
Fenris, the God of Justice in the world of Ostradin, is a deity revered for their unwavering commitment to righteousness, fairness, and the preservation of order within the realm. As a prominent figure in the pantheon of Ostradin, Fenris embodies the very essence of justice and is venerated by a wide array of followers, from paladins and judges to ordinary citizens seeking equitable resolutions to their conflicts.   Worshipers of Fenris hold their deity in high esteem, conducting solemn ceremonies and rituals to seek Fenris's guidance and favor. These practices often involve the following elements:   Offerings: Devotees present offerings of silver, scales, and symbols of justice to Fenris, as well as tokens representing the pursuit of truth and fairness.   Prayers for Guidance: Followers pray for guidance and enlightenment when facing moral dilemmas, especially during judicial proceedings or when making important life decisions.   Oaths and Pledges: Many paladins and knights dedicate themselves to the service of Fenris, swearing oaths to uphold justice, protect the innocent, and combat injustice in the world.   Festivals: Special festivals and gatherings are held in honor of Fenris, where the community comes together to celebrate the principles of justice and share tales of valor and righteousness.   Fenris, the God of Justice in the world of Ostradin, is a paragon of virtue and equity. Their presence and influence are felt throughout the realm, inspiring countless individuals to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and the pursuit of truth.

Divine Domains

Law: Fenris is the ultimate arbiter of law and order. Their divine influence guides lawmakers, legislators, and enforcers, ensuring that the legal systems of Ostradin are just and fair.   Judgment: Fenris's followers often invoke their deity's divine authority when rendering judgments in courts and tribunals, seeking clarity and righteousness in their decisions.   Protection: Fenris is also a protector of the innocent and the vulnerable, offering solace and shelter to those in need, particularly when they have been wronged.   War: In matters of conflict and warfare, Fenris aids those who fight for a just cause. Paladins and warriors often beseech the God of Justice for guidance and strength.


Fenris's Scales of Balance: A pair of finely crafted scales, often depicted on the emblem of Fenris. These scales have the power to discern the truth from falsehood. When used, they can weigh the intentions and actions of individuals, helping judges and truth-seekers make fair and accurate judgments.   The Sword of Righteousness: A celestial blade forged from the very essence of justice, this sword is said to be wielded by Fenris in times of great need. It is a weapon of great power, capable of cleaving through falsehoods and striking down those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.   The Book of Divine Verdicts: This ancient tome is said to contain the divine laws and judgments passed by Fenris. Those who can decipher its cryptic text gain unparalleled insight into matters of justice and are granted the authority to make fair and binding decisions.   Fenris's Helm of Absolute Truth: A majestic helmet that grants its wearer the ability to see through lies and illusions. When worn, it allows the wearer to perceive the true nature of people and events, making it an invaluable tool for investigators and inquisitors.   Fenris's Gavel of Justice: A massive, ornate gavel that radiates an aura of lawful authority. When used in a courtroom or as a symbol of authority, it enhances the persuasive abilities of those who wield it, ensuring that justice is served.   Fenris's Armor of Equilibrium: This enchanted suit of armor provides exceptional protection to those who wear it and enhances their ability to maintain order and balance. It makes the wearer almost impervious to attacks by those who would seek to disrupt the peace.   The Beacon of Righteousness: A radiant, gem-encrusted lantern that can illuminate even the darkest of secrets. When the Beacon is lit, it reveals hidden truths and exposes injustice, making it a symbol of hope and justice in Ostradin.   The Crown of Just Rulers: An elaborate crown said to be worn by Fenris during divine proclamations. This artifact imparts wisdom and moral authority to those who don it, making them just and wise leaders.   These divine symbols of Fenris, whether used individually or in combination, are deeply meaningful to his followers and are incorporated into religious iconography, ceremonies, and artifacts throughout Ostradin.

