Kepeshkmolik Clan

The Kepeshkmolik clan, nestled in the imposing stronghold of SableSage on the rugged coastline of Dragon Tooth Bay on the Isle of Skaven, is a formidable group of predominantly black dragonborn.    Their history dates back to the ancient times, when they were founded by Huldrassyt the Gifted One, a powerful ancient black chromatic dragon who was renowned for her wisdom and knowledge. Since its inception, the Kepeshkmolik clan has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and the healing arts. They have produced some of the most skilled and respected scholars, teachers, and healers on the Isle of Skaven, earning them a reputation that extends far beyond their stronghold.   The members of the Kepeshkmolik clan are easily distinguishable by their black scales, which shimmer with a metallic sheen, and their piercing yellow eyes. Their stronghold, SableSage, is a testament to their commitment to learning, with its tall spires, vast libraries, and intricate carvings that depict scenes from ancient lore.   In addition to their scholarly pursuits, the Kepeshkmolik clan is also known for their devout faith in Adohr, the god of knowledge. They believe that by emulating Adohr's thirst for wisdom, they can unlock the secrets of the universe and attain a deeper understanding of the world around them.   The members of the clan spend their days studying ancient texts, experimenting with new healing techniques, and teaching the next generation of dragonborn. They are also known for their charitable work, often providing healing services to those in need, regardless of their race or background.   Despite their peaceful and scholarly nature, the members of the Kepeshkmolik clan are also skilled warriors, trained in the arts of combat to protect their stronghold and its precious knowledge. With their combination of wisdom, healing abilities, and combat prowess, the Kepeshkmolik clan has earned the respect and admiration of their peers on the Isle of Skaven, and their legacy continues to grow with each passing generation.


The Kepeshkmolik clan has a structured yet flexible organization, centered around the pursuit of knowledge and the worship of Adohr, the god of knowledge.   At the top of the hierarchy is the clan chief, who is the ultimate authority and leader of the clan. The clan chief is responsible for making important decisions that affect the whole clan, as well as representing the clan in dealings with other clans and outside communities. The current clan chief is Valthrun the Learned.   Supporting the clan chief is the Council of Sages, a group of the most experienced and learned members of the clan who serve as advisors and wise counsel. The Council of Sages is responsible for assisting the clan chief in making decisions and ensuring that the values and traditions of the clan are upheld. Each member of the Council of Sages is a respected leader in their own right and has a specific area of expertise, such as healing, philosophy, or combat.   Below the Council of Sages are the various departments or divisions within the clan, each responsible for a specific aspect of the clan's operations. These departments are headed by a department chief, who reports directly to the clan chief and the Council of Sages. The departments include:   The Department of Knowledge:  Responsible for the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. This department oversees the clan's libraries, archives, and schools.   The Department of Healing:  Responsible for the health and well-being of the clan members. This department oversees the clan's hospitals, clinics, and healing practices.   The Department of Combat:  Responsible for the defense of the clan and its stronghold. This department oversees the clan's warriors, weapons, and military strategies.   The Department of Faith:  Responsible for the spiritual well-being of the clan and the worship of Adohr. This department oversees the clan's temples, shrines, and religious practices.   Each department is made up of several smaller units or teams, each responsible for specific tasks or projects. The members of these units or teams work together to achieve the goals and objectives of the department, under the guidance and leadership of the department chief.   The Kepeshkmolik clan also has a system of ranks and titles, which are used to denote the status and responsibilities of each clan member. The highest rank is the clan chief, followed by the members of the Council of Sages, then the department chiefs, and finally the members of the various departments and units.   Overall, the organizational structure of the Kepeshkmolik clan is designed to facilitate the pursuit of knowledge and the worship of Adohr, while also ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of the clan members.


