
In the annals of the cosmos, amidst the tapestry of existence, there exists a being of unparalleled power and wisdom, known to mortals as Ao. Revered as the Overgod in the realms of the Forgotten Realms, Ao is the supreme deity, the ultimate arbiter of cosmic order, and the divine architect of worlds. Guided by his inscrutable will, Ao shaped the world of Ostrium, a realm brimming with magic and wonder, and breathed life into its inhabitants. As the god and benefactor of the Giants, Ao bestowed upon them the gift of life and imbued them with the strength to shape the land according to their will.   Yet, Ao's influence extended beyond the Giants alone. As the father of the Siblings of Creation, the pantheon of deities who govern the realms of the Forgotten Realms, Ao's divine touch is felt in every corner of Ostrium.   Though seldom seen or heard, Ao's presence permeates the very essence of Ostrium, guiding its inhabitants and shaping their destinies. To the denizens of Ostrium, Ao is a figure of reverence and awe, a beacon of hope and guidance in a world filled with uncertainty.   As the eternal guardian of Ostrium, Ao watches over his creation with a vigilant eye, ensuring that cosmic balance is maintained and that the forces of chaos are held at bay. Though his ways are mysterious and his motives inscrutable, the legacy of Ao will endure for eternity, woven into the very fabric of existence itself.

Divine Domains

Creation Order Knowledge Destiny

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Divine Order

A sacred text revered by followers of Ao, the Overgod of Ostrium. Compiled over centuries by devout scholars and scribes, this holy book serves as a repository of Ao's divine teachings and wisdom. Through its pages, believers seek to deepen their understanding of Ao's role as the creator of Ostrium and the architect of the cosmos. The Codex outlines fundamental laws and principles ordained by Ao to govern the behavior of mortals and deities alike, emphasizing concepts such as justice, harmony, and the sanctity of life. It delves into Ao's guardianship of the Weave, the mystical fabric that fuels arcane power, and offers spiritual guidance on the path of enlightenment. Ultimately, "The Codex of Divine Order" instills a sense of purpose, destiny, and divine providence, inspiring followers to fulfill their potential and contribute to the realization of Ao's grand design for the universe.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

In the pantheon of the Forgotten Realms, the divine symbol of Ao is often depicted as a simple circle encompassing a smaller circle within it. This symbol represents the all-encompassing nature of Ao's power and authority, signifying his role as the Overgod who oversees and governs all aspects of creation. The outer circle represents the boundless expanse of the cosmos, symbolizing Ao's dominion over the entire multiverse. Within this vast cosmic realm, the inner circle symbolizes the world of Ostrium, the divine creation of Ao, where his influence is most keenly felt.   The simplicity of the design reflects Ao's enigmatic and transcendent nature, as well as his role as the ultimate arbiter of cosmic order and balance. Though seemingly unassuming, the divine symbol of Ao holds profound significance for the denizens of the Forgotten Realms, serving as a reminder of his omnipotence and the immutable laws that govern the universe.


