
In the rich and immersive world of Ostradin, Ryraldyr stands as a deity of unparalleled power and influence, known as the God of Vengeance. Ryraldyr is a complex and multifaceted figure, revered and feared by those who seek retribution and justice in the realm.   Worshipers of Ryraldyr are a diverse group, united by their shared belief in the importance of justice and retribution. They include:   Avengers: Paladins, clerics, and warriors often revere Ryraldyr as their patron deity, dedicating themselves to seeking justice and retribution in the deity's name.   Vindicators: Those who have been wronged or suffered great injustices may turn to Ryraldyr in their darkest moments, seeking divine intervention to set things right.   Judges: Legal authorities, judges, and magistrates may also pay homage to Ryraldyr, asking for guidance in their efforts to administer fair and just decisions.   Seekers of Balance: Some followers of Ryraldyr are philosophers and scholars who seek to understand the intricate web of cause and effect, striving to maintain balance and fairness in the world.   Ryraldyr's temples and shrines are often solemn and austere, with an emphasis on impartiality and balance in their design. Offerings to the God of Vengeance typically include symbolic representations of scales, swords, and written accounts of grievances that require redress.   Significance in Ostradin: Ryraldyr's influence on the world of Ostradin is immeasurable. Their presence serves as a moral compass, inspiring individuals to uphold justice, seek retribution for wrongs, and maintain the balance between order and chaos. The teachings of Ryraldyr promote accountability and the belief that actions have consequences, resonating deeply with the people of Ostradin. The deity's role in the cosmology of Ostradin is a vital one, ensuring that the cycle of vengeance and justice remains a fundamental aspect of the world's order.   Due to thier alligned purposes you often find that Ryraldyr and Fenris work in concordance with each other.

Divine Domains

Vengeance: As the God of Vengeance, this is Ryraldyr's primary domain. They embody the concept of righteous retribution, serving as a beacon for those who have been wronged and seek justice.   Justice: Ryraldyr is a guardian of cosmic justice, ensuring that those who evade the consequences of their actions are held accountable.   Balance: The deity maintains a delicate balance between vengeance and mercy, teaching their followers the importance of fair judgment.   Protection: Many worshipers invoke Ryraldyr for protection from their enemies, as they believe that the God of Vengeance watches over those who seek to right wrongs.   Fate: Ryraldyr is also associated with the concept of fate, as their followers believe that all actions have consequences, and that vengeance will eventually find those who deserve it.


Sword of Retribution: This legendary weapon is said to be a gift from Ryraldyr to their chosen champion. It possesses the power to deliver swift and unerring justice. When wielded by a righteous hand, it ensures that wrongdoers cannot escape the consequences of their actions. The sword may also possess the ability to reveal the true nature of individuals, exposing their guilt or innocence.   The Vindictive Gauntlets: These gauntlets, forged with the power of Ryraldyr, grant their wearer enhanced strength and the ability to invoke divine retribution. When the wearer is wronged or seeks justice, the gauntlets can channel the wrath of Ryraldyr to smite those responsible for the transgressions, meting out punishment with righteous fury.   Codex of Righteous Vengeance: This ancient tome, believed to be scribed by Ryraldyr themselves, contains a comprehensive record of all injustices, grievances, and those who have escaped retribution. It allows the reader to gain insight into the hidden truths behind unsolved crimes and to devise strategies for achieving justice. Additionally, the Codex may contain powerful spells and rituals that invoke divine vengeance.   Crown of the Avenger: This regal crown, adorned with intricate engravings of swords, scales, and flames, is a symbol of authority for those who serve Ryraldyr as paladins and champions of justice. When worn, it bestows the wearer with the wisdom to make just decisions, the charisma to inspire others to seek retribution, and the ability to call upon the power of the deity for divine smiting.   Veil of Shadows: A cloak or shroud woven from shadowy material, this artifact allows the wearer to conceal their identity and move in the darkness unseen. It symbolizes the hidden nature of justice and retribution, and it can grant the wearer the ability to pass judgment discreetly, avoiding the eyes of those who might try to obstruct justice.   Wrathful Quill: This enchanted writing instrument allows its user to inscribe judgments and decrees with divine authority. Writings made with the quill are considered legally binding and carry the weight of Ryraldyr's divine retribution. When invoked in the name of justice, the quill can enact curses or blessings, ensuring that justice is served.   These artifacts are not only powerful in their own right but also serve as symbols of Ryraldyr's influence and the principles the deity upholds. People who wield or seek these artifacts may be driven by a desire to uphold justice and vengeance in the name of the God of Vengeance.