The culture of the Kepeshkmolik clan is rooted in a profound respect for wisdom, learning, and the healing arts. This culture is a reflection of the values and beliefs of their ancient founder, Huldrassyt the Gifted One, and their patron deity, Adohr, the god of knowledge.   One of the defining features of the Kepeshkmolik clan's culture is their commitment to scholarship. The clan is known for their extensive libraries, archives, and schools, where they collect, preserve, and disseminate knowledge. Members of the clan spend their days studying ancient texts, conducting experiments, and engaging in intellectual debates, all in the pursuit of greater understanding and enlightenment. This commitment to learning is not limited to members of the clan; the Kepeshkmolik are also known for their charitable work, often providing education and training to those outside the clan who seek their knowledge.   The Kepeshkmolik clan also has a deep respect for the healing arts. They have developed a wide range of healing techniques and practices, many of which are unique to their clan. These practices include the use of herbs, potions, and magic, as well as more traditional forms of medicine. The clan's healers are highly skilled and are known for their ability to cure even the most severe ailments.   Another important aspect of the Kepeshkmolik culture is their worship of Adohr. The clan has built several temples and shrines dedicated to their patron deity, where they conduct regular religious ceremonies and rituals. These ceremonies are an integral part of the clan's culture and serve to reinforce their commitment to wisdom and learning.   The clan also has a rich tradition of storytelling and oral history. Elders pass down stories and legends from one generation to the next, ensuring that the clan's history and values are preserved. These stories often focus on the clan's great philosophers, teachers, and healers, as well as their battles and struggles.   Despite their scholarly nature, the members of the Kepeshkmolik clan are also skilled warriors, trained in the arts of combat to protect their stronghold and their precious knowledge. The clan has a proud military tradition and has fought in many battles over the years, always in the service of protecting their way of life and the values they hold dear.   Overall, the culture of the Kepeshkmolik clan is a unique blend of scholarship, healing, and martial prowess, rooted in the ancient teachings of Huldrassyt the Gifted One and the divine wisdom of Adohr. This culture is a testament to the clan's commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, the betterment of their community, and the preservation of their traditions for future generations.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Kepeshkmolik clan is centered around their commitment to scholarship, teaching, and healing, as well as their worship of Adohr, the god of knowledge. Their primary goal is to accumulate and disseminate knowledge in order to better understand the world around them and improve the lives of both their clan members and the wider community on the Isle of Skaven.   One of the main ways the Kepeshkmolik clan achieves this goal is by maintaining extensive libraries, archives, and schools, where they collect, preserve, and share knowledge. These institutions are open to both clan members and those outside the clan who seek their wisdom. The clan also engages in charitable work, providing education and training to those who would not otherwise have access to it.   In addition to their scholarly pursuits, the Kepeshkmolik clan is also dedicated to the healing arts. They have developed a wide range of healing techniques and practices, and their healers are highly skilled and respected. The clan provides healing services to those in need, regardless of their race or background.   Another important aspect of the Kepeshkmolik clan's public agenda is their worship of Adohr. They have built several temples and shrines dedicated to their patron deity and conduct regular religious ceremonies and rituals. These ceremonies are open to the public and serve to reinforce the clan's commitment to wisdom and learning.   The Kepeshkmolik clan also seeks to promote peace and harmony on the Isle of Skaven. They are known for their diplomatic skills and have played a key role in resolving conflicts and fostering cooperation among the different clans and communities on the island.   The public agenda of the Kepeshkmolik clan is focused on the pursuit of knowledge, the betterment of their community, and the promotion of peace and harmony. They strive to uphold the values and teachings of their ancient founder, Huldrassyt the Gifted One, and the wisdom of their patron deity, Adohr, in order to create a better future for themselves and for the Isle of Skaven.