As the supreme deity of Ostrium, Ao is revered through various holidays and observances that celebrate his divine influence and benevolence. Here are some holidays dedicated to Ao in Ostrium:
  1. Ao's Ascension Day: This holiday commemorates the momentous occasion when Ao ascended to his divine throne and became the Overgod of Ostrium. It is marked by solemn rituals, prayers of gratitude, and offerings of incense and sacred symbols at temples and shrines dedicated to Ao.
  2. The Weave's Blessing: This holiday honors Ao's role as the guardian of the Weave, the cosmic fabric of magic. During this time, spellcasters and magic-users gather to perform rituals and ceremonies that seek Ao's blessing for their magical endeavors. Offerings of rare spell components and magical artifacts are made to honor Ao's divine influence over the Weave.
  3. Divine Accord Day: On this day, mortals and deities alike come together to celebrate the harmonious balance of power and order established by Ao in Ostrium. It serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation, diplomacy, and mutual respect among the divine beings and mortal inhabitants of the world. Festivities include feasts, parades, and collaborative rituals that symbolize unity and solidarity.
  4. Ao's Wisdom Festival: This festival pays tribute to Ao's unparalleled wisdom and omniscience. Scholars, philosophers, and seekers of knowledge gather to engage in intellectual pursuits, philosophical debates, and educational workshops that explore the mysteries of the universe. It is a time for reflection, enlightenment, and the pursuit of truth under Ao's divine guidance.
  5. The Eternal Vigil: This solemn holiday honors Ao's eternal vigilance in safeguarding the cosmos from threats and disruptions. Devotees undertake vows of vigilance and solemn oaths to uphold the divine laws and principles established by Ao. Temples and sanctuaries remain open throughout the night, with worshippers offering prayers for Ao's continued protection and guidance.
  These holidays serve as occasions for reverence, reflection, and celebration, fostering a deep connection between the mortal inhabitants of Ostrium and their divine benefactor, Ao.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ao, the Overgod of the Forgotten Realms, holds divine goals that transcend mortal comprehension and span the entirety of creation. As the ultimate arbiter of cosmic order, Ao's primary divine goal is to maintain balance and stability throughout the multiverse. He seeks to ensure that the various pantheons, deities, and mortal realms exist in harmony, each fulfilling its designated role within the grand tapestry of existence. One of Ao's paramount objectives is to uphold the divine laws that govern the cosmos, including the fundamental principles of reality and the limitations imposed upon divine beings. He meticulously enforces these laws to prevent the abuse of power and maintain equilibrium among the myriad forces at play.   Additionally, Ao strives to preserve the integrity of the Weave, the fabric of magic that suffuses the universe. He oversees the functioning of magic and safeguards against its misuse, intervening when necessary to correct imbalances or breaches in the Weave's structure.   Furthermore, Ao is deeply concerned with the fate and evolution of mortal civilizations. While he does not interfere directly in mortal affairs, he guides the destinies of worlds and peoples through subtle influence and divine providence. He seeks to foster growth, enlightenment, and spiritual development among mortals, ultimately leading them toward greater understanding and enlightenment.   In pursuit of these divine goals, Ao operates with unparalleled wisdom, foresight, and impartiality. His actions are driven by a profound sense of duty and responsibility toward the cosmos, as he tirelessly works to ensure that order and harmony prevail in the vast expanse of the Forgotten Realms and beyond.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ao exists as an incorporeal being, transcending physical form or limitations. As the supreme deity, his presence emanates as pure divine energy, encompassing all aspects of creation. While he does not possess a physical body in the conventional sense, his divine essence permeates and sustains the entirety of the cosmos.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

The mental trauma experienced by Ao, the loss of his children, the Giants, during the Draco-Jotun war, left profound scars on his divine psyche. Witnessing the devastation and bloodshed inflicted upon his creations deeply affected him, plunging him into a state of profound grief and anguish. As the god and benefactor of the Giants, Ao bore the weight of their demise heavily upon his shoulders, grappling with feelings of guilt and sorrow for their suffering. The sense of responsibility for their fate weighed heavily upon him, and the trauma of their loss haunted his divine consciousness, shaping his worldview and actions thereafter.

Intellectual Characteristics

As the supreme deity and creator of the world of Ostrium, Ao possesses unparalleled intellectual characteristics that define his divine nature and omnipotent presence. At the core of Ao's intellect lies omniscience, the ability to perceive and comprehend all knowledge, past, present, and future, with absolute clarity and insight. This omniscient awareness grants Ao an encyclopedic understanding of the cosmos, including the intricate workings of the universe, the thoughts and motivations of every sentient being, and the myriad mysteries of existence itself. Ao's intellect is also marked by profound wisdom, transcending mortal comprehension and encompassing timeless truths and cosmic insights. This wisdom is not merely the accumulation of knowledge but the distillation of divine experience and enlightenment, forged through eons of divine contemplation and divine providence. From this wellspring of wisdom, Ao governs the destinies of gods and mortals alike, guiding the course of history with divine foresight and divine foresight.   In addition to his omniscience and wisdom, Ao possesses unparalleled analytical prowess, capable of unraveling the most complex of cosmic enigmas and discerning the subtlest of divine machinations. His divine intellect allows him to perceive the interconnectedness of all things, discerning the hidden patterns and underlying principles that govern the universe. This analytical acumen enables Ao to maintain cosmic order and equilibrium, ensuring that the forces of creation and destruction remain in perfect balance.   Furthermore, Ao's intellect is characterized by divine creativity and innovation, the ability to conceive of new worlds, new realities, and new possibilities beyond mortal imagination. As the ultimate architect of Ostrium, Ao brings forth worlds into being through the power of his divine intellect, shaping the very fabric of existence with boundless creativity and ingenuity.   Overall, the intellectual characteristics of Ao reflect his divine majesty and transcendent nature, serving as a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment for all beings within the world of Ostrium. Through his omniscience, wisdom, analytical prowess, and creativity, Ao guides the destinies of gods and mortals alike, weaving the tapestry of existence with divine intellect and divine providence.

