
Furius, the God of the Tempest in Ostradin, is a mighty and enigmatic deity whose domain encompasses the chaotic and destructive forces of nature, particularly those associated with storms and tempests. Furius is a prominent figure in the pantheon of deities within Ostradin's multiverse, revered and feared by sailors, storm clerics, and those who seek to harness the elemental power of the tempest for both good and ill.   Furius is a god of tremendous power and unpredictability. His temperament mirrors the capricious nature of storms themselves. At times, he is calm and benevolent, bestowing favor upon those who revere him and seek to protect against the dangers of the sea. Other times, he can be wrathful and destructive, unleashing devastating storms and tempests upon those who incur his displeasure.   Worship of Furius typically involves offerings made to appease the god's mercurial nature and request his protection or favor. Sailors may offer valuable trinkets, coins, or even food to Furius before embarking on their journeys. Storm clerics and tempest magic users conduct rituals that involve invoking lightning and thunder, hoping to gain insight and power from their god.   Furius is believed to reside in a celestial citadel high above the clouds, where he commands the tempests and controls the chaotic forces of nature. His presence can be felt most powerfully atop windswept peaks and during the height of thunderstorms, which are considered sacred events by his followers.   Furius, the God of the Tempest, embodies the raw power and unpredictable beauty of storms. Whether worshipped with awe or fear, his presence and influence on the world are undeniable, making him a formidable and captivating figure within the Ostradin's pantheon.

Divine Domains

Furius' portfolio encompasses several domains and aspects, including:   Tempest: Furius is the ultimate deity of tempests, and he grants his followers power over stormy weather, lightning, and thunder. Clerics of the Tempest domain often worship Furius and gain their divine magic from his favor.   Maritime: Sailors, fishermen, and those who rely on the sea for their livelihood often invoke Furius to protect them from the perils of the deep. They believe that offering prayers and sacrifices to him can ensure safe voyages and bountiful catches.   Destruction: Furius is also associated with the destructive aspect of storms, including hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Those who seek to wield these forces for their own purposes, or who simply wish to avoid their wrath, may pay homage to the God of the Tempest.


Items associated with Furius often include relics tied to thunderstorms and tempests, such as enchanted lightning bolts, stormcaller's amulets, and weather-worn tomes that contain ancient knowledge of weather manipulation.