Holy Books & Codes

The "Codex of Righteous Laws": This comprehensive tome contains a detailed compilation of laws, legal principles, and ethical guidelines that promote justice and fairness. It serves as a foundational text for lawmakers, judges, and legal scholars, providing a framework for a just society.   The "Book of Divine Precedents": This book records the judgments and decisions made by Fenris throughout history. It offers examples of just resolutions to various conflicts and serves as a source of inspiration for judges and arbiters who seek to emulate Fenris's wisdom.   The "Scroll of Moral Clarity": A concise, philosophical work that delves into the moral and ethical aspects of justice. It discusses dilemmas, virtues, and the nature of good and evil, helping readers understand the complexities of justice and morality.   The "Lantern of Truth": This metaphorical book, often depicted as a radiant lantern, symbolizes the search for truth and the pursuit of justice. It contains parables, allegories, and stories that highlight the importance of uncovering the truth, even in the face of adversity.   The "Treatise on Righteous Oaths": This sacred text explores the significance of oaths and vows in the pursuit of justice. It provides guidance on how to make and uphold just oaths and pledges, emphasizing the importance of integrity and honor.   The "Doctrine of Equilibrium": This book explores the concept of balance and the role it plays in the divine scheme of justice. It discusses how maintaining equilibrium in all aspects of life, from personal ethics to societal structures, leads to a more just and harmonious world.   The "Sermons of Divine Guidance": A collection of speeches and sermons delivered by clerics, paladins, and other holy figures in Fenris's name. These speeches provide practical advice on how to live justly and promote fairness in everyday life.   The "Code of the Devout": A manual for the religious practices and rituals associated with worshiping Fenris. It outlines the various prayers, offerings, and ceremonies that followers should observe to honor the God of Justice.   These holy books would be revered by Fenris's clergy and followers and would serve as sources of guidance, inspiration, and moral insight. They would also play a significant role in the religious and legal institutions of Ostradin, providing a framework for the pursuit of justice and the maintenance of order.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Scales of Justice: Perhaps the most iconic symbol of Fenris, the balanced scales represent the fair and impartial weighing of evidence and judgment. They are often depicted with the pans level, signifying that justice should be blind and objective.   The Sword of Truth: A shining, celestial sword that symbolizes the cutting through of falsehood and deception. It represents Fenris's role in revealing the truth and upholding justice, even through the enforcement of divine authority if necessary.   The Radiant Gavel: An ornate gavel or mallet that radiates a celestial light. It represents the authority to make just and binding decisions, and it is often associated with judges, arbitrators, and those who seek to maintain order.   The Ethereal Scepter: A scepter or staff imbued with an otherworldly glow, symbolizing Fenris's divine rule over the realm of justice and order. It is often carried by high priests and priestesses of Fenris.   The All-Seeing Eye: An eye encircled by a halo of light, signifying Fenris's ability to see through deceit and falsehood. It represents the idea that no wrongdoing can remain hidden from the God of Justice.   The Beacon of Truth: A radiant lantern or torch, casting light into the darkness of lies and secrets. This symbolizes the search for truth and the illumination of justice even in the darkest corners of the world.   The Bound Scroll: A scroll or parchment tied with a silver ribbon, symbolizing the written laws, judgments, and divine wisdom associated with Fenris. It represents the importance of legal documentation and ethical guidelines.   The Balanced Quill: A quill in equilibrium over a scroll or parchment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance and fairness in all written and recorded matters, including legal documents and historical records.   The Haloed Book: An open book encircled by a radiant halo, often associated with divine teachings and scriptures related to justice and ethics.   The Three Pillars: A symbol consisting of three pillars standing together in unity, representing the fundamental tenets of justice: fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law.   These symbols would be etched onto holy relics, banners, and altars, worn as jewelry or amulets by followers, and prominently displayed in temples and courthouses dedicated to Fenris. Each symbol carries a distinct meaning and reinforces the ideals of justice and order that Fenris represents in the world of Ostradin

