Conquerors Species in Ostradin | World Anvil


In the annals of the Dagger Coast, few creations capture the imagination and awe as profoundly as the Conquerors, a race born from the union of divine will and human ingenuity. Conceived by High King Lysander Castellan withthe assistance of Nedia, the Goddess of Life, the Conquerors stand as a testament to the heights that can be achieved when the celestial and the mortal realms intertwine with a common purpose. This forward delves into the remarkable nature of these beings, exploring the multifaceted aspects of their existence, from their awe inspiring physicality to their complex psychological makeup.   Crafted to be the ultimate protectors and enforcers of Lysander's vision of peace and unity, the Conquerors embody a unique synthesis of divinely bestowed attributes and carefully engineered traits. Their towering presence, marked by an extraordinary stature and the remarkable feature of four muscular arms, is but the first indication of their purpose driven design. Beyond their physical prowess lies a well of intellectual and emotional depth, shaped by their creation and the roles they are destined to fulfill.   They psychology and behaviour of the Conquerors reflect the careful balance of their dual nature. They exhibit unwavering loyalty and discipline, integral to their function as guardians of peace in the Dagger Coast. Yet, they are not mere automatons of war; they possess a capacity for strategic thought, emotional control, and empathy, enabling them to interact with the diverse populations they protect with understanding and respect. The Conquerors, in their essence, are as much about the power of the mind and heart as they are about the strength of the body.   Their inability to reproduce, a deliberate choice in their design, underscores the intentionality behind their creation. It speaks to the desire to maintain balance and control, ensuring that their formidable abilities are used solely in the service of the greater good as envisioned by Lysander and Nedia. This aspect of their nature also adds a layer of complexity to their existence, as they navigate their place in the world with the awareness of their unique origins and finite numbers.   AS we explore the nuances of the Conquerors anatomy, growth stages, sensory capabilities, and more, we gain insights into what makes them one of the most extraordinary creations in the realm. Their story is not just one of war and protection; it is a narrative that intertwines the threads of divine possibility, moral responsibility, and the external quest for harmony. The Conquerors, in their magnificence and complexity, are not merely characters in the tale of the Dagger Coast; they are embodiments of the aspirations and challenges inherent in the act of creation itself.

