
Oteus's origin is shrouded in mystery, much like the realm over which he holds dominion. According to Ostradin's mythology, he is said to have been born from the primordial void, a place where the energies of life and death first converged. Some believe he was the first sentient being to experience the concept of death, which led to his ascension to godhood. His creation myth varies from culture to culture within the world of Ostradin, making him a deity with a complex and enigmatic backstory.   The worship of Oteus varies across Ostradin's cultures. Some view him as a terrifying and relentless deity, while others revere him as a necessary part of the natural cycle. Clerics and followers of Oteus often wear dark robes, and they may conduct rituals that involve the lighting of candles or incense, as well as the recitation of prayers to seek his favor. Temples dedicated to Oteus are typically solemn and dimly lit, with intricate mosaics or statues depicting the God of Death in all his enigmatic glory.   In the world of Ostradin, Oteus, the God of Death, is a deity who embodies the profound mysteries and inexorable truths of mortality. His presence looms over the world, ensuring the transition from life to death is a harmonious and balanced process. Whether feared or revered, Oteus's influence is felt by all, shaping the beliefs and cultures of those who dwell in this fantastical realm.

Divine Domains

Oteus's primary domain is death, which encompasses not only the end of mortal life but also the passage of souls to the afterlife. He oversees a wide range of responsibilities, including:   Soul Reaping: Oteus is the ultimate reaper of souls, ensuring that each departing soul finds its rightful place in the afterlife.   The Underworld: He rules over the vast realm known as the "Voided Abyss," the afterlife where souls find their eternal rest. This realm is a reflection of his own enigmatic nature, with dark landscapes, astral forests, and starlit lakes.   Balance of Life and Death: Oteus is tasked with maintaining the delicate equilibrium between life and death in Ostradin. He ensures that no force overextends its reach to tip the balance.   Guidance of Lost Souls: Oteus is both a judge and a guide for the souls that arrive in his realm. He helps lost souls find their path to their final destination, be it a serene paradise or a realm of eternal torment.


Scythe of Eternity: Oteus's most iconic artifact is the "Scythe of Eternity." This obsidian-bladed weapon is both a symbol of his power and the tool he uses to harvest mortal souls. It is said to be able to cut the very threads of life, severing a soul's connection to the mortal realm. The Scythe of Eternity is a revered relic and is often depicted in religious art, and it might even be used in sacred rituals by his clergy.   Shroud of Shadowfall: This dark, flowing robe is associated with Oteus and is said to be woven from the fabric of the cosmos itself. The Shroud of Shadowfall grants its wearer a deep connection to the domain of death, allowing them to see into the ethereal plane, communicate with spirits, and gain protection against negative energies. It is a symbol of Oteus's favor and is worn by his high priests and champions.   Tome of Souls: The Tome of Souls is a mysterious and ancient book containing the records of every soul that has ever passed through the hands of Oteus. It is a repository of knowledge on the afterlife, the balance of life and death, and the fates of individuals. This artifact is guarded zealously in Oteus's most sacred temples, and it is only accessed by the highest-ranking priests. It is believed that reading the Tome can grant insight into the destinies of individuals.   Orb of the Void: This polished, obsidian sphere is a divination tool used by Oteus's clergy to communicate with the deity and seek guidance on matters related to death and the afterlife. Gazing into the Orb of the Void is said to reveal visions of the souls passing through Oteus's realm and can provide answers to important questions regarding mortality and the cosmic order.   Amulet of Final Passage: This amulet is worn by those who venture into dangerous situations, seeking to guide the souls of the deceased safely to the afterlife. It is said to protect the wearer from malevolent spirits and negative forces, ensuring they fulfill their sacred duty to Oteus. The Amulet of Final Passage is a symbol of the clergy's role in helping souls find their way in the world beyond.   Eternal Candle: The Eternal Candle is a mystical, unquenchable flame that represents the eternal light that Oteus offers to the souls in his care. It is often lit in temples, shrines, and during funerary rituals to symbolize the hope and guidance that Oteus provides to the departed. This artifact is believed to bring peace to those who mourn the loss of a loved one.   These artifacts not only serve as powerful relics associated with Oteus but also play integral roles in the religious practices and rituals of his followers. They symbolize the deity's dominion over death, the transition to the afterlife, and the eternal cycle of life and death in the world of Ostradin.