Holy Books & Codes

Furius's Fury: The Divine Tempest Chronicles: This sacred tome is believed to be written by Furius himself or by his most devout followers. It contains teachings about embracing the fury of storms, controlling lightning, and understanding the tempest's capricious nature. It serves as a primary source of divine wisdom and spells for clerics and storm mages.   The Thunderous Hymnal: The Thunderous Hymnal is a collection of songs, hymns, and prayers that celebrate the power and majesty of Furius. It's a book of worship, recited during stormy rituals and ceremonies to invoke Furius's favor and protection.   The Nautical Codex of Furius: Sailors, fishermen, and mariners turn to this book for guidance on safely navigating the sea and avoiding the wrath of storms. It contains maritime lore, weather forecasts, and rituals to ensure safe voyages. It's particularly revered among those whose livelihoods depend on the sea.   The Book of Elemental Chaos: This philosophical text delves into the concepts of chaos, renewal, and adaptation through the symbolism of tempests and storms. It encourages followers to embrace the ever-changing nature of the world, reflecting Furius's domain.   The Boltcaster's Guide: Focusing on the tactical and practical aspects of wielding lightning, The Boltcaster's Guide offers insights into the responsible and effective use of lightning powers. It covers lightning-based combat techniques, storm magic, and the moral obligations of those who harness such power.   The Raging Tide Prophecies: The Raging Tide Prophecies contain tales of prophecy and divine intervention, detailing how Furius has guided and protected his chosen champions throughout history. It serves to inspire followers with stories of bravery and divine guidance in the face of elemental adversity.   The Cyclone Compendium: This collection of scrolls and manuscripts is a historical record of significant storms, tempests, and natural disasters, showcasing the might of Furius. It serves as a source of knowledge about the history and power of the tempest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lightning Bolt: A stylized lightning bolt, often depicted as a jagged, powerful bolt of lightning, is a primary symbol of Furius. It represents his dominion over thunderstorms and electrical energy. Storm Clouds: Puffy, dark storm clouds are a common symbol of Furius, signifying his connection to tempestuous weather. These clouds are often portrayed in art and religious iconography.   Waves and Water: Given Furius's connection to maritime elements, waves and water are frequently included in his symbols. It can be depicted as crashing waves, ocean waves, or simply a water droplet.   Ship's Wheel: A ship's wheel represents the guidance and protection that Furius offers to sailors and those who venture upon the sea. It symbolizes safe navigation through stormy waters.   Thunder and Lightning Amulet: Followers of Furius may wear or display amulets featuring thunderbolts or lightning symbols to seek protection from lightning strikes and to invoke the god's favor.   Anchors: Anchors are often associated with Furius, as they represent stability and safety in turbulent seas. They symbolize a safe harbor amidst the tempest.   Chalice with Raindrops: A chalice filled with raindrops or water droplets is a symbol of Furius's ability to bring life-giving rain and renewal to the land, even amid destructive storms.   Feathered Wing: A feathered wing, often depicted with a lightning bolt or storm clouds, can symbolize Furius's power to soar through the skies and command the elements of the air.   Sailboat: A sailboat with unfurled sails is a symbol of Furius's blessings on voyages and represents the adventure and courage required to sail through tempests.   Serpent or Dragon: Some interpretations may associate Furius with serpents or dragons, symbolizing his fierce and powerful nature, which can be both destructive and protective.   These symbols can be used in religious iconography, on altars, amulets, banners, and other representations of Furius in the world of Ostradin. They serve as a way for followers to visually connect with their deity and invoke his protection and favor.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Fury of the Storm: Followers of the Tempest god should embrace the wild and unpredictable nature of storms. They believe that true power lies in harnessing the tempest's fury, and they should strive to emulate the storm's unrestrained energy in their actions.   Protect the Waters and the Wind: The oceans and skies are sacred realms for the Tempest god. Followers are entrusted with the duty to protect and preserve these natural domains, ensuring that they remain untamed and pure. They should oppose those who would pollute or exploit these elements for personal gain.   Respect the Power of Thunder and Lightning: Thunder and lightning are symbols of divine authority. Followers should show respect for these manifestations of the Tempest god's might and understand that they can be both destructive and awe-inspiring. Thunder and lightning should not be wielded carelessly, but with a sense of responsibility.   Stand Against Calm and Stagnation: The stillness and stagnation of calm weather are anathema to the followers of the Tempest god. They are encouraged to disrupt complacency and encourage change, much like the sudden arrival of a storm can bring renewal and vitality.   Sail Fearlessly in the Face of Adversity: Sailors and adventurers, in particular, are expected to confront adversity and danger head-on, just as they sail through rough seas and storms without fear. This tenet encourages followers to be courageous and steadfast in the face of challenges.   Defend Those in Peril: The followers of the Tempest god have a sacred duty to protect those in need, especially in times of natural disasters or when lives are at stake due to storms. They should be champions of rescue and guardians of the vulnerable.   Adapt to Changing Circumstances: Just as storms can change direction and intensity, followers of the Tempest god should be adaptable and open to change. They should be prepared to alter their plans and strategies in response to shifting circumstances, and not be rigid or dogmatic in their beliefs.   Honor the Cycle of the Elements: The Tempest god represents the eternal cycle of nature. Followers should recognize the balance and interdependence of the elements and strive to maintain harmony within this cycle.   Seek the Wisdom of the Tempest: Followers are encouraged to meditate on the nature of storms, seeking insights and inspiration from the tempest's power. They may find wisdom in the chaos and fury, and use it to further their understanding and connection with their god.   Celebrate the Storm: Followers are encouraged to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of storms, recognizing the beauty and wonder they bring, as well as the power and cleansing force of the tempest.


