
Qywarare: The God of Trickery in Ostradin In the vibrant and complex pantheon of deities within the world of Ostradin, Qywarare stands as the enigmatic and mischievous deity of trickery and cunning. Qywarare's domain is that of clever subterfuge, capricious whimsy, and a deep-seated love for the art of deception. This god's worshippers come from all walks of life, from thieves and rogues to clever scholars and entertainers, drawn to the allure of clever schemes, playful riddles, and unexpected twists of fate.   Qywarare embodies the dual nature of trickery. This deity is known for their playfulness, love of pranks, and their keen sense of humor. Yet, beneath this lighthearted exterior, there is a darker, more cunning aspect that revels in the art of manipulation and deceit. Qywarare is a god who delights in challenging norms, exposing hypocrisy, and keeping the world on its toes with unpredictable twists. The god is famously difficult to pin down, and their motivations remain shrouded in mystery.   Worshippers of Qywarare come from all walks of life, but they share a common love for the unexpected and the thrill of outsmarting others. They may include thieves, spies, bards, and anyone who relies on wit and cunning to navigate the world. Qywarare's clergy is known for their elaborate masquerades, riddling contests, and cryptic rituals. Temples to Qywarare are filled with illusionary traps, hidden chambers, and secret doors, emphasizing the god's playful and unpredictable nature.   Qywarare, the God of Trickery, embodies the wild, unpredictable spirit of cunning and mischief in Ostradin's multiverse. Whether one seeks to navigate the intricate webs of deceit or simply yearns for a good laugh, Qywarare's influence and unpredictable nature leave an indelible mark on the world of Ostradin.

Divine Domains

Deception: Qywarare grants their followers the ability to deceive others with unparalleled skill. This includes the use of illusions, disguises, and clever ruses. Cunning: Those who worship Qywarare gain a heightened sense of insight and intelligence, allowing them to outwit opponents and uncover hidden truths.   Change: Qywarare embodies the concept of constant transformation, granting powers related to shape-shifting, adaptability, and the unexpected.   Luck: Qywarare's capricious nature means that fortune often smiles upon their followers, providing luck when it's least expected.   Chaos: The god of trickery also represents chaos, and their followers have the power to sow discord, create confusion, and embrace unpredictability.


Qywarare's Gem of Deception: This multifaceted gemstone appears as a flawless, dazzling gem of many colors. When held by a skilled trickster, it grants the power of perfect illusion. The wielder can create intricate, lifelike illusions, disguise their true form, or deceive their enemies with a mere thought. However, the gem is known to change its appearance and powers periodically, keeping the user on their toes.   Mask of the Everchanging Trickster: This ornate mask, carved with enigmatic symbols and shimmering with various hues, allows the wearer to change their appearance at will. It grants the ability to seamlessly adopt any identity and voice, making it a powerful tool for espionage, disguise, and infiltration. But it's said that the mask has a mind of its own, and it may sometimes take control, forcing its wearer into unpredictable and mischievous situations.   Qywarare's Deck of Capricious Fortune: This deck of cards is both a powerful divination tool and a trickster's delight. Each card, when drawn, foretells a different fate or bestows a unique ability, ranging from incredible luck to bizarre curses. The cards have a habit of reshuffling themselves, and some say that they are imbued with Qywarare's own sense of humor, leading to unexpected and sometimes absurd results.   Qywarare's Trickster's Coin: This enchanted coin can grant its holder incredible luck or incredible misfortune, depending on a coin toss. It appears to have a mischievous intelligence of its own and may manipulate events to create both entertaining and perplexing situations.

