
Kohlir, the God/Goddess of Nature in Ostradin, is a powerful and enigmatic deity revered by druids, rangers, and all those who cherish the natural world. Kohlir is often depicted as a divine being that defies conventional gender distinctions, appearing as an androgynous figure that embodies the harmonious balance of life and death, creation and destruction, growth and decay. The deity's appearance is ever-changing, reflecting the constant transformations found in nature itself.   Clerics and followers of Kohlir are often found in remote and serene places where nature thrives. They work to protect and preserve the environment, promoting a sustainable and balanced coexistence with the natural world. They hold ceremonies and rituals in sacred groves, hidden glens, and pristine meadows.   Kohlir's worshippers are dedicated to maintaining the equilibrium of nature and are often tasked with protecting the wilderness from harm, whether it be from industrialization, deforestation, or supernatural threats to the natural order.   Kohlir is seen as a deity of serenity and wisdom, emphasizing balance and understanding. They are often regarded as a neutral deity, as they neither champion the forces of good nor evil but rather promote the harmonious coexistence of all things.   In the world of Ostradin, Kohlir, the God/Goddess of Nature, stands as a symbol of the interconnectedness and balance of all living things, guiding their followers in the eternal dance of life, death, and rebirth, and inspiring reverence for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Divine Domains

Kohlir presides over a wide array of domains and spheres of influence within Ostradin:   Nature: As the quintessential deity of the natural world, Kohlir's primary domain is nature itself. Kohlir governs over the forests, rivers, mountains, and the very land itself, ensuring the balance and vitality of all living things.   Life and Death: Kohlir has dominion over the cycle of life and death. They are responsible for the growth of new life and the peaceful passing of old life, emphasizing that death is a natural part of the cycle.   Animals and Plants: The God/Goddess of Nature oversees all creatures and flora of the natural world, granting protection and guidance to those who revere the animals and plants.   Seasons: Kohlir's influence extends to the changing of the seasons. They ensure that each season serves its purpose in the cycle of life and maintains a delicate equilibrium.   Balance: Kohlir embodies the concept of balance, teaching their followers to respect the interdependence of all things in nature and strive for harmony in their actions.


Kohlir's artifacts are often imbued with the essence of the natural world. They may include items like the "Heartwood Scepter," a staff that can control and nurture plant life, or the "Aegis of the Seasons," a magical shield that can harness the power of changing seasons for protection.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Seasons: This ancient tome chronicles the cycles of the seasons and their significance in the natural world. It describes the spiritual and practical aspects of each season and how they reflect Kohlir's influence on the world. The Codex of Seasons is often used in ceremonies and rituals to invoke the deity's blessings.   The Arborum Manuscripts: These scrolls contain a vast collection of knowledge about trees and plants, including their magical properties, medicinal uses, and symbolic meanings. The Arborum Manuscripts are consulted by herbalists, druids, and those seeking to deepen their connection with the plant kingdom.   The Songs of the Wild: This collection of hymns and songs is dedicated to celebrating the beauty and majesty of the natural world. It is often sung by worshippers during gatherings and ceremonies in sacred groves and wilderness settings to honor Kohlir and express gratitude for the wonders of nature.   The Oath of Balance: This sacred text outlines the vows and commitments that followers of Kohlir must take to uphold the balance and harmony of the natural world. It emphasizes principles such as respecting all life, protecting the land, and embracing the cycle of life and death.   The Wisdom of Kohlir's Whispers: These poetic verses and parables contain the deity's wisdom and teachings. They explore the interconnectedness of all living things and inspire reflection on one's role in the grand tapestry of nature.   The Leaves of Life: A collection of stories, myths, and legends that highlight the various avatars and manifestations of Kohlir throughout history. These tales serve to inspire and guide the faithful, illustrating the deity's influence on key events and individuals.   The Verdant Tome: An instructional guide on rituals, spells, and practices for druids and clerics devoted to Kohlir. It provides insights into harnessing the power of nature for healing, protection, and guidance.   The Treaty of the Wilderness: A treaty that outlines the responsibilities and agreements between the followers of Kohlir and the various creatures and spirits of the natural world. It serves as a code of conduct for interactions between humans and nature.   These holy books and texts contribute to the lore and mythology of Kohlir, offering a rich source of knowledge and inspiration for their followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kohlir's symbols are often representations of nature's beauty and balance. Common symbols include:   A Tree of Life: The image of a mighty tree with its roots deep in the earth and its branches reaching for the sky represents the interconnectedness of all living things.   A Circle: Circles and spirals signify the cyclical nature of life and death, the changing seasons, and the ongoing cycles of growth and decay.   A Shifting Leaf: A single leaf, ever-changing in color and form, symbolizes the dynamic and evolving nature of the world.