Tenets of Faith

Seek Truth and Fairness: Always strive to uncover the truth and act with fairness. Seek the facts and base your judgments on evidence rather than prejudice or bias.   Uphold the Law: Respect and adhere to the laws of your land, for they form the foundation of a just society. Work to improve unjust laws through lawful means.   Protect the Vulnerable: Stand as a shield for the weak, the oppressed, and the voiceless. Use your strength and influence to defend those who cannot defend themselves.   Be Impartial: Approach conflicts and disputes with impartiality, treating all parties equally. Do not let personal interests or emotions sway your decisions.   Challenge Injustice: Do not tolerate injustice or corruption. Speak out against wrongdoing and take action to rectify it, even if it means confronting those in positions of power.   Use Authority Wisely: If you hold authority, use it judiciously and with compassion. Recognize that power comes with the responsibility to maintain fairness and order.   Keep Your Oaths: Be true to your word and uphold your promises. Breaking oaths undermines trust and the foundations of justice.   Strive for Balance: Seek equilibrium in all aspects of life. Balance your responsibilities, rights, and desires to maintain harmony and avoid extremes.   Educate and Enlighten: Share knowledge and teach others about the principles of justice and the importance of ethical living. Be a beacon of wisdom in your community.   Practice Forgiveness: While justice is important, recognize the value of forgiveness and reconciliation. In some cases, it may be more just to offer a path to redemption than to impose harsh punishments.   These tenets encourage followers of Fenris to live their lives in accordance with the principles of justice, fairness, and order. They guide individuals to be not only champions of the law but also beacons of moral and ethical integrity in their communities. Adhering to these principles helps foster a society that embodies the ideals of Fenris, the God of Justice.