Holy Books & Codes

The Vindicator's Codex: This fundamental text is a comprehensive guide to understanding the principles of justice, retribution, and the pursuit of vengeance according to Ryraldyr's teachings. It outlines the moral code that followers should uphold, including the importance of impartial judgment, the consequences of wrongdoing, and the duty to protect the innocent. The Codex also contains parables, stories of champions who delivered righteous vengeance, and lessons on maintaining balance.   The Swordbearer's Oath: A sacred text for those who wield the Sword of Retribution, this book details the responsibilities and oaths that champions of Ryraldyr must uphold. It outlines the rules of engagement, the honor of dueling, and the consequences of wielding the divine blade. The book also contains prayers and invocations for the sword's blessings.   The Shadows of Righteousness: This enigmatic and often cryptic text explores the hidden and elusive aspects of justice and retribution. It delves into the art of secrecy and discretion in the pursuit of vengeance, urging followers to be patient and methodical in their quest for justice. The book teaches the importance of maintaining a veiled presence, allowing justice to strike unseen.   The Ballad of the Avenger: This collection of epic poems, hymns, and songs celebrates the deeds of legendary champions and avengers who have walked in Ryraldyr's name. It serves to inspire and embolden those who seek to follow the path of vengeance. The stories within highlight the triumphs of the righteous and the fall of the wicked, reinforcing the belief that justice will prevail.   The Ledger of Wrongs: An extensive tome that keeps a record of unresolved grievances, injustices, and the names of those who have evaded retribution. It is often consulted by individuals seeking to right past wrongs or by those in positions of authority to address ongoing issues. The Ledger of Wrongs emphasizes the importance of accountability and the inexorable march of justice.   These holy books would be revered in temples and shrines dedicated to Ryraldyr and serve as educational and inspirational texts for followers of the God of Vengeance. They provide a framework for understanding and applying the principles of justice and retribution, ensuring that those who walk the path of Ryraldyr do so with wisdom, honor, and a commitment to maintaining balance in the world of Ostradin.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Sword of Retribution: A sword, often depicted with a gleaming blade and a pair of scales, symbolizes the power of righteous retribution. It represents Ryraldyr's role in delivering justice and meting out punishment to those who have committed wrongs. The sword can also be seen as a tool for cutting through deception and revealing the truth.   The Veil of Shadows: A shroud or cloak symbolizing the hidden and discreet nature of justice. This symbol represents the idea that justice sometimes operates in the shadows, away from the eyes of those who would obstruct its course. It is often depicted as a hooded figure with the face concealed, emphasizing the secretive aspect of vengeance.   The Fiery Eye: A single, fiery eye radiating intense light symbolizes Ryraldyr's all-seeing and unwavering gaze. This symbol signifies the deity's vigilance in watching over those who seek retribution and ensuring that justice is served. It is a reminder that wrongdoers cannot escape the deity's watchful eye.   The Broken Chain: A broken chain is a symbol of the release from bondage and injustice. It represents Ryraldyr's role in breaking the chains of oppression and delivering those who have suffered from wrongful actions. This symbol is often associated with the liberation of the oppressed and the pursuit of freedom through justice.   The Flame of Vengeance: A burning flame, often held within a chalice or lantern, represents the fiery passion for justice and retribution. It symbolizes the inner fire that drives champions of Ryraldyr to seek justice and set things right. This symbol is also associated with divine retribution, illuminating the path to vengeance.   The Bound Book of Grievances: A book with chains wrapped around it, symbolizing the record of wrongs and injustices. This symbol signifies the importance of maintaining a detailed account of grievances and ensuring that those who commit wrongs are held accountable. It is often used in legal and judicial contexts.   These divine symbols can be found on temple altars, religious garments, and religious artifacts associated with Ryraldyr. They provide a visual representation of the deity's principles and guide the actions and beliefs of the god's followers, reminding them of the importance of justice, retribution, and maintaining balance in the world of Ostradin.