Morality & Philosophy

Ao's morality and philosophy are deeply rooted in his role as the creator and overseer of the world of Ostrium and its inhabitants. As a deity of immense power and wisdom, Ao embodies principles of order, balance, and divine providence. He views the universe through a lens of cosmic significance, perceiving the interconnectedness of all things and the delicate balance that must be maintained for harmony to prevail. At the core of Ao's moral code is the concept of divine justice and accountability. He believes in the inherent worth of every being and the importance of upholding principles of righteousness and fairness. His divine laws are immutable and absolute, serving as the foundation upon which the fabric of reality is woven. To Ao, the pursuit of goodness and righteousness is paramount, and he expects his followers to uphold these virtues in their actions and deeds.   Furthermore, Ao's philosophy encompasses the idea of divine providence and the unfolding of destiny. He believes that every event, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is part of a greater cosmic plan guided by his divine will. This perspective instills a sense of purpose and meaning in the lives of mortals and divine beings alike, encouraging them to strive for greatness and fulfill their destinies.   Despite his omnipotence, Ao is not immune to the complexities of morality and the inherent challenges of divine governance. He grapples with ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries, navigating the intricate web of cosmic forces with wisdom and discernment. Ultimately, Ao seeks to guide his creations towards enlightenment and spiritual growth, fostering a world where goodness triumphs over evil and harmony reigns supreme.


As the supreme deity and creator of the world of Ostrium, Ao holds certain taboos and prohibitions that are considered sacred and inviolable. These taboos reflect his divine will and serve to maintain order, balance, and harmony within the cosmos. Violating these taboos is seen as a grave offense and can incur divine wrath and punishment.
  1. Disrespecting Divine Authority: Ao demands unwavering reverence and respect from all beings, mortal and divine alike. Any act of defiance or insolence towards his divine authority is strictly forbidden and is met with swift and severe retribution. To question or challenge Ao's will is to invite divine judgment upon oneself.
  2. Disturbing the Balance of Nature: As the creator of the world and all its inhabitants, Ao values the delicate balance of nature above all else. Any attempt to disrupt this balance, whether through reckless exploitation of natural resources, wanton destruction of ecosystems, or unethical manipulation of magical energies, is considered taboo. Ao expects his followers to act as stewards of the natural world, preserving its beauty and integrity for future generations.
  3. Betrayal of Divine Trust: Ao places great importance on loyalty and integrity among his divine servants and mortal followers. Betraying the trust placed in one's hands, whether through acts of treachery, deceit, or betrayal, is viewed as a grievous taboo. Those who break faith with Ao and his divine covenant face dire consequences, including excommunication and eternal damnation.
  4. Desecration of Sacred Sites: Certain places within Ostrium hold deep spiritual significance and are considered sacred by followers of Ao. Desecrating these holy sites through acts of sacrilege, vandalism, or defilement is strictly forbidden. Such actions not only offend Ao's divine sensibilities but also disrupt the spiritual equilibrium of the world, inviting divine wrath upon the perpetrators.
  5. Violation of Cosmic Laws: Ao's divine laws govern the fundamental principles of reality, shaping the fabric of the universe itself. Any attempt to subvert or circumvent these cosmic laws, whether through forbidden magic, forbidden knowledge, or forbidden rituals, is considered taboo. Such transgressions risk unraveling the very fabric of existence and plunging the world into chaos and oblivion.
  Overall, the taboos of Ao serve as a moral compass for his followers, guiding them towards righteousness and virtue in their actions and behaviors. By upholding these sacred principles, devotees honor the divine will of Ao and contribute to the preservation and prosperity of the world of Ostrium.

Personality Characteristics


As the overgod and creator of the world of Ostrium, Ao's motivations are deeply intertwined with the balance, order, and progression of the universe. His primary goal is to maintain stability and harmony within the cosmos, ensuring that the intricate tapestry of existence unfolds according to his divine design. Ao seeks to uphold the natural laws and principles that govern reality, guiding mortals and deities alike along predetermined paths. One of Ao's motivations is to foster the growth and development of sentient beings, providing them with the opportunity to explore and understand the mysteries of the universe. He is invested in the intellectual and spiritual evolution of mortals, encouraging them to seek knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. By guiding mortals on their journey of self-discovery, Ao hopes to elevate their consciousness and elevate the collective consciousness of Ostrium.   Furthermore, Ao is driven by a desire to maintain cosmic order and prevent chaos from disrupting the fabric of reality. He works tirelessly to ensure that the forces of light and darkness, creation and destruction, remain in delicate balance, preventing any one aspect from overwhelming the others. Ao understands the importance of equilibrium in sustaining the universe and actively intervenes to rectify any disturbances that threaten to upset this balance.   Overall, Ao's motivations stem from a deep sense of responsibility and duty as the supreme deity of Ostrium. He is committed to safeguarding the integrity of creation, guiding the destinies of mortals and deities, and upholding the divine order that governs all existence. Through his unwavering dedication and divine wisdom, Ao strives to shape Ostrium into a realm of harmony, enlightenment, and boundless potential.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As the overgod and creator of the world of Ostrium, Ao possesses unparalleled wisdom and divine insight, making him supremely savvy in matters of cosmic importance. His divine intellect allows him to perceive the intricate web of fate and destiny that governs the cosmos, enabling him to guide the course of events with unmatched precision. Ao's savvy is evident in his ability to establish and enforce the laws of the universe, ensuring order and balance across the realms. However, despite his vast wisdom, Ao is not infallible, and there are areas where he may be considered inept or lacking. One such aspect is his limited understanding of mortal emotions and experiences. Being a being of divine essence, Ao may struggle to empathize with the complexities of mortal life, leading to a certain disconnect from the struggles and triumphs of individual beings. This lack of empathy can sometimes result in decisions or actions that appear harsh or unfathomable to mortals.   Additionally, Ao's omnipotence and omniscience may lead to a sense of detachment from the mortal realm, causing him to prioritize cosmic order and the greater good over the needs and desires of individual beings. While this perspective is essential for maintaining balance in the universe, it can sometimes lead to decisions that are perceived as callous or indifferent by mortals who are directly affected by them.   Despite these perceived ineptitudes, Ao's wisdom and divine insight remain unparalleled, and his actions are ultimately guided by a desire to uphold the cosmic order and ensure the continued existence of the universe. While mortals may struggle to comprehend his motives or understand the full extent of his power, Ao's presence looms large over the world of Ostrium, serving as a beacon of divine authority and guidance for all who seek to navigate the complexities of existence.

