Eldrin Elsatra (EL-drin EL-sat-ruh)

Eldrin is one half of the killers-turned-healers that is the Elsatra brothers, serving as dual heads of the medical support in the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild. Eldrin specifically serves as the more magical and abjurative healing, using the magic of his Paladin background to remove curses and providing faith-based skills. Behind the magical background, Eldrin is a highly skilled monk trained in decisive strikes to heal or harm.  
  • Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
  • Monk (Path of Mercy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although a twin to Alaion Elsatra, he takes after their mother with cool purple skin and traditional Drow features. Eldrin typically is unarmed, dressed in flowing robes for comfort rather than style, but he does carry a staff with him. The main things people remember about him are his vine-like magical tattoo along his arm and a raven mask he wears either on his belt or his face to help mitigate sun sensitivity during the day. Quiet and kind, he can be intimidating at first.

Specialized Equipment

A spiraling white brand-like tattoo spiraling up one arm, magically imbued as a Coiling Grasp Tattoo. He wears a raven mask at his side for protection in sunlight and is known to adorn his hands with blades for bleeding opponents with each "unarmed" strike. His arcane focus for his paladin magic is a talisman he wears around his neck; no one knows exactly what it is, but it appears to include several teeth and other trophies or mementos from creatures lost.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eldrin and Alaion don't frequently speak about their history, only alluding that it is a bloodstained shame they wish to atone for. For Eldrin, it seems he was insighted to the righteous path of Paladin from the things he's seen and done. For his Oath of Vengeance, Eldrin seems to have fully embraced the philosophies of the Guild and dedicated his life to stopping those who would rise to corruption or evil...to avenge someone? To seek vengeance for what? Eldrin doesn't seem inclined to say, focusing more on his work and leaving the rumormongering to the mess hall.


Family Ties

Twin brother to Alaion Elsatra.


Deep, resonant baritone with a controlled cadence. Speaks less than his brother and is more intentional in what he says. Fluent in several languages as part of his bedside manner.
He/Him (but aloof, known to accept They/Them)
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