Holy Books & Codes

The "Labyrinth of Illusions": This sacred tome is a compilation of riddles, puzzles, and enigmatic stories that challenge the reader's perception of reality. It encourages followers to question the world around them and to embrace the ever-shifting nature of truth and deception.   The "Mirror of Deception": A book filled with paradoxes and philosophical musings, the "Mirror of Deception" explores the dualities of life and encourages readers to see the world from multiple perspectives. It teaches that reality is often a reflection of one's own perceptions.   "The Prankster's Parables": A collection of stories, fables, and anecdotes that highlight the clever and often humorous ways in which Qywarare interacts with mortals and other deities. These parables offer moral lessons about wit, adaptability, and challenging the status quo.   The "Book of Masks": A guide to disguise and illusion magic, this book details the art of changing one's appearance and adopting different personas. It teaches followers how to use masks, both literal and metaphorical, to navigate the complexities of life.   The "Codex of Capricious Fortune": This scripture delves into the concept of luck and fate, exploring how one can manipulate their own destiny and make their own luck. It emphasizes that fortune favors the bold and the cunning.   The "Jester's Journal": Filled with jokes, pranks, and humorous anecdotes, this book serves as a source of entertainment and inspiration. It encourages followers to find joy in the playful and unexpected aspects of life.   The "Book of Paradoxical Truths": A philosophical work that explores the nature of reality and how it can be manipulated by perception and belief. It emphasizes the idea that truth is often layered and elusive.   The "Chaos Codex": A text that celebrates the unpredictable and chaotic aspects of existence. It teaches that order and structure are merely temporary illusions and that embracing chaos can lead to greater understanding and enlightenment.   The "Riddler's Scriptures": A collection of complex riddles, puzzles, and conundrums that challenge the intellect of the reader. It encourages followers to constantly seek knowledge, question assumptions, and think outside the box.   These holy books and scriptures would be revered by followers of Qywarare and serve as sources of guidance and inspiration, helping them navigate the intricate web of trickery, cunning, and adaptability that defines their faith.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Multifaceted Gemstone: A multi-colored, multifaceted gemstone is the primary symbol of Qywarare. This gemstone represents the many layers of deceit and surprise that underlie the god's portfolio. It's a sparkling, ever-shifting gem that reflects the ever-changing nature of trickery.   Twisted Ribbon or Rope: A twisted ribbon or rope symbolizes the interplay of deceptions and the tangled webs woven by the god of trickery. It is often depicted with a knot that seems to untangle and re-tangle on its own, symbolizing the god's unpredictable nature.   Mask of Many Faces: The mask, often adorned with intricate patterns or ever-changing expressions, represents Qywarare's mastery of disguise and illusion. The mask can be depicted as if it's in the process of changing from one expression to another.   Infinite Loop or Moebius Strip: An infinite loop, like a Moebius strip, represents the cyclical and ever-changing nature of deception and unpredictability. This symbol highlights the concept that nothing is as it seems and that reality is a continuous loop of surprises.   Winking Eye: The winking eye is a subtle yet effective symbol, representing Qywarare's playful and mischievous nature. It suggests that the god is always watching and ready to impart their capricious influence.   Harlequin's Cap with Bells: A harlequin's cap, adorned with jingling bells, symbolizes the god's love for mirth and levity. The bells can represent the laughter and joy associated with the deity's pranks and riddles.   Chaos Star: A star with irregular, asymmetric points symbolizes the god's association with chaos and unpredictability. It's a visual representation of the god's influence in bringing chaos to the order.   Ever-shifting Maze: A maze that continuously rearranges itself, forming new paths and dead ends, represents the labyrinthine nature of Qywarare's teachings and the need for adaptability and cleverness to navigate life's twists and turns.   Casting Dice or Coins: Dice or coins in mid-toss can symbolize the unpredictability of luck and the ever-changing nature of fortune. The symbol conveys that sometimes you have to take risks and embrace chance to achieve your goals.   Jester's Scepter or Wand: A scepter or wand with a jester's cap at the top is a symbol of the god's authority and their playful demeanor. It represents the balance between wit and wisdom.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Unpredictable: Followers of Qywarare are encouraged to relish the unpredictability of life. They believe that every twist of fate, every unexpected turn, and every surprise is a gift from their god. They should be adaptable and ready to roll with the changes.   Mastery of Deception: Worshippers are expected to hone their skills in deceit, illusion, and misdirection. They should become masters of disguise, illusion magic, and the art of convincing falsehoods. Truth is a tool, and deception is a weapon.   Challenge the Norms: Qywarare's faithful believe that society's rules and expectations are meant to be challenged. They should expose hypocrisy, question authority, and inspire others to see the world through a different lens. Stagnation is the enemy of the trickster.   Favor the Prank: Practical jokes and harmless pranks are sacred expressions of worship. Followers should find delight in playfully teasing others and spreading laughter, so long as no harm is done.   Adapt and Overcome: Life's challenges are to be met with wit and creativity. Followers of Qywarare are encouraged to find unconventional solutions to problems and to use their cunning to navigate adversity.   Mirth and Merriment: Joy and laughter are central to the faith of the trickster god. Followers should revel in moments of levity and delight, and they should strive to bring joy to others through their actions and humor.   Balanced Mischief: While trickery is celebrated, it should never cross the line into malevolence. Followers should avoid causing harm, both physical and emotional, to others. The goal is not cruelty but rather the fostering of a sense of wonder and surprise.   Eternal Adaptability: Change is a constant, and Qywarare's faithful should be ever-adaptable. They should never become complacent or overly attached to a particular way of life, for it is in the chaos of change that the trickster god thrives.   Reveal the Hidden: Seek out the truths that remain concealed, and expose secrets that need to be revealed. Whether through clever investigation or cunning manipulation, uncovering the hidden is a sacred task.   Weave Your Own Fate: The followers of Qywarare believe in self-determination. They should strive to be the architects of their own destinies, using their wits and guile to shape their lives as they see fit.


