
Korgan, the first king of the dwarven clans and the revered founder of Durgrimst Ingetium, stands as a legendary figure in the annals of dwarven history. His story is steeped in myth and lore, passed down through the generations as an inspirational tale of dedication, craftsmanship, and unwavering faith in Perturabo, the god of the forge. Korgan's legacy is intrinsically linked to the awe-inspiring subterranean city of Farthen Dur, a marvel of engineering and architecture that has left a lasting mark on the dwarven people.   Legacy: Korgan's most enduring achievement was the founding of Durgrimst Ingetium, a coalition of dwarven families united under a single banner. This union was not forged through conquest or coercion but rather through the power of his vision and charisma, as well as his unwavering commitment to the principles of dwarven culture. Durgrimst Ingetium brought together the diverse talents and expertise of the dwarven families, forming an alliance that would prove invaluable in the centuries to come.   Korgan's most ambitious undertaking was the construction of Farthen Dur, a subterranean city of unparalleled grandeur and magnificence. Carved deep into the heart of the earth, this city was a testament to dwarven engineering prowess and devotion to Perturabo. Its architecture was a marvel, featuring towering stone pillars, intricately adorned halls, and vast forges that never ceased to blaze. Korgan's belief was that every hammer strike, every smith's anvil, and every stone placed in Farthen Dur was an act of devotion to the god of the forge. This unwavering faith imbued the city with a unique aura, believed to bless the dwarven inhabitants with great craftsmanship and resilience.   Farthen Dur became the jewel of Dwarven culture and the seat of the high king of the dwarves, a city of both spiritual and practical significance. It served as a center for trade, a hub for technological innovation, and a sacred place for the dwarven people to pay homage to Perturabo. To this day, Farthen Dur remains a symbol of Korgan's legacy, and his memory is honored through the continued reverence of Perturabo and the dedication of dwarves to their craft.   Korgan's reign as the first king of the dwarven clans and his founding of Durgrimst Ingetium, as well as the construction of Farthen Dur, continue to inspire generations of dwarves. His unwavering faith, commitment to craftsmanship, and ability to unite his people under a common banner have left an indelible mark on dwarven history, making him a hero and a symbol of the enduring strength of the dwarven race.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Korgan was a dwarf of considerable stature, even among his own kind. His beard, a rich, deep mahogany, cascaded down to his feet in intricate braids and was adorned with precious gemstones and intricate metalwork. His eyes were a striking shade of emerald green, reflecting a profound sense of wisdom and determination. Korgan's hands, calloused from a lifetime of labor, were his most prized tools, capable of crafting the most intricate works of art and the most formidable weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Korgan was known for his unwavering dedication to the dwarven way of life, a stern and disciplined ruler who valued hard work, craftsmanship, and the guidance of Perturabo above all else. He was a stoic, yet compassionate leader who sought the prosperity of his people above personal gain. Korgan's faith in the god of the forge was unmatched, and he was often found in deep meditation, communing with the divine and seeking inspiration for the grand undertakings he had in mind.
Emerald Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Forging of the Star Anvil:     Long ago, in the early days of Korgan's reign, the dwarven clans were scattered and divided. Each clan pursued its own ambitions, and there was strife and discord among them. The dwarven people lacked a unifying force, and their craft suffered as a result.   Korgan, a devout follower of Perturabo, witnessed the disarray and recognized the need to unite his people under a common purpose. He sought a way to forge an unbreakable bond among the clans and to honor the god of the forge in the grandest possible manner.   One day, Korgan embarked on a perilous journey to the heart of the deepest mountain. There, he discovered an immense, uncut diamond, a symbol of purity and strength. This precious gem glittered like pure starlight in the darkness, believed to be a gift from Perturabo himself, was said to possess the power to grant eternal resilience and unbreakable resolve to the dwarven race.   Korgan, with unwavering determination, decided to forge an anvil from this diamond, one that would become a sacred artifact and the centerpiece of the grandest forge in Farthen Dur. The process of shaping the diamond into an anvil was arduous and required immense skill. Korgan, with the assistance of the most skilled dwarf blacksmiths from various clans, toiled day and night.   Legend has it that the forging took an entire year, during which the hammer strikes echoed through the depths of the mountain, resonating with the fervent prayers to Perturabo. As the final blow fell, the diamond yielded, forming the Star Anvil, an artifact that was believed to be a direct conduit to the divine realm of Perturabo.   The creation of the Star Anvil marked a turning point in dwarven history. With the anvil's presence in Farthen Dur, all of the clans were united, and their devotion to the god of the forge was unwavering. Craftsmen flocked to the city, forging the finest weapons, armor, and treasures known to dwarfkind.   The Star Anvil became the symbol of unity and strength for the dwarves, and it was said that any object forged upon it would carry the blessings of Perturabo, ensuring its strength and durability. Korgan's legend as the unifier and the founder of Durgrimst Ingetium was forever cemented, and the dwarven people still believe that the Star Anvil exists, hidden deep within the heart of Farthen Dur, a testament to the enduring legacy of Korgan and their unyielding faith in Perturabo.


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