Basic Information


The Conquerors, a unique race created by High King Lysander Castellan with divine assistance, exhibit a fascinating and distinct anatomy and morphology that sets them apart from other beings in the realm of the Dagger Coast.   Height and Stature:   The Conquerors are notably tall, averaging around 8 feet in height. This towering stature gives them an imposing presence and an advantage in terms of reach and visibility on the battlefield.   Their bodies are proportionately larger than that of an average human, with longer limbs and a more robust torso, contributing to thier intimidating appearance.   Four Arms:   The most distinctive feature of the Conquerors is thier four arms, a rare trait that greatly enhances their physical capabilities.   The upper pair of arms are similar to human arms in structure but more muscular. The lower pair, slightly shorter and equally muscular, emerge just below the first set, allowing for a wide range of motion and coordination.   This quad limb structure enables them to perform complex tasks that require multiple limbs, such as wielding multiple weapons or combining defense and attack simultaneously in combat.   Conquerors also have the unique ability of being able to shroud the extra set of limbs in order to better blend in to those around them if they deem it necessary.   Muscualr Build:   The Conquerors possess a highly muscular build, a physical adaptation that provides them with exc eptional strength.   Their musculature is dense and well defined, designed for both power and endurance, allowingthem to perform feats of strength that are beyond the capabilities of ordinary humanoids.   Skin, Hair and Facial Features:   Their skin tones can vary, but they often have a rugged, weather-resistant quality to it, suitable for various climates and terrains.   Hair texture and colour can range widely, just as in humans. However, their facial features might carry a certain distinctiveness, such as pronounced jawlines or high cheekbones, reflecting their unique heritage.   Their eyes are larger and more expressive, an adaptation that provides better visual acuity.   Skeletal and Muscular System:   The skeletal structure of the Conquerors is robust, designed to support their large frame and additional limbs.   Their spine is stronger and slightly longer than a human's providing the necessary support for their height and the weight of their additional arms.   The muscular system is advanced, with well-developed muscle groups that provide the necessary strength and agility for their size.   Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems:   Given their size and physical exertion levels, the Conquerors have a highly efficient respiratory system, allowing for increased oxygen intake and utilization.   Their cardiovascular system is also more powerful, with a larger heart and more extensive network of blood vessels to maintain adequate circulation and endurance.   Cognitive Abilities:   The Conquerors are not only physically formidable but also intellectually gifted. They possess a high degree of intelligence, strategic thinking, and problem solving abilities.   Their brain structure might be more complex, enabling advanced cognitive functions necessary for their roles in leadership, strategy and combat.   The Conquerors are a marvel of creation, combining formidable physical attributes with intellectual prowess. Their unique quad-limb structure, robust build, and advanced cognitive abilities make them an unparalleled force in the Dagger Coast, perfectly embodying the vision of strength, intelligence and capability envisioned by Lysander and Nedia.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genetic Composition:   The Conquerors' genetic structure is a complex and intricate design, a blend of mortal and divine craftsmanship. Their DNA is significantly different from that of humans or any other races in Ostradin, tailored to give them their unique physical and intellectual attributes.   The genetic alterations imbued them with enhanced physical strength, heightened senses, and superior intellectual capabilties. These changes were carefully engineered to ensure stability and consistency across the Conqueror population.   Purposeful Sterility:   A key aspect of their genetic design is their ability to reproduce. Lysander and Nedia purposefully engineered the Conquerors to be a sterile race. This decision was likely made to maintain control over the population of such powerful beings and to prevent the potential complications of a self replicating, powerful race.   This sterility means that the Conquerors cannot produce offspring either among themselves or with members of other races. Their role and numbers in the Dagger Coast are thus strictly regulated by their creators.   Reproduction and Population Control:   Since the Conquerors cannot reproduce naturally, their population is controlled through their creation process. The specifics of this process, a blend of divine magic and genetic engineering, are likely known only to Lysander and Nedia.   The creation of new Conquerors would be a deliberate act, carried out under specific circumstances, perhaps to replenish their ranks or to fulfill particular needs within the realm.   Longevity and Aging:   The Conquerors have a prolonged lifespan, living much longer than humans, although not immortal. This extended life expectancy is consistent with their role as guardians and protectors over extended periods.   Their aging process is slower compared to humans, with their physical and mental faculties remaining robust for most of their lives.   Health and Vitality:   The genetic modifications imbue the Conquerors with robust health and a strong immune system, making them resistant to many common diseases and ailments. This resilience is crucial for beings tasked withthe protection and enforcement roles they play in the Dagger Coast.   Their bodies might also have enhanced healing capabilities, allowing them to recover from injuries that would be debilitating or fatal to ordinary beings.

Growth Rate & Stages

Creation and Initial Formation:   Unlike natural birth, Conquerors are brought into existence through a combination of divine magic and genetic engineering. This process involves a rapid formation phase where they are "grown" or materialized in a mature state. They do not undergo infancy or childhood as humans do.   Acclimation Stage:   Upon their creation, Conquerors might undergo an acclimation stage, a period where they familiarize themselves with their physical forms, abilities, and the environment. During this stage, they rapidly acquire basic knowledge and skills necessary for their survival and function. This stage is crucial for integrating them into their roles as protectors and enforcers.   Training and Development Phase:   Following acclimation, the Conquerors enter a training and developmental phase. Although they are created with innate physical prowess and intelligence, they require training to hone their combat skills, strategic thinking, and understanding of the Dagger Coast's cultures and laws.   This phase involves both physical conditioning and intellectual education, ensuring they are well equipped for their duties. They learn not only martial skills but also diplomacy, leadership and other relevant knowledge.   Peak Performance Stage:   Conquerors quickly reach a state of peak physical and mental performance. This stage lasts significantly longer than in humans, given theur engineered longevity and durability. During this time, they serve their purpose as Lysander's elite force.   Their physical attributes, such as strength and agility, and their intellectual capabilities, like strategic planning and decision making are at their highest in this stage.   Maintenance Phase:   To maintain their peak condition, Conquerors likely undergo regular regimens of physical training and mental exercises. This maintenance is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and longevity in their roles.   They may also receive continuous education to adapt to changing circumstances and to stay informed about political, social and technological developments in the Dagger Coast.   Gradual Decline and Retirement:   Eventually, Conquerors experience a gradual decline in their physical and cognative abilities, though this process is slower and less pronounced than in natural beings.   When a Conqueror reaches a point where they can no longer perform their duties effectively, they likely enter a retirement phase. The nature of this phase is unclear but could involve taking on less physically demanding roles, such as advisory or educational positions.   End of Lifecycle:   The final stage of a Conqueror's life is not well defined, given their unique nature. However, like all beings, they eventually reach the end of their lifecycle. The handling of this stage, wheather it involves a natural cessation of life or a dignified conclusion orchestrated by their creators, is likely governed by the principles set by Lysander and Nedia.