Holy Books & Codes

The "Book of Eternity": This is the central and most revered holy book in the faith of Oteus. The "Book of Eternity" contains the deity's teachings on the nature of death, the afterlife, and the cosmic balance between life and death. It includes parables and stories that illustrate the importance of Oteus's role and the significance of mortality in the world of Ostradin. This book serves as a guide for his clergy and a source of spiritual insight for his followers.   The "Scroll of Passage": The "Scroll of Passage" is a practical and ritualistic text that outlines the proper procedures for guiding souls to the afterlife. It provides step-by-step instructions for conducting funerary rites and ensuring that the deceased's soul finds its rightful place in the realm of Oteus. It also contains prayers and invocations used to seek Oteus's guidance and protection.   The "Codex of Souls": The "Codex of Souls" is a compendium of the recorded destinies of individuals and their experiences in the afterlife. It serves as both a historical record and a source of inspiration for the faithful. The book includes stories of those who have lived virtuous lives and those who have faced the consequences of their actions in the afterlife, emphasizing Oteus's role as a fair and just deity.   The "Labyrinthine Scripture": This mystical text delves into the deeper metaphysical aspects of Oteus's realm and the mysteries of death and rebirth. It contains philosophical and spiritual teachings about the cyclical nature of existence, the interconnectedness of all souls, and the ultimate purpose of the cosmos. It is often studied by scholars and theologians within the faith.   The "Book of Shadows and Stars": This book is a collection of poetry and hymns dedicated to Oteus. It is filled with lyrical prose that describes the deity's enigmatic nature, the beauty of the afterlife, and the cosmic dance between light and darkness. It is often used in religious ceremonies, providing a poetic connection to Oteus's realm.   The "Chronicle of Reapers": This historical text documents the lives and deeds of Oteus's most revered clergy and champions throughout the ages. It tells the stories of those who have served the God of Death with distinction and have played pivotal roles in ensuring the proper passage of souls to the afterlife.   These holy books, along with other associated scriptures and teachings, are considered sacred and central to the faith of Oteus. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the deity, his role in the world, and the rituals and beliefs that guide his followers in their relationship with death and the afterlife.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Obsidian Scythe: The Scythe of Eternity, Oteus's primary tool for reaping souls, is a potent symbol of the god. Its dark, curved blade is often depicted alone or wielded by a shadowy, robed figure, representing Oteus himself. This symbol signifies Oteus's role as the ultimate reaper of mortal souls and the transition from life to death.   White Eyes: Oteus is often represented by his distinctive, piercing white eyes, which burn with an otherworldly luminescence. These eyes are often depicted on their own, gazing out from the shadows, and serve as a symbol of Oteus's watchful presence and his ability to see the souls of the departed.   The Spiral Hourglass: The Spiral Hourglass is a unique and intricate symbol that combines the imagery of an hourglass with a spiraling, cosmic design. It represents the cyclical nature of life and death, as well as the eternal passage of time. The sand or energy within the hourglass flows endlessly, symbolizing the never-ending journey of souls through Oteus's realm.   The Veiled Face: Oteus is often depicted with a veiled or shrouded face, highlighting his enigmatic and mysterious nature. The veil symbolizes the boundary between the mortal realm and the afterlife, and it signifies the separation of the living from the deceased.   The Starry Mantle: This symbol represents the vast and starlit expanse of Oteus's realm, the Voided Abyss, where souls find their eternal rest. The night sky, filled with stars, is a visual metaphor for the afterlife. The Starry Mantle symbolizes the beauty and serenity found in the cosmic landscapes of Oteus's realm.   The Black Lotus: The black lotus flower is associated with death and rebirth in the faith of Oteus. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the idea that death is not the end but rather a transition to a new beginning. The black lotus serves as a reminder that death is a natural part of the cosmic order.   These divine symbols of Oteus, whether used individually or in combination, are deeply meaningful to his followers and are incorporated into religious iconography, ceremonies, and artifacts throughout Ostradin. They help convey the complex and profound aspects of Oteus's role as the God of Death and the guardian of the souls in his care.

