Sex & Sexuality in Ostelliach

Danae by Gustav Klimt, public domain

  The physical body and its activities, presentation, and pleasure in Ostelliach is something that is almost trivial in how unremarkable or scandalous it can be.  

In Bed, the Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, public domain


Nudity & Body Positivity

Of course a person's individual comfort level and preferences may vary but typically there is no stigma or judgement around casual nudity (especially in hotter climates like Arnun-Ohx). Clothing is understood to be cultural and personal, an expression of things important to a person's identity and comforts, and while sex acts themselves are not generally a thing for public spaces, nudity of various forms is simply another way to dress, sometimes odd based on a personal opinion but no more odd than a particularly flashy scarf or hat.   There is no one pervasive "body type" preferred across the continent and general preferences tend to vary by location and species. Oftentimes this aligns with function and practicality--muscular forms attractive in the more physical-labor-based towns for instance. But other times there is no one true "type" or reason for a type, with different colors or textures of skin, scales, fur, hair, horns, wings, or any other body part almost certainly attractive to someone.   Of note is the general distaste for/intolerance of fetishization of people's identities: disability, species characteristics etc. It's acceptable to have a thing for people with wings, for instance, but only liking people with one wing because of an injury will probably get uncomfortable looks.  

Rolla by Henri Gervex


Sex, Sexuality, Sex Work

Sex is just another thing people do (or don't) do in Ostelliach, and that's true of any type of sex (with a few caveats, see below), regardless of genitalia configuration, number of partners, or correlation to romance/love/domesticity. Polyamory and monogamy, multiple or dedicated partners, sexualities of all kind, and even fetishes and kinks are generally favored equally in society (again, depending on the species, area). There are no far-reaching preferences to, say, heterosexuality or a specific relationship style. Neither are there generally pressures or expectations to form relationships, especially not ones formed for procreation. After all, the world is dangerous; why would anyone be pressured to start a family they weren't ready for? (And with the wonders of modern magic and medicine/science, if a person wants a child, they can generally be given one even if their chosen partner can't biologically align.)  
Note: There are some caveats to this, of course, for the sake of decency and decorum. For instance, the sex must be between consenting, sapient (not just sentient) creatures of the adult-evolution age for their species (recognizing that "adult" for a firbolg, elf, and human may be different measurements). Most concern of "unethical" crossbreeding has been removed by science and arcane advancements being able to prevent such things from gestating or to help them flourish after birth, but there are also generally encouragements to consider the implications in those situations (such as a hill giant and, say, a pixie). There's also general "don't be an asshole" rules about respecting other people's relationship rules.
  Sex work is seen as valid as any other type of work, including varying unions and protections for their working conditions and health/safety. There are many different ways people can protect themselves from sexually transmitted illnesses, pregnancy, or other unwanted complications or even maintain an illusion/disguise to protect their anonymity. Brothels, courtesans, assisted bathhouses, exotic dance and burlesque clubs, and other types of sex-based work houses are typical in cities and even smaller towns may have a few local sex workers operating out of either their home or the local inn (where they usually rent space and pay a regular tip to the owners of the establishment in exchange for security protection).   All this said, sex is still typically something that is not just done in public on the street. For one, it's not necessarily safe (for passerby or the participants). It isn't a taboo that is shunned to acknowledge sex and sexuality but neither is it something that needs to be on every public bench. Red light districts and other organized city centers for sex work are not required, but commonly pop up for the sake of convenience. Nudity is generally allowed in shop windows or advertisements but outright sex acts are less common, if for no other reason than practicality:   In a world with so many different ways sex can be had and bodies can look, how could you possibly pick just one to advertise as representing your establishment?
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Cover image: Primavera by Sandro Botticelli, public domain