Tempest's Fury Festival:   The Tempest's Fury Festival is a grand celebration held annually to honor Furius and to commemorate the awe-inspiring and unpredictable nature of storms. This holiday typically takes place the 14th of Drakonthar when thunderstorms are prevalent. The festival can last for several days and includes the following elements:   Lightning Displays: During the festival, there are impressive displays of lightning magic, either through the use of spellcasters or enchanted items. These displays are not only for entertainment but also to symbolize the power of Furius.   Storm Chasing Competitions: Brave participants compete to chase and observe storms, aiming to get as close as safely possible to witness Furius's might. It's a test of courage and reverence for the deity.   Tempest Rites: Clerics of Furius lead religious ceremonies that involve invoking storms, offering prayers, and paying respects to the god. These rites may include the blessing of sailors' vessels for safe voyages.   Maritime Parade: In coastal towns and cities, a maritime parade is a highlight of the festival. Ships adorned with banners and storm-related symbols sail through the harbor, accompanied by prayers for safe journeys.   Lightning Craftsmanship: Artisans and blacksmiths create lightning-themed jewelry, weapons, and artifacts, which are often gifted or traded as a symbol of devotion to Furius.   Weather Predictions: Diviners and meteorologists often make predictions about the upcoming storm season, offering guidance to sailors and farmers who depend on Furius's blessings.   Storm-Themed Games: Festivities include games and competitions that are tied to storm themes, such as kite-flying competitions, water balloon fights, and lightning-themed puzzles.   Tempest Feasts: Grand feasts are prepared using foods associated with the elements, such as seafood and crops nourished by rain. The feasts emphasize the bounty that comes from the tempest's fury.   Storm Songs and Stories: Bards and storytellers regale audiences with tales of Furius's exploits and adventures, accompanied by dramatic storm-themed musical performances.   Offerings to the Sea: Many devotees make offerings to the sea or a nearby body of water, thanking Furius for his protection and blessings. These offerings can include coins, trinkets, or objects that hold personal significance.   The Tempest's Fury Festival is a time for both reflection and revelry, where followers of Furius and the broader community can come together to acknowledge the awe and power of the tempest and to seek the god's protection in the coming year.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maintaining Balance: Furius may seek to maintain a balance in the natural order by unleashing storms to cleanse and renew the land while also ensuring that his tempests do not become overly destructive. His goal is to keep the elemental forces in harmony.   Protecting Mariners: Furius's primary concern could be the safety of sailors and those who venture upon the sea. His divine goal is to safeguard those who rely on the oceans for their livelihood and protect them from the dangers of the deep.   Harvesting Elemental Energy: Furius might aim to harness the energy of thunder and lightning to maintain his divine power. His followers may believe that by invoking storms and collecting their energy, they contribute to the god's strength.   Defending Against Elemental Threats: Furius may be driven by the need to defend the world against powerful elemental threats, such as malevolent storm entities or other primordial forces. His followers may be tasked with preventing the rise of such threats.   Bringing Renewal Through Chaos: Furius could seek to bring renewal and transformation through the chaos of tempests. His divine goal may involve promoting change and adaptation, even if it comes through destruction and upheaval.   Inspiring Awe and Reverence: Furius may aim to inspire awe and reverence in mortals by showcasing the raw power and majesty of storms. His divine goal is to ensure that people respect and fear the unpredictable nature of the tempest.   Cleansing and Purification: Furius might have a goal of cleansing the world of corruption and impurity through the purifying force of storms. His followers may view tempests as a means of divine purification.   Guiding Heroes: Furius may seek to guide and empower heroes who rise to meet the challenges of the world, especially those related to tempests and maritime adventures. His divine goal is to support those who stand against the forces of chaos.   Maintaining His Celestial Citadel: If Furius resides in a celestial citadel above the clouds, his goal could be to protect and preserve this realm. His followers may serve as guardians of this sacred place.   Forging Alliances and Rivalries: Furius may have goals related to his relationships with other deities, forming alliances with gods of the sea, the elements, or chaos, while also challenging or opposing gods who seek to subdue the power of the tempest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Furius is often depicted as a colossal figure, shrouded in stormy, dark clouds that perpetually swirl around his form. His physical appearance is obscured by the tempest's fury, but glimpses of his powerful, radiant eyes and a stern, weathered visage can be discerned. He is typically shown with a crown of lightning bolts, symbolizing his dominion over thunderstorms and electricity. In his hand, Furius wields a colossal lightning bolt, which is both a symbol of his authority and a weapon to channel his wrath.
Divine Classification
Current Location
long, green, anime styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs
Aligned Organization
The Tale of the Eternal Storm:     Long ago, in the coastal city of Stormwatch, there lived a wise and resourceful sailor named Aric the Stormcaller. Aric was known far and wide for his uncanny ability to predict storms and navigate treacherous waters. His unparalleled skill was attributed to the blessing of Furius, the God of the Tempest.   One fateful day, as a massive and destructive hurricane approached the city, Aric stood on the docks, gazing at the turbulent sea. He knew that Stormwatch was on the brink of devastation, and he could not bear to see his home laid to waste. With unwavering faith in Furius, Aric raised his arms to the heavens and called upon the tempest god for assistance.   As his prayers echoed across the waves, the clouds darkened, and lightning crackled through the sky. The sea roiled, and the hurricane's path shifted away from Stormwatch. The people of the city watched in awe as the storm, which should have engulfed them, retreated and dissipated. Aric's miraculous intervention saved his home from certain destruction.   However, as a consequence of his actions, Aric invoked the capricious nature of Furius. The god of the tempest, pleased with Aric's faith and audacity, chose to bestow a divine gift upon the sailor. In gratitude for saving Stormwatch, Furius granted Aric the power to call upon the tempest at will, giving him the ability to control storms and lightning.   Aric became a legendary figure, known as "Aric Stormcaller," and his tale spread throughout Ostradin. He used his newfound powers to protect sailors and coastal communities from devastating storms, invoking Furius's name in service of the tempest god.   The legend of Aric Stormcaller became a symbol of Furius's capricious yet benevolent nature. It served as a reminder that Furius could be both a destructive force and a protector, and that those who showed unwavering faith might earn his favor in the most unexpected ways. The people of Ostradin tell this tale as a testament to the power and unpredictability of Furius, and sailors still invoke Aric's name for protection against the tempest.


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