Tenets of Faith

Respect for the Cycle: Recognize and respect the natural cycle of life and death. Understand that death is not the end but a transition to the next phase of existence. Embrace the beauty and significance of mortality in the cosmic order.   The Sanctity of Souls: Honor the sanctity of each individual soul. Every soul is unique and deserving of its own place in the afterlife. Do not interfere with the journey of others' souls, for they are under the watchful eye of Oteus.   Embrace Transience: Embrace the impermanence of mortal life. Cherish the moments and experiences of the living, for they are fleeting. Live each day as if it were your last, and find meaning in the ephemerality of existence.   Balancing Act: Understand the importance of the balance between life and death. Seek to maintain this equilibrium, preventing any force from upsetting it. Strive to ensure that no one disrupts the harmony of existence.   Guidance in Grief: Offer solace and guidance to those who mourn. As followers of Oteus, provide support and compassion to those who have lost loved ones. Assist them in their journey through grief, helping them find comfort in the knowledge that their departed have found peace.   Duty to the Departed: Recognize your duty to guide the souls of the departed. When called upon, assist in ensuring that the souls of the deceased find their way to the afterlife. Perform funerary rites with reverence and care.   Reflection on Mortality: Engage in introspection and meditation on the nature of mortality and the afterlife. Seek to gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of Oteus's realm and the cosmic order. This self-reflection can lead to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.   Unity in Diversity: Embrace the diversity of belief systems and cultures in the world of Ostradin. Recognize that Oteus's influence is felt in many ways and is perceived differently by various communities. Tolerate and respect these differences.   Guardians of the Cosmic Balance: Understand that, as followers of Oteus, you are guardians of the cosmic balance. Work to maintain this balance not only in matters related to life and death but also in personal actions, striving for fairness and justice in your daily life.   Harmony with Nature: Recognize the interconnectedness of life and death with the natural world. Respect the environment and strive to live in harmony with nature. Understand that all things have their place in the cycle of existence.   These tenets of faith associated with Oteus encourage his followers to approach life and death with reverence and mindfulness. They emphasize the importance of balance, compassion, and understanding in a world where Oteus plays a central role in the cosmic order.


