonogamous lifestyle. The difference here is that he has no focus on procreation that a lot of Kobolds do, and tends to lean toward queer relationships for that matter anyway.


Not one for book learning, Dortlitt technically knows how to read, but only practices it as far as he needs for his ledgers and inventories. He's still quite the witty and clever communicator; just doesn't do the sit-still-and-study thing.

Morality & Philosophy

Dortlitt never held onto ancient Kobold traditions of thinking Kobolds were better than everyone else. He similarly never took to the insular community feeling of the subterranean tribes he came from. That said, he developed his own loyalty and sense of moral compass and when he decides for himself that he likes someone or approves of them, it is a ferocious approval. He believes in protecting your people and advocating for them, but his definition of who his people are is open to expansion and he lets people in if they prove themself. Guild adventurers who catch his eye as favorites aren't necessarily given perks at the store or anything but he does enjoy bringing them snacks or little trinkets for free.
Deep forest green; lightly beady, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, mottled green scales; mildly bioluminescent in the dark
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Draconic, and the Kobold's own Yipyak dialect of Draconic. He speaks with a lot of slang and colorful swearing.
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