"Festival of Pranks and Revelry"   Date: The Festival of Pranks and Revelry would typically be celebrated on the first day of Faewind, as it symbolizes renewal or change.    Purpose: This holiday is a time for worshippers of Qywarare to come together to celebrate the god's influence on their lives and the world. It serves as an opportunity to embrace the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of existence while promoting joy and laughter.   Activities:   Costume Parades: Participants wear elaborate costumes, often reflecting Qywarare's ever-changing nature. They may include masks, illusions, and outfits that transform as the wearer moves.   Prank Competitions: Festivals often feature competitions for the best, most creative pranks and tricks. Participants aim to outwit and amuse each other without causing harm.   Riddling Contests: Followers of Qywarare engage in contests of wit and riddles, challenging each other with puzzles and brain-teasers. Prizes go to those who can provide the most clever and unexpected solutions.   Maze Races: Maze races are organized to test participants' adaptability and cunning. These mazes are designed to change and shift, challenging participants to find their way to the center and back out again.   Illusion Displays: Magicians and illusionists perform shows that leave the audience bewildered and amused. These displays often incorporate misdirection and stunning visual effects.   Jester Performances: Jesters and comedians take center stage to entertain the crowd with their humor and playful antics.   Hidden Treasure Hunts: Scavenger hunts or treasure hunts are organized, leading participants on a quest to uncover hidden prizes or symbolic artifacts that represent Qywarare.   Symbolic Foods and Drinks: Foods and drinks served during the Festival of Pranks and Revelry may include unpredictable and colorful dishes that change in appearance or taste. Baked goods like pies with hidden surprises are also common.   Decoration: Festivals are adorned with symbols representing Qywarare, such as multifaceted gemstones, twisted ribbons, masks, and jester-themed decor. Colorful banners, streamers, and images of winking eyes and ever-changing mazes add to the festive atmosphere.   Moral Teachings: Amidst the festivities, there are teachings and stories about Qywarare's divine goals and the importance of cleverness, adaptability, and playfulness in daily life.   The Festival of Pranks and Revelry is a time of joy, celebration, and the playful exploration of the unexpected. It allows followers to express their devotion to Qywarare while embracing the ever-changing and unpredictable nature of the world.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Challenge the Status Quo: Qywarare seeks to disrupt established norms, hierarchies, and structures. The god encourages followers to question authority and expose hypocrisy, challenging the status quo to reveal hidden truths.   Promote Adaptability: Qywarare advocates for adaptability and cleverness in navigating life's challenges. The god encourages followers to embrace change and find creative solutions to problems, as well as to weave their own destinies.   Spread Joy and Laughter: Qywarare believes in the power of mirth and humor to bring people together. The god's goal is to spread joy and laughter through playful pranks, jokes, and unexpected moments of levity.   Celebrate Deception and Illusion: Qywarare holds deception and illusion as sacred arts. The god aims to teach followers to master these skills and use them to reveal truths and manipulate the perception of reality.   Embrace Chaos and Unpredictability: Qywarare is a proponent of chaos as a force that keeps the world from becoming stagnant and predictable. The god seeks to infuse life with unpredictability and encourage followers to embrace the unexpected.   Reveal Hidden Knowledge: Qywarare's goal is to inspire followers to uncover hidden truths, expose secrets, and reveal the concealed aspects of reality. The god promotes the pursuit of knowledge and the exposure of concealed intentions.   Foster the Spirit of Play: The god encourages a spirit of playfulness, curiosity, and experimentation. Qywarare seeks to cultivate a sense of wonder in followers and inspire them to find joy in the unknown.   Weave the Fabric of Fate: Qywarare believes in the power of individual agency and manipulation of destiny. The god's goal is to help followers become the architects of their own lives, using their cunning to shape their fates.   