The Kepeshkmolik clan has a vast array of assets that reflect its commitment to knowledge, healing, and scholarly pursuits. These assets are an integral part of the clan's culture and heritage, and they are utilized to achieve the clan's goals and uphold its values.   Vast Libraries:  The Kepeshkmolik clan boasts extensive libraries that house a collection of ancient books, scrolls, and manuscripts. These libraries are filled with texts on a wide range of subjects, from history and philosophy to science and magic. The libraries serve as a valuable resource for both the clan members and the wider community, and they are a testament to the clan's dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.   Ancient Vault: Within the stronghold of SableSage, there exists a highly secure ancient vault where the clan stores some of the rarest and most dangerous books ever written. These texts contain knowledge that is deemed too powerful or dangerous to be accessible to the public, and they are guarded around the clock by skilled warriors and protected by powerful magic.   Institutions of Learning and Healing: The Kepeshkmolik clan operates various institutions dedicated to learning and healing. These include schools, academies, and universities, where clan members and others can receive education and training in a wide range of subjects. The clan also runs hospitals and clinics, where their skilled healers provide medical care to those in need. These institutions are a vital part of the clan's public agenda and are instrumental in achieving its goals.   Magical College:  One of the clan's most significant assets is the magical college that it has founded. This college is dedicated to the study and practice of magic and is open to both clan members and those from outside the clan who wish to learn about the arcane arts. The college is staffed by skilled mages and sorcerers, and it offers a wide range of courses on various aspects of magic. The magical college is a reflection of the clan's commitment to knowledge and its desire to explore and understand the mysteries of the universe.   Overall, the assets of the Kepeshkmolik clan are a reflection of its values and heritage. They serve as the foundation for the clan's scholarly pursuits and are instrumental in achieving its goals. These assets are also a testament to the clan's commitment to the betterment of their community and the promotion of peace and harmony on the Isle of Skaven.


The Kepeshkmolik clan has a rich and storied history that spans thousands of years, tracing its origins back to the time of the ancient black chromatic dragon, Huldrassyt the Gifted One.   Founding of the Clan:   The clan was founded by Huldrassyt the Gifted One, who was renowned for her wisdom and intelligence. Huldrassyt had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and she dedicated her life to the pursuit of wisdom. Over time, she amassed a vast collection of books, scrolls, and manuscripts, which formed the foundation of the clan's libraries. Huldrassyt also trained a group of loyal followers in the arts of magic, healing, and combat, and they became the first members of the Kepeshkmolik clan. Huldrassyt's teachings were passed down from generation to generation, and they became the basis of the clan's culture and values.   Establishment of SableSage and Dragon Tooth Bay:   As the clan grew in size and power, they established a stronghold known as SableSage, which was located on the Isle of Skaven in Dragon Tooth Bay. The location was chosen for its strategic importance and natural beauty, with its towering cliffs and lush forests. Over time, SableSage became a center of learning and culture, attracting scholars and healers from across the island and beyond.   Development of the Libraries and the Ancient Vault:   The libraries of SableSage grew to be some of the most extensive in the world, housing a vast collection of texts on a wide range of subjects. The libraries were open to both clan members and outsiders, and they became a hub of intellectual activity. In order to protect some of the more dangerous texts, the clan established a highly secure ancient vault, where the rarest and most powerful books were stored under lock and guard.   Institutions of Learning and Healing:   The Kepeshkmolik clan also established various institutions dedicated to learning and healing. These included schools, academies, and universities, where clan members and others could receive education and training in a wide range of subjects. The clan also operated hospitals and clinics, where skilled healers provided medical care to those in need. These institutions were a vital part of the clan's public agenda and were instrumental in achieving its goals.   Founding of the Magical College:   One of the most significant developments in the clan's history was the founding of the magical college. This institution was dedicated to the study and practice of magic, and it was open to both clan members and outsiders. The college was staffed by skilled mages and sorcerers, and it offered a wide range of courses on various aspects of magic. The magical college was a reflection of the clan's commitment to knowledge and its desire to explore and understand the mysteries of the universe.   Worship of Adohr:   Throughout their history, the Kepeshkmolik clan has been devout followers of Adohr, the god of knowledge. They have built several temples and shrines dedicated to Adohr, where they conduct regular religious ceremonies and rituals. These ceremonies are an integral part of the clan's culture and serve to reinforce their commitment to wisdom and learning.   Military Conflicts and the Protection of Knowledge:   Despite their scholarly nature, the members of the Kepeshkmolik clan have also been skilled warriors, trained in the arts of combat to protect their stronghold and their precious knowledge. The clan has a proud military tradition and has fought in many battles over the years, always in the service of protecting their way of life and the values they hold dear.   Conclusion:   The history of the Kepeshkmolik clan is a testament to their commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, the betterment of their community, and the promotion of peace and harmony on the Isle of Skaven. They have played a key role in shaping the cultural and intellectual landscape of the island and have left an indelible mark on its history. As the clan looks to the future, they continue to uphold the values and traditions of their ancient founder, Huldrassyt the Gifted One, and strive to create a better future for themselves and for the Isle of Skaven.