Tenets of Faith

Seek Righteous Justice: Followers of Ryraldyr are called to seek justice in all aspects of their lives. They should champion the cause of the wronged and work to right the injustices they encounter.   Met Out Retribution with Wisdom: While retribution is a powerful tool, it must be wielded with wisdom and discernment. Hasty or disproportionate vengeance can lead to further imbalance. Those who seek retribution should consider the consequences and act with care.   Balance is the Key: Ryraldyr's teachings emphasize the importance of balance in all things. Followers should strive to maintain equilibrium in their pursuit of justice and vengeance, avoiding extremes and irrationality.   The Weight of Consequence: The tenet of "The Weight of Consequence" teaches that actions have consequences. Followers should understand that they are responsible for the effects of their own choices and that retribution can serve as a means of restoring that balance.   Protect the Innocent: One of the fundamental duties of those who follow Ryraldyr is to protect the innocent. This means safeguarding those who are vulnerable or have been wronged, ensuring that they are shielded from further harm.   Judgment Requires Impartiality: When making judgments, followers should be impartial and unbiased. The scales of justice should be balanced, and decisions should be based on evidence and fairness rather than personal bias.   Maintain the Veil of Shadows: Some retribution should be carried out discreetly. Followers must understand that justice may sometimes operate in the shadows, requiring secrecy and subtlety to achieve its ends.   Eyes of the God: Followers should remember that Ryraldyr's gaze is always upon them, and they should strive to live just and honorable lives, seeking retribution when necessary but doing so with integrity and righteousness.   The Cursed and the Redeemed: Recognize that redemption is possible for those who have committed wrongs but have shown true remorse and made amends. However, those who persist in wrongdoing should face the full weight of retribution.   The Duty of Vigilance: Followers are encouraged to be vigilant in the pursuit of justice and to advocate for retribution when others are too afraid or unwilling to do so. They should stand as beacons of righteousness and defenders of the oppressed.   These tenets of faith serve as a moral and ethical framework for those who revere Ryraldyr. They guide the actions of champions of justice, paladins, and those who seek to right the wrongs of the world, reinforcing the belief in the necessity of retribution, balance, and the pursuit of justice in the name of the God of Vengeance.