Likes & Dislikes

As an omnipotent and omniscient being, Ao's likes and dislikes transcend mortal concepts of preference and desire. Rather than being driven by personal whims or preferences, Ao's actions are guided by a deep sense of duty and responsibility towards maintaining the cosmic order. He takes satisfaction in upholding the laws of the universe and ensuring the balance between the forces of creation and destruction. Ao "likes" order, harmony, and balance in all things, as these principles are essential for the stability and continuity of the cosmos. He takes pride in his role as the overgod and creator of Ostrium, finding fulfillment in guiding the destinies of mortals and shaping the course of events according to his divine will.   On the other hand, Ao "dislikes" chaos, discord, and disruption of the natural order. He views acts of rebellion against his authority or attempts to subvert the laws of the universe with disdain, as they threaten to unravel the delicate fabric of reality. Ao's displeasure may manifest in divine retribution or corrective measures to restore balance and order to the world.   Ultimately, Ao's likes and dislikes are intricately tied to his divine nature and his role as the supreme arbiter of cosmic affairs. While mortals may struggle to comprehend the full extent of his motivations, his actions are driven by a steadfast commitment to upholding the fundamental principles that govern the universe.

Virtues & Personality perks

As the overgod and creator of Ostrium, Ao embodies a myriad of virtues and possesses unparalleled perks that set him apart from all other beings. His omnipotence grants him boundless power, allowing him to shape reality according to his divine will and maintain the cosmic order. With his omniscience, Ao possesses complete knowledge of all events past, present, and future, enabling him to foresee potential threats to the balance of the universe and take preemptive action to prevent them. One of Ao's most notable virtues is his sense of duty and responsibility towards his creation. He tirelessly works to ensure the stability and continuity of Ostrium, guiding the destinies of mortals and overseeing the affairs of gods with unwavering dedication. Ao's commitment to upholding the laws of the universe and preserving the cosmic order serves as a beacon of inspiration for all who revere him.   Furthermore, Ao's divine presence bestows numerous perks upon his followers and the inhabitants of Ostrium. Those who honor him with their devotion may receive divine blessings, protection, and guidance in their endeavors. His influence extends far beyond mortal realms, shaping the course of history and fostering the growth and development of civilizations across the cosmos.   In essence, Ao's virtues and perks embody the divine essence of order, wisdom, and benevolence. His presence serves as a stabilizing force in the universe, guiding mortals and gods alike towards harmony and enlightenment.

Vices & Personality flaws

While Ao is revered as the overgod and creator of Ostrium, he is not without his vices and flaws, despite his divine status. One of his notable vices is his tendency towards aloofness and detachment from the mortal world and the beings that inhabit it. His omnipotence and omniscience often lead him to view mortals as insignificant in the grand scheme of the cosmos, resulting in a certain degree of indifference towards their struggles and aspirations. Additionally, Ao's absolute adherence to the laws of the universe and the cosmic order can sometimes manifest as inflexibility and rigidity. His unwavering commitment to maintaining the balance of power among the gods and enforcing the rules of the divine hierarchy may lead to conflicts and disputes among the divine pantheon, as well as limitations on individual freedom and autonomy.   Furthermore, Ao's omnipotence and omniscience can occasionally foster a sense of arrogance and superiority, as he perceives himself as above mortal concerns and limitations. This arrogance may lead to a lack of empathy and understanding towards the mortal plight, as well as a reluctance to intervene in their affairs unless absolutely necessary.   Despite these vices