Tenets of Faith

Respect for All Life: Every living creature, from the tiniest insect to the mightiest dragon, has a place in the natural world. As followers, we must respect and protect all forms of life, promoting harmony and coexistence.   Balance and Harmony: Nature operates on a delicate balance. We must strive to maintain this equilibrium, recognizing that actions that disrupt it can lead to chaos and destruction.   Stewardship of the Land: We are caretakers of the earth and its resources. It is our duty to ensure the land remains healthy and fertile, conserving and protecting it from over-exploitation and harm.   Cycle of Life and Death: Death is a natural part of the cycle of life. We must acknowledge it with reverence and acceptance, understanding that it allows for new life to emerge.   Adaptation and Resilience: The natural world is ever-changing. Like the seasons, we must be adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges, embracing change as a part of life.   Communion with Nature: Regularly connect with the natural world to gain wisdom, guidance, and inspiration. Whether through meditation, ritual, or direct interaction, we find our purpose by aligning ourselves with nature.   Protection of Sacred Sites: Sacred groves, ancient forests, and other natural wonders are to be safeguarded. They serve as reminders of the divine beauty and power of the natural world.   Reverence for the Elements: Earth, air, fire, and water are the fundamental building blocks of nature. We should honor and respect them in all their forms.   Defend Against Defilers: Those who threaten or harm the natural world must be opposed. Stand as protectors of the wilderness, defending it against those who would exploit or desecrate it.   Sustainable Practices: Strive for sustainable living and practices, minimizing waste and harm to the environment. Seek alternatives that support the health of the land, water, and air.   Education and Enlightenment: Spread knowledge and understanding of the natural world. Enlighten others about the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of living in harmony with nature.   Aid and Healing: Offer assistance and healing to those in need, both to creatures of the wild and to fellow mortals who have lost their connection to nature.