Balance's Reckoning   Date: Balance's Reckoning takes place on the first day of Aurelis, marking a new beginning and a fresh commitment to justice and balance.   Significance: "Balance's Reckoning" is a day for followers of Ryraldyr to come together and reflect on the past year's injustices and retributions. It is a time to honor those who have championed the cause of justice and to seek guidance and blessings for the year ahead. The holiday emphasizes the eternal struggle to maintain equilibrium, rectify wrongs, and stand as defenders of the oppressed.   Observance:   Justice Rituals: Temples and shrines dedicated to Ryraldyr hold solemn rituals and ceremonies to honor the God of Justice. These rituals may include the reading of passages from sacred texts, the lighting of symbolic candles or lanterns, and the recitation of prayers for guidance and wisdom in the pursuit of justice.   Reflection and Meditation: Individuals are encouraged to spend time in quiet reflection and meditation, considering the injustices they've witnessed or experienced and contemplating the ways they can contribute to the restoration of balance in the coming year.   Offerings of Grievances: Followers of Ryraldyr often bring written accounts of grievances and wrongdoings to the temples. These offerings are made as a symbolic gesture to acknowledge the need for retribution and justice in the world.   Acts of Vengeance: In some regions, "Balance's Reckoning" is a day when champions of justice may take specific actions to right past wrongs. This could include assisting those who have been wronged, confronting those who have committed injustices, or seeking legal redress.   Community Gatherings: Communities may come together to discuss local issues related to justice and retribution. It's an opportunity for people to voice their concerns, share stories of heroic acts, and collectively plan for a more just society.   Teaching and Education: Temples may organize educational events, lectures, and discussions to promote a deeper understanding of the principles of justice, retribution, and the importance of maintaining balance in Ostradin.   Charitable Acts: Some followers choose to perform charitable acts, such as helping the less fortunate, to demonstrate the concept of balance and caring for the vulnerable in society.   "Balance's Reckoning" is a holiday that encourages introspection, action, and a renewed commitment to the pursuit of justice and the preservation of cosmic balance. It serves as a reminder of the enduring influence of Ryraldyr, the God of Justice, in the world of Ostradin.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vigilance in the Pursuit of Justice: Ryraldyr aims to inspire vigilance among their followers and mortals alike. The goal is to encourage people to actively seek out and address wrongdoing, standing as sentinels of justice to prevent it from being obscured or forgotten.   Uncovering Hidden Truths: Ryraldyr seeks to unveil the hidden truths behind acts of wrongdoing. The deity's goal is to expose deception, secrets, and hidden agendas, allowing justice to be served with clarity and precision.   Protection of the Wronged: A significant divine goal of Ryraldyr is the protection of the wronged and vulnerable. This involves shielding those who have been subjected to injustices and ensuring that they are not further victimized.   Reformation and Redemption: While Ryraldyr is associated with vengeance, the deity also strives for the reformation and redemption of those who have committed wrongs. The goal is to give individuals a chance to atone for their actions and seek forgiveness.   Divine Retribution: Ryraldyr seeks to enact divine retribution on those who persist in their wickedness and refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing. The goal is to demonstrate that justice will ultimately be served, even if it is delayed.   Empower Champions of Justice: Ryraldyr's goal is to empower champions, paladins, and righteous warriors who uphold the principles of justice and vengeance. The deity seeks to provide them with the strength, guidance, and divine favor necessary to carry out their sacred duties.   Preservation of Cosmic Justice: Ryraldyr's divine goal is to maintain the order of cosmic justice, ensuring that the universe operates in accordance with a system of cause and effect. This means upholding the idea that every action has consequences.   Inspire Reverence for Justice: Another goal is to inspire reverence for the concept of justice itself. Ryraldyr aims to instill a deep respect for the principles of fairness, retribution, and accountability in the hearts of mortals.   Celebrate Acts of Righteous Vengeance: Ryraldyr takes delight in celebrating acts of righteous vengeance, especially when they lead to the restoration of balance and the defeat of those who have wronged others. The goal is to remind followers of the importance of their divine mission.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ryraldyr's appearance is shrouded in mystery, as the deity is rarely seen by mortals. When depicted in artwork or described in scriptures, Ryraldyr is often shown as a cloaked figure with a face hidden in the shadows, revealing only gleaming, vengeful eyes that burn with an otherworldly fire. The deity is often depicted with a sword and scales, symbols of justice and the retribution that they mete out.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
300 lbs
Aligned Organization
The Tale of the Veiled Avenger
In the ancient days of Ostradin, when chaos and lawlessness reigned, a powerful and malevolent warlord named Drakthor rose to power. Drakthor's tyranny knew no bounds, and he ruled his domain with an iron fist, subjecting the innocent to cruelty and oppression.   As the people of Drakthor's realm suffered under his ruthless reign, they cried out for salvation. In their darkest hour, a veiled figure known as the Veiled Avenger appeared among them. This enigmatic figure was a champion of Ryraldyr, the God of Vengeance, and carried the divine mandate to mete out retribution to those who committed wicked deeds.   The Veiled Avenger was a symbol of justice, draped in a cloak of shadow and wielding a sword that shone with an ethereal light. This champion had no name, for they had left their old identity behind in service to Ryraldyr's cause.   The Veiled Avenger began a campaign against Drakthor's oppressive regime. They moved in silence, striking from the shadows, and their retribution was swift and severe. The warlord's forces trembled at the sight of this avenging figure, and tales of the Veiled Avenger's exploits spread like wildfire.   With each act of vengeance, the Veiled Avenger exposed the truth behind Drakthor's reign, revealing the warlord's atrocities and the suffering he had caused. The people of the realm began to rally around the champion of justice, inspired by the hope that balance would be restored.   In a climactic battle, the Veiled Avenger confronted Drakthor in a duel of righteousness. As they clashed swords, it seemed as if the very elements of Ostradin were watching. With a single, precise strike, the Veiled Avenger disarmed Drakthor, rendering him powerless.   But instead of delivering a killing blow, the Veiled Avenger chose a different path. They gave Drakthor a choice—to face the consequences of his actions and seek redemption, or be forever condemned by his wickedness. Drakthor, humbled by his defeat, chose to atone for his sins.   Under the guidance of the Veiled Avenger, Drakthor began the long and arduous journey of reparation. He worked tirelessly to rebuild the lives he had shattered, bringing relief to those who had once suffered under his rule. Over time, he earned the trust and forgiveness of his people.   The Veiled Avenger, having accomplished their divine mission, departed as mysteriously as they had arrived, leaving a realm forever changed. Drakthor, now a champion of justice himself, continued to serve as a living symbol of redemption and the consequences of one's actions.   The tale of the Veiled Avenger became a legendary story, passed down through the ages, reminding the people of Ostradin of the enduring power of justice, retribution, and the importance of balance in the world. Ryraldyr, the God of Vengeance, continued to watch over the realm, ensuring that the scales of justice remained in equilibrium.


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