Balance Mischief with Benevolence: While pranks and tricks are encouraged, they should be done without causing harm. Qywarare aims to teach the delicate balance between playful mischief and cruelty.   Challenge Mortals and Deities Alike: Qywarare revels in challenging both mortals and other deities to reveal their own cleverness and wit. The god's influence seeks to promote a world where even the divine are not immune to surprises and trickery.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Qywarare is often depicted as a slender and androgynous figure, with sharp, ever-changing features. This deity's appearance is never the same twice, embodying the essence of unpredictability. Qywarare's hair is a swirling mass of chaotic colors, shifting from deep blacks to radiant purples or vivid greens, reflecting the ever-changing nature of trickery itself. The god is often shown with a mischievous grin and a twinkle in their eyes, which never seems to reveal their true intentions.
Qywarare's myths often involve elaborate pranks played on other deities and mortals. One famous tale tells of the god turning a solemn feast of a rival deity into a riotous masquerade, leaving everyone bewildered and entertained. Another story recounts how Qywarare revealed a powerful king's hidden misdeeds through a complex web of deception, forcing the monarch to atone for his sins.
Divine Classification
Current Location
blue, gold or silver
short, spiked, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'9" - 6'3"
145 lbs - 200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Qywarare's playful nature and love of chaos lead to both alliances and conflicts with other deities. They share camaraderie with Oteus the God of Death and they often enjoy challenging Rialdir the God of War. Fenris, the God of Justice, views Qywarare with suspicion, as the god's unpredictable nature runs counter to Fenris's pursuit of absolute balance.
"The Rogue's Riddle: Qywarare's Chosen"   In the bustling city of Mysteria, known for its labyrinthine alleys and intricate network of thieves' guilds, there lived a rogue named Lysandra. She was known throughout the city for her cunning wit and mastery of deception. Lysandra could infiltrate even the most secure fortresses, her nimble fingers uncovering secrets hidden from prying eyes.   One fateful night, as Lysandra prowled the dark streets, she stumbled upon an ornate, enigmatic door hidden in a shadowy alley. Emboldened by curiosity, she approached and examined the door, which was adorned with symbols of masks and twisted ribbons, unmistakably associated with Qywarare.   As she contemplated the door's meaning, it suddenly swung open, revealing a surreal realm bathed in shifting lights and echoing laughter. Lysandra stepped through the threshold, and she found herself in Qywarare's realm, a place that defied logic and reality.   The god Qywarare, in a form that shifted from moment to moment, appeared before her. "You have demonstrated extraordinary cleverness, Lysandra," Qywarare declared with a mischievous grin. "You've found your way to my realm, where I weave the fabric of illusion and unpredictability."   Qywarare presented Lysandra with a challenge – a riddle so complex that it would test the limits of her wit and perception. If she solved it, she would become the deity's favored champion. If she failed, her mind would be forever ensnared in the god's ever-changing maze.   For days, Lysandra pondered the riddle, deciphering the enigma within it, using her cunning and resourcefulness. As the last moment of the deadline approached, she provided an answer that astounded the god of trickery. Her solution was both unexpected and brilliant, revealing an entirely new way to interpret the riddle.   Qywarare was delighted and declared Lysandra as their chosen champion. With the god's blessings, Lysandra returned to the mortal realm, bearing the mark of Qywarare and a newfound understanding of the art of illusion and unpredictability.   As Qywarare's champion, Lysandra went on to become a legendary figure in Ostradin, known for her ability to deceive and outwit even the most formidable foes. She used her newfound knowledge to uncover secrets, expose hypocrisy, and challenge the status quo, all while spreading mirth and laughter.   To this day, rogues and tricksters in Mysteria tell the tale of Lysandra, the Rogue's Riddle, as a source of inspiration and a testament to the god of trickery's love for cleverness, adaptability, and the ever-changing nature of existence.

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