"Harmony's Revelation" is a significant and solemn occasion that unites followers of Fenris and people from all walks of life. It is observed on the final days of Mysthaven and ends on the first day of Aurelis, to coincide with Balance's Reckoning. These two holidays are closely tied together for their inherent nature of reflection and the pursuit of the betterment of self.   Ceremonies of Truth: Central to this holiday would be ceremonies dedicated to the revelation of truth. Participants may gather in temples, courts, or other sacred places to witness or partake in rituals that symbolize the search for truth and the importance of justice.   Act of Confession: A key tradition might involve individuals confessing their wrongdoings, seeking forgiveness, and making amends. It's a time for people to come forward with the truth, promoting healing and reconciliation.   Trials and Judgments: In the spirit of fairness and justice, mock trials or reenactments of famous legal cases could take place. These serve to educate and inspire the community to understand the principles of justice more deeply.   Charitable Acts: As a holiday rooted in justice and compassion, "Harmony's Revelation" may also involve acts of charity and kindness toward the less fortunate. It's a time to give to those in need and help create a more equitable society.   Educational Activities: Workshops, seminars, and discussions could be organized to explore moral and ethical dilemmas, fostering greater awareness and understanding of justice-related issues.   Candlelight Vigil: A poignant candlelight vigil might be held during the evening, symbolizing the illumination of truth and the quest for justice. Participants light candles to remember those who have suffered from injustice.   Legal Celebrations: Judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals might be honored on this day for their dedication to upholding justice. It's an opportunity to recognize their important role in society.   Parades and Processions: "Harmony's Revelation" could feature grand parades or processions through city streets, with participants carrying banners and symbols associated with Fenris and justice.   Feasting and Festivities: The holiday might conclude with a communal feast, bringing people together to celebrate the values of Fenris. Traditional foods and dishes associated with justice and balance could be served.   "Harmony's Revelation" serves as a reminder to the people of Ostradin of the importance of justice, fairness, and truth in their lives. It's a time to reflect on the principles upheld by Fenris and recommit to upholding these virtues in the coming year.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Promote Justice and Order: The primary goal of Fenris is to promote and uphold justice and order in the world of Ostradin. This involves guiding individuals and societies toward ethical and lawful conduct, ensuring that wrongs are righted, and helping maintain equilibrium and harmony in the realm.   Uncover Truth: Fenris seeks to reveal the truth in all matters, no matter how hidden or obscured. This goal includes helping individuals discover the facts, especially in situations of conflict or deception, and facilitating transparency and honesty.   Protect the Innocent: Fenris is dedicated to the protection of the innocent and vulnerable. This goal involves safeguarding those who are at risk of oppression, ensuring that they receive just treatment and are shielded from harm.   Impartial Judgment: Fenris's goal is to provide impartial judgment and guidance. The deity strives to help judges, arbitrators, and leaders make fair and just decisions, free from bias, personal interest, or external influence.   Righting Wrongdoings: Fenris aims to rectify injustices and correct wrongdoing. This includes assisting individuals and communities in the pursuit of reparation and restoration when harm has been done.   Inspire Acts of Justice: The deity seeks to inspire individuals to act justly and make morally sound decisions. Fenris's goal is to nurture a society where justice is upheld not just due to fear of punishment but as an inherent virtue.   Foster Wisdom: Fenris aims to impart wisdom, particularly in matters related to ethics, law, and justice. The deity encourages the pursuit of knowledge and understanding as a means to make more informed and just choices.   Create Fair Legal Systems: Fenris seeks to influence the creation and improvement of legal systems and institutions, ensuring that they are designed to serve justice and the well-being of all within Ostradin.   Balance and Harmony: The deity strives to maintain equilibrium and harmony in the world. This goal includes discouraging extreme actions, such as excessive punishment or acts of vengeance, in favor of balanced, measured responses.   Celestial Watcher: Fenris's ultimate goal is to watch over the world, ensuring that justice is maintained and that ethical behavior prevails. This includes intervening when necessary to protect the balance and fairness of the realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fenris is typically depicted as a majestic figure of formidable stature. They are often shown with a regal and stern countenance, dressed in gleaming silver armor adorned with intricate engravings that symbolize the tenets of justice. Fenris is characterized by their piercing, sapphire-blue eyes, which are said to see through deceit and falsehood, and their silvery, flowing hair that seems to shimmer with a celestial radiance. Their symbol, a pair of balanced scales held aloft, signifies their dedication to maintaining balance and equity in the world.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fenris is known for their unyielding commitment to upholding justice and order, yet their demeanor is not devoid of compassion and empathy. They are often seen as a deity who seeks to guide mortals towards moral and ethical choices rather than simply enforcing the letter of the law. Fenris is strict but fair, and they are quick to support those who strive for righteousness. Their divine wisdom is a beacon of hope for those who seek to rectify wrongs and bring balance to a troubled world.
Divine Classification
Current Location
long and raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
The Tale of the Celestial Scales
In the age before Ostradin took its current form, when chaos and disorder reigned over the land, the Celestial Scales were not yet created. The world was in turmoil, and injustices ran rampant. People's hearts were heavy with sorrow, and the realm was in dire need of balance and righteousness.   In these troubled times, a divine presence descended from the heavens, taking the form of a majestic figure robed in luminous silver and armed with a radiant sword. This celestial being was none other than Fenris, the God of Justice. They gazed upon the suffering and turmoil of the world and vowed to bring equilibrium and fairness to Ostradin.   Fenris carried with them two celestial scales, a pair of delicate, shimmering pans, unblemished by bias or corruption. These scales, crafted by divine hands, were said to embody the very essence of justice itself. The God of Justice raised the Celestial Scales high above the world, and their light illuminated the darkest corners of Ostradin, exposing the falsehoods and wrongdoings that had festered for too long.   Fenris's mission was clear: to restore balance to the world, to uncover the truth, and to inspire mortals to embrace the principles of justice and equity. The Celestial Scales became an emblem of hope and a symbol of Fenris's divine presence.   As the legend goes, Fenris traveled throughout the land, using the Celestial Scales to weigh the hearts and actions of individuals. Those who sought to atone for their misdeeds and embrace the path of justice found solace and redemption under the God of Justice's guidance. Conversely, those who persisted in wrongdoing faced the unforgiving judgment of the scales.   The tale of the Celestial Scales is a story of Fenris's enduring commitment to justice and their role in bringing balance and fairness to Ostradin. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of truth and righteousness can shine through, guided by the unwavering principles of the God of Justice. This myth inspires followers of Fenris to seek justice and embody the values of fairness, order, and truth in their own lives.


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