Kohlir's Verdant Revelry   Date: The holiday of Kohlir's Verdant Revelry is typically celebrated the 26th of Aurelis, when nature awakens from its winter slumber, although it can also be observed at various times throughout the year depending on local climates and growing seasons.   Purpose: Kohlir's Verdant Revelry is a joyous celebration of nature's renewal and the goddess's influence on the world. It is a time for her followers to express gratitude for the beauty and abundance of the natural world and to recommit themselves to preserving its splendor.   Activities and Traditions:   Rituals in Sacred Groves: Followers of Kohlir gather in sacred groves or forest clearings to perform rituals and ceremonies. These may include prayers, offerings, and the singing of hymns dedicated to the goddess.   Planting and Harvesting: Depending on the local growing season, communities engage in collective planting or harvesting ceremonies. These actions symbolize their role as stewards of the land and their commitment to sustainable agriculture.   Feasting: A central part of Kohlir's Verdant Revelry is the communal feast, featuring dishes made from freshly harvested fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients. It's a time to savor the bounty of the earth.   Nature Walks and Hikes: Devotees often take nature walks, hikes, or meditative strolls through the wilderness. These excursions are an opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and reflect on Kohlir's teachings.   Music and Dance: Music and dance, performed in outdoor settings, are integral to the holiday. They celebrate the vibrancy of the natural world and express the joy and energy it provides.   Arts and Crafts: Artistic expressions, such as creating flower wreaths, painting landscapes, or crafting natural sculptures, are encouraged. They serve as a way to honor Kohlir's creative influence on the world.   Educational Workshops: Kohlir's Verdant Revelry often includes workshops and discussions about environmental conservation, sustainable living, and herbalism. This education aims to promote a deeper understanding of nature.   Prayers for Balance: A moment of reflection and prayer is observed to seek Kohlir's blessings in restoring and maintaining the balance of the natural world.   Acts of Kindness: Devotees are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and stewardship toward the environment, such as cleaning up litter, planting trees, or assisting in wildlife conservation efforts.   Holiday Significance: Kohlir's Verdant Revelry is a time to celebrate the ever-renewing cycle of life, growth, and rebirth in the natural world. It reinforces the connection between Kohlir's teachings and the actions of her followers in maintaining the sanctity and balance of nature.   By celebrating Kohlir's Verdant Revelry, her followers not only express their reverence for the goddess but also their commitment to preserving the beauty and vitality of the natural world, ensuring that it remains a thriving and harmonious force in their lives and in Ostradin.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Preservation of Natural Wonders: Kohlir seeks to protect and preserve the most remarkable and sacred aspects of the natural world. This goal includes safeguarding ancient forests, pristine rivers, and unique geological formations, ensuring they remain untouched by defilers and exploiters.   Restoration of Ravaged Lands: One of Kohlir's primary objectives is to restore lands that have been scarred by destructive forces, be they natural disasters, industrialization, or supernatural phenomena. Her followers work tirelessly to rehabilitate and revitalize these areas.   Promotion of Sustainable Living: Kohlir encourages her followers to live in harmony with nature and to promote sustainable practices. This goal includes spreading knowledge about eco-friendly living, reducing waste, and conserving resources.   Mitigation of Unnatural Imbalances: Kohlir strives to correct any unnatural imbalances or disruptions in the natural order, whether caused by magical interference, unnatural creatures, or malevolent forces. This goal encompasses restoring equilibrium to ecosystems and healing corrupted areas.   Protection of Endangered Species: The Goddess of Nature places great importance on protecting endangered or threatened species. Her followers work to safeguard these creatures and their habitats, striving to prevent their extinction.   Education and Enlightenment: Kohlir's divine goal includes spreading knowledge and understanding of the natural world. Her followers aim to enlighten others about the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of respecting and preserving the environment.   Restoration of Blighted Lands: Kohlir and her followers work to purify and restore lands that have been blighted by dark magic, necromantic energy, or other malevolent forces. They aim to cleanse these areas and return them to a state of natural vitality.   Promotion of Biodiversity: Kohlir's divine goal is to promote and celebrate biodiversity. Her followers strive to protect and encourage the rich tapestry of life, from the tiniest insects to the mightiest beasts.   Harmony with Elemental Forces: Kohlir seeks to maintain a harmonious relationship with the elemental forces of earth, air, fire, and water. Her followers work to appease these elements and ensure they remain in balance.   Defending Sacred Sites: Protecting sacred groves, natural wonders, and places of great power is a key goal. Kohlir's followers are often tasked with guarding these places from defilers and those who would exploit their magic or resources.   These divine goals align with the deity's core principles of balance, harmony, and respect for all life in the natural world. They guide Kohlir's followers in their efforts to preserve and protect the environment and maintain the sanctity of nature in Ostradin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kohlir's avatars take various forms, often resembling mythical creatures or natural phenomena. They may appear as a guardian spirit in the form of a majestic animal, a radiant tree, or even as an embodiment of the elements, such as a swirling tempest or a tranquil stream.
Divine Classification
Current Location
long, dark, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
100 lbs
Aligned Organization
The Awakening of the Verdant Guardian     Long ago, in a time when the land was marred by desolation and darkness, a powerful sorcerer known as Malachor sought to gain dominion over the natural world. Malachor was consumed by greed and sought to bend the elements to his will, causing widespread suffering among the land's creatures and people.   The forests withered, the rivers ran dry, and the very earth itself seemed to cry out in pain. It was a time of despair, and the people of the land turned to their deities for salvation. Among those who heard their pleas was Kohlir, the Goddess of Nature.   Kohlir, with her heart full of compassion for the suffering land, manifested herself in the form of the Verdant Guardian, a mighty being of immense power and grace. This guardian was an embodiment of the elements and the beauty of the natural world.   With an aura of lush greenery and a presence that radiated serenity, the Verdant Guardian rose from the earth, its footsteps causing flowers to bloom and streams to flow. It strode toward Malachor's dark citadel, which had become a twisted reflection of nature's beauty, corrupted by his dark magic.   A great battle ensued, with the Verdant Guardian wielding the forces of nature against Malachor's unnatural powers. Thunderstorms raged, vines ensnared, and great fires burned, each element a testament to Kohlir's might. As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Verdant Guardian was a force of harmony and restoration, while Malachor's dark magic was a violation of the natural order.   In the end, the Verdant Guardian prevailed, not through destructive force, but through the power of renewal and growth. The corrupted citadel crumbled, and Malachor's malevolent reign came to an end. The land began to heal, as the rivers flowed once more, the forests flourished, and the skies cleared.   Before departing, the Verdant Guardian bestowed a sacred blessing upon the land, ensuring its ongoing protection and vitality. The people and creatures of the land gathered to express their gratitude, and from that day forward, they vowed to protect and cherish the natural world as a gift from Kohlir.   This legend serves as a testament to Kohlir's role as a guardian of nature and a force for balance and harmony. It inspires her followers to stand as stewards of the natural world, protecting it from those who would exploit or harm it, and celebrating its beauty and resilience in the face of adversity.


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