The Kepeshkmolik clan is devout followers of Adohr, the god of knowledge. Adohr is a benevolent deity who values wisdom, learning, and the pursuit of understanding. The clan believes that by emulating Adohr's thirst for knowledge, they can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and improve the lives of both their members and the wider community.   The worship of Adohr is an integral part of the Kepeshkmolik clan's culture and plays a central role in their daily lives. The clan has built several temples and shrines dedicated to Adohr, where they conduct regular religious ceremonies and rituals. These ceremonies are led by a group of priests and priestesses who are trained in the religious teachings of Adohr and are responsible for maintaining the spiritual well-being of the clan.   The religious ceremonies conducted by the Kepeshkmolik clan are a mix of prayer, song, and dance, and they often involve the use of symbols and artifacts that are sacred to Adohr. During these ceremonies, the clan members give thanks to Adohr for the wisdom and knowledge they have received and ask for guidance and enlightenment in their future endeavors.   The teachings of Adohr also play a central role in the clan's educational system. The clan believes that by gaining knowledge and wisdom, they can better serve Adohr and fulfill their purpose in life. The teachings of Adohr are incorporated into the curriculum of the clan's schools, academies, and universities, and they are taught to all members of the clan from a young age.   In addition to their religious ceremonies and educational system, the Kepeshkmolik clan also follows a strict code of ethics that is based on the teachings of Adohr. This code emphasizes the importance of wisdom, integrity, and compassion, and it guides the clan's actions in all aspects of their lives.   Overall, the religion followed by the Kepeshkmolik clan is centered around the worship of Adohr, the god of knowledge, and is characterized by a deep respect for wisdom, learning, and the pursuit of understanding. This religion plays a central role in the clan's culture and is a guiding force in their daily lives.

"Sapientia est Potentia,"

The motto of the Kepeshkmolik clan, in keeping with their commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, "Sapientia est Potentia," which is Latin for "Knowledge is Power." This motto reflects the clan's belief that the acquisition of knowledge is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, and that through wisdom, they can achieve greatness and better serve their god Adohr, as well as the members of their clan and the wider community on the Isle of Skaven. It also serves as a reminder of the legacy of their founder, Huldrassyt the Gifted One, and the importance of continuing to uphold the values and traditions of the clan for future generations.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Controlled Territories
The symbol of the Kepeshkmolik clan is a stylized depiction of an open book with a dragon wrapped around it, symbolizing the clan's commitment to wisdom, knowledge, and scholarly pursuits. The book represents the clan's vast libraries and their dedication to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge, while the dragon is a nod to their ancestry and the ancient black chromatic dragon Huldrassyt the Gifted One, who founded the clan.   The symbol is a powerful reminder of the clan's heritage and values and serves as a source of pride and identity for its members. It is displayed prominently throughout the clan's stronghold of SableSage and is often emblazoned on the clan's banners, shields, and other items. The symbol is also used in the clan's religious ceremonies and rituals, where it serves as a reminder of their devotion to Adohr, the god of knowledge.


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