
by Claude Monet, public domain
  The Everglen fields, where the majority of Ostelliach's healing herb supplies come from due to their rampant wild growth; also known for its beauty, serenity, and general calming aura which some use as a pilgrimage for Godcrafting or meditation rites.  

Closely protected, for the good of all

Given the huge importance of the plants and herbs harvested here, many are extremely invested in protecting this massive meadow from trampling or exploitation. In particular, a group of druids/scholars/conservationists from Sadora Rowa is stationed in the area. Referred to as Rangers, these folks patrol the area and watch for damage to trails, unsafe behavior, unethical harvesting, poaching, pollution, or anyone in danger from the wildlife in the area. Their authority is understood to be absolute due to how vital the Everglen is and they will not hesitate to arrest or subdue any who seek to harm the environment here.


The Everglen is a vast rolling meadow stretching across a significant portion of northern Ostelliach, sandwiched between The Netherwell and the Broadlysle River. The topography is largely flat, with some rolling hills on occasion.


The Everglen has what appears to be a simple ecosystem at first, given it's...mostly grass. However, the sheer variety of flora and fauna hidden in the grasses makes it fascinating for herbologists, biologists, and many other -ologists.   There is a food chain as expected in the Everglen, though large predators (wolves, bears etc.) are extremely uncommon and most of the predation is foxes, weasels, birds of prey etc.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Everglen region experiences relatively mild seasons, but winds do increase in the early spring and late autumn. These winds are called the Aegises (ay-jiss-eez) and parts of the Everglen are closed off during the worst of them. During the Aegises, seeds are distributed throughout the area and care has to be taken to not disrupt the process (or have an errant spark set the Everglen ablaze).


The Hafti Ocean and Broadlysle River offer their gentle cooling effects and humidity to the northwestern region of Ostelliach, providing a welcome relief from the sharper, dryer heats of further south on the coast where desert and hard rock rule. The Everglen area is known for being a peaceful, pleasant place to visit (though there are strong conservation efforts that prevent people from outright living here, so no cities can claim it).

Fauna & Flora

Many beautiful and unique creatures call the gentle fields here home, perhaps thanks to the peculiar influence of The Netherwell directly west or maybe just because it's arguably one of the nicest places to make a home. As something of an unofficial but vehemently protected wildlife preserve, these critters are able to survive relatively unmolested. Some of the most notable (and popular) creatures from the area include:  
  • Several varieties of pocket gryphons, including variants that appear to be moth- or butterfly-like in origin and generally average about 6 inches in size
  • A host of herbivores that are deer-like in appearance that grow moss, fungus, and plants along their bodies in a symbiotic relationship
  • A lupine creature known as the Skadeskil (Shade Slink in Gnomish) that enjoys insects and is known for camoflauging its fur to meld into the shadows of the tall grass. The skadeskil is a trickster that many visitors have been victim to, chasing and playing with one while its kin steal from unattended packs or bags.
  In addition, nearly every variety of herb or healing plant can be found in the Everglen, save those originating from the dim of Demoor.
Inhabiting Species
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