Norville Aurabithin (NOR-vill Oar-uh-BEE-thin)

Norville Aurabithin is the mundane name of the supremely magical head librarian/arcanum specialist of the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild. An Air Genasi with a supreme fondness for storytelling, he is known for sleeping in his study room of the library and having an anecdote or fable for any situation.

Physical Description

Body Features

Willowy and thin to be almost waif or fragile, like a normal-sized person stretched thin by their height. Long arms, spindly "piano fingers," a delicate constitution. It is of no surprise that this man is a librarian by looks alone.

Facial Features

Much of Norville's facial structure (the angles and lines) match with his mother's Elven heritage, including the pointed longer ears and sharp cheekbones.

Identifying Characteristics

Bleached-white vitiligo patches adorn his face, neck, chesk, and arms in fluffy cloud-like shapes that one might swear shift or move slightly throughout the day.

Apparel & Accessories

Flowy garments (usually in blues or whites) to truly play up the Air Genasi heritage he felt separated from as a child, with lots of toga-like draping and casual chest-baring to show a thin chest with pronounced collarbones. Sandals, a pair of large-rimmed reading glases on a chain around his neck, a floating satchel or tray of books/scrolls/parchment at his side at any given point.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Norville Aurabithin is the least likely name possible for an Air Genasi, and for good reason too: he was a foundling, an orphan that rose beyond his birth. Born to an elven mother and, of all things, an air elemental, Norville was not only a nigh-impossible surprise but also a terrible burden upon his family; his mother died from the pregnancy and his father abandoned the child. Like many foundlings, he was brought to the refugee city of Sammen where he was taught to value himself for what he was without being burdened by it.   A child of a limbo state between worlds, Norville (named by his perfectly normal human adopted family) grew up fascinated by the stories of different cultures. He knew from extremely young that he wanted to be a librarian, to collect these tales. His Genasi classification also meant he had a natural affinity for magic (and a tendency to wander, thanks to his wispy air-like personality). These two traits would eventually, years of wandering and tale-gathering later, land him as the librarian of the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild (and later their chief magic specialist as well).

Gender Identity

Male in the way that one might see a dog and call it a good boy without knowing the gender; he's not particularly strong-opinioned about it one way or the other.


Norville tends to be generally nonmonogamous and pansexual, though he's much less focused on romance or intimacy than he is learning and understanding. Anything that happens is purely coincidence; if the term sapiosexual weren't so steeped in ableist, classist, arrogance he might call himself that.


If there's a book in the library, he's read it. Norville takes a trip to the Scriptorium Soiram nearly every day if he can help it and is often in the back of classes held by the guild, even if he already has taken the course ten times. (He insists he learns new things each time by watching the people learning it for the first time.) He received a comprehensive education in his childhood in Sammen and traveled for several years afterward seeking regional learning from around Ostelliach afterward.
Current Location
Deep, stormy blue-grey
Very fine, thin, long deep blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue with cumulus-cloud-like white vitiligo spots
Known Languages
Norville knows bits and pieces of nearly every language you could list, but boasts a fluency in Common, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant, Elvish, Gnomish, Primordial (Auran), and Sylvan. He speaks with a hushed voice that was meant for quiet library stacks and his sentences are long, flowing, and prone to trailing off without a distinct finish.
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