Eternity's Embrace: The Festival of Reflection   Date: Eternity's Embrace is normally celebrated on the 13th of Hallowshade, marking the turning of seasons symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and death.    Themes and Observances:   Commemoration of the Departed: Eternity's Embrace is a day dedicated to remembering and honoring those who have passed away. People gather at cemeteries, memorial sites, and sacred groves to pay their respects to their ancestors and loved ones. They might light candles, offer flowers, and recite prayers.   Reflection on Mortality: The holiday encourages introspection on the transient nature of life. Many people take time to reflect on their own mortality, the impermanence of existence, and the importance of making the most of the time they have.   Ceremonies and Rituals: Religious ceremonies are held in temples and shrines dedicated to Oteus. Clergy and priests lead prayers and rituals, invoking Oteus's guidance and protection for the living and the souls of the departed. It's a time to seek solace and spiritual connection.   Community Gatherings: Families and communities come together for shared meals and gatherings, strengthening bonds and providing support to those who may be mourning. It's a time for communal support and healing.   Art and Music: Artistic expressions, such as poetry, music, and visual art, are created to evoke the themes of life and death. These artworks may be displayed in public spaces and galleries for all to appreciate.   Lantern Lighting: At nightfall, lanterns are lit and released into the night sky or set adrift on bodies of water. This practice symbolizes the souls' journey into the afterlife and serves as a gesture of remembrance and release.   Costumes and Symbols: Some people may choose to wear dark robes or veils, similar to Oteus's own attire, as a sign of their reverence for the God of Death. Symbols associated with Oteus, such as the Scythe of Eternity or the Spiral Hourglass, might be incorporated into clothing and decorations.   Charity and Almsgiving: On Eternity's Embrace, it's common to engage in acts of charity and support for the less fortunate. This represents a recognition of the interconnectedness of life and the importance of kindness in the face of mortality.   Eternity's Embrace, while a solemn occasion, also provides an opportunity for individuals and communities to find comfort in the traditions and teachings associated with Oteus. It's a day of reflection, remembrance, and a celebration of the beauty and meaning found in the cycle of life and death.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maintaining Cosmic Balance: Oteus's primary goal is to ensure the delicate balance between life and death remains undisturbed. He works tirelessly to prevent any force, mortal or divine, from upsetting this equilibrium, as an imbalance can have catastrophic consequences for the world of Ostradin.   Guiding Souls to the Afterlife: Oteus's duty is to guide the souls of the departed to their rightful place in the afterlife. He seeks to provide a safe and peaceful passage for all souls, helping them find their eternal rest or face their judgment based on their deeds in life.   Fostering Understanding of Mortality: Oteus aims to foster a deep understanding of mortality among mortals. He seeks to make them appreciate the value of life by reminding them of its transience, encouraging them to seize the opportunity to make their lives meaningful.   Justice in the Afterlife: Oteus's divine goal includes ensuring that justice is served in the afterlife. He judges the deeds of the deceased impartially, ensuring that those who have led virtuous lives find their reward and those who have caused harm are held accountable.   Protecting the Realm of the Dead: Oteus is the guardian of the realm of the dead, the Voided Abyss. His goal is to protect this realm from threats and maintain its integrity. The realm serves as the final resting place for countless souls, and Oteus works to keep it serene and harmonious.   Inspiring Reverence and Reflection: Oteus hopes to inspire reverence and reflection on the nature of life and death among his followers and all mortals. He aims to encourage introspection and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence, helping individuals find meaning in their own mortality.   Preserving the Soul's Journey: Oteus seeks to ensure that the journey of every soul is preserved and respected. He prevents malevolent forces from interfering with the passage of souls and strives to guarantee that every soul finds its proper destination.   Unity Among Deities: Oteus's goal is to maintain cooperation and balance among the deities of the pantheon. He works to prevent conflicts that could disrupt the cosmic order and strives to find common ground and harmony among the gods.   Promoting Respect for Mortality: Oteus hopes to cultivate a culture of respect for mortality, where individuals recognize the significance of the end of life and approach death with dignity and grace. He aims to discourage fear and superstition surrounding death.   Offering Solace to the Mourning: One of Oteus's goals is to provide solace to those who mourn the loss of loved ones. He aims to bring comfort and guidance to those who grieve, helping them find peace in the knowledge that their departed have found their place in the afterlife.   These divine goals of Oteus reflect his essential role in Ostradin's pantheon and the profound impact he has on the world's cosmology. They underline his dedication to maintaining the balance of life and death and guiding the souls of the departed on their spiritual journeys.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oteus is often depicted as a tall and regal figure, draped in flowing, pitch-black robes that seem to meld seamlessly into the surrounding darkness. His face remains perpetually veiled, leaving his true visage unknown. Instead, his hood casts a deep shadow, emphasizing the gleam of his piercing, white eyes that burn with an otherworldly luminescence. His skeletal hand, exposed from the folds of his robe, is said to hold a scythe of cosmic obsidian, the instrument through which he reaps souls. The essence of his being is a shifting miasma of shadows and starlight, giving him an ethereal and unsettling presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oteus is an enigmatic and inscrutable deity, often described as impassive and aloof. He is both feared and respected by the other gods in the Ostradin pantheon, as his role in the cosmic order is essential. Despite his distant demeanor, he is known for his sense of justice and fairness, ensuring that every soul is judged impartially and sent to its rightful place in the afterlife. Oteus's actions are guided by a profound and mysterious wisdom that is difficult for mortals to comprehend.
Current Location
raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
The Legend of Mortalis and the First Death:
In the age before time as we know it, Ostradin was a realm of eternal twilight, where only the gods and primordial beings existed. There was no concept of mortality, and all creatures were immortal, untouched by the passage of time. The world thrived in a perpetual state of life, which gradually grew stagnant.   In this age, Oteus, the God of Death, had not yet ascended to his divine role. He was a solitary, shadowy figure, dwelling in the dark corners of existence, consumed by a deep curiosity about the unknown. Oteus pondered the nature of existence, wondering if there was more to life than just eternal sameness.   Oteus yearned to introduce mortality to the world, believing that the presence of death would infuse life with meaning and urgency. He ventured to the primordial void, where he harnessed the very essence of death itself, and with a stroke of his obsidian scythe, he shaped it into a fragile, mortal being. This first mortal was named Mortalis, a creature composed of flesh and blood, susceptible to the ravages of time.   As Mortalis took his first breath, he became the embodiment of vulnerability, experiencing life with a passion and intensity previously unknown in Ostradin. But with life came death, and as Mortalis aged, he eventually reached the end of his days. Oteus, the newly ascended God of Death, came to Mortalis's bedside, his white eyes filled with a mix of sadness and reassurance.   Oteus guided Mortalis's soul into the afterlife, revealing the realms beyond the mortal coil. Mortalis, in his final moments, saw the beauty in the cycle of life and death, understanding that one gave meaning to the other. This revelation marked the first death in Ostradin's history, a pivotal moment that changed the world forever.   The legend of Mortalis and the first death serves as a reminder of Oteus's profound wisdom and his role in the cosmic balance. It is a tale that emphasizes the importance of mortality and how it infuses the world with purpose, while also acknowledging the beauty and necessity of Oteus's work in guiding souls to their ultimate destinies. This myth is often retold during funerals and ceremonies that honor Oteus and the cycle of life and death in Ostradin.


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