Loyalty and Obedience:   The Conquerors are innately loyal to High King Lysander and by extension, to the principles and goals he embodies. This loyalty is deeply ingrained in their psyche, a product of their creation, ensuring their unwavering commitment to Lysander's vision of peace and unity.   They exhibit a high degree of obedience, following orders and directives with precision and dedication. This obedience, however, is tempered by their intelligence, allowing them to make informed decisions in complex situations.   Strategic and Tactical Thinking:   The Conquerors are endowed with advanced strategic and tactical thinking abilities. They are capable of analyzing situations, anticipating outcomes, and devising effective strategies, both in combat and in broader governance roles.   This intellectual capacity enables them to adapt quickly to changing circumstances, making them effective in dynamic and unpredictable environments.   Emotional Control and Discipline:   The Conquerors exhibit a remarkable level of emotional and discipline. While they are capable of experiencing a range of emotions, they are trained and conditioned to manage these emotions effectively, especially in situations where clear headedness and focus are essential.   Their emotional stability is crucial in their roles as protectors and enforcers allowingthem to act judiciously and maintain calm under pressure.   Social Interaction and Empathy:   Despite their imposing appearance and combat oriented purpose, the Conquerors are capable of empathy and nuanced social interaction. They understand the importance of building trust and rapport with the communities they protect and serve.   Their interactions with others are guided by a sense of duty and a desire to uphold the values instilled in them, including respect for life and the pursuit of justice.   Sense of Duty and Purpose:   The Conquerors possess a strong sense of duty and purpose. They view their existence as part of a greater plan to maintain peace and order in the Dagger Coast. This sense of purpose provides them with motivation and a clear sense of direction in their actions.   Their lives are centered around fulfilling the roles they were created for, and they find fulfillment in executing their duties to the best of their abilities.   Adaptability and Learning:   The Conquerors demonstrate a remarkable ability to learn and adapt. They are not rigid in their thinking or actions; instead they are capable of growth and evolution, both personally and professionally.   Their learning process is continuous, allowing them to stay relevant and effective in a changing world.   Reflection and Self Awareness:   Despite their engineered nature, the Conquerors are capable of self reflection and possess a degree of self awareness. They are aware of their strengths and limitations, and this awareness guides their actions and decisions.   They are also capable of contemplating their existence, purpose and the moral and ethical implications of their actions, although these reflections are influenced by the parameters of their creation and conditioning.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced Visual Acuity:   The Conquerors have exceptionally sharp vision, allowing them to see with clarity over great distances. This enhanced visual acuity is particularly advantageous in reconnaissance and during battles, where long range vision can be pivotal.   Their eyes are likely adapted to a broader spectrum of light, enabling them to see well in low light conditions or possibly even in near total darkness.   Advanced Auditory Perception:   The Conquerors possess a heightened sense of hearing, able to detect subtle sounds and changes in their environment that would elude normal human perception. This ability crucial in detecting hidden dangers or in situations where visibility is impaired.   They might be able to hear a broader range of frequencies, picking up sounds that are too high pitched or too low pitched for humans to detect.   Keen Olfactory Sense:   A highly developed sense of smell allows the Conquerors to track and identify various scents. This skill is useful not only in tracking enemies or prey but also in identifying certain poisons or toxins that might be undetectable to others.   Tactile Sensitivity:   The Conquerors have a heightened sense of touch, allowing them to detect minute changes in texture, temperature, or vibration. This sensitivity is particularly pronounced in their hands, aided them in tasks that require fine motor skills or in detecting traps and hidden mechanisms.   Extrasensory Perception:   Given their divine origin, the Conquerors possess a heightened intuition or a sixth sense that alerts them to unseen dangers or hidden presences. This ability manifests as a vague feeling or sometimes a concrete premonition.   Enhanced Proprioception:   Their sense of proprioception, or the awareness of the position and movement of the body, is likely to be highly advanced. This is particularly important given their four armed anatomy, as it allows them to coordinate their multiple limbs with remarkable precision and grace.   Magical Sensitivity:   The Conquerors have an innate sensitivity to magical energies, allowing them to detect the presence of magic or magical beings. This sensitivity is a direct result of their creation by Nedia, a Goddess with dominion over life and possibly other mystical aspects.   Emotional and Empathic Awareness:   Some Conquerors might possess an empathic ability, enabling them to sense the emotions and intentions of others. This skill can be invaluable in understanding and predicting the actions of friends and foes alike.
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