Rebuilding the Temples

"Rebuilding the temples" refers to the method of reconnecting Ostelliach's people to The Web after The Breaking, done through repurposing of the locations that used to hold temples dedicated to the gods. Rather than being temples for a deity, they are now repurposed as celebrations of and safe havens for specific archetypes or types of people (usually referred to by professions falling under the category).  
Example: A temple previously stood dedicated to the god of necromancy (life and death, decay and stagnation but also growth and rebirth). The temple now represents those who nurture life, or those who cull it, such as healers or mercenaries. The focus is on the characteristics: patience, understanding of life and death, connection to others etc. Thus, people who visit the temple may bring offerings of plant saplings or small vials of blood, and the staff of the temple may be healers themselves.
  The specifics of why this practice works are not known generally, at least to those outside of the Finite Architects who proposed the solution after much secret deliberation in the Scriptorium Soiram. As understood by the general public, these are the facts:  
  • The natural disasters and magical dangers of Ostelliach are noticeably lessened in the vicinity of a temple (give or take approximately 1 mile). This means places with more temples, like cities, are inherently safer than rural locations with no temples.
  • New safe haven temples cannot be created; any newly established ones (not built on ruins of PB temples) do not yield any protection or magical resonance with the Web.
  • Temples can represent multiple archetypes at once, typically archetypes that draw on similar concepts, such as professions that are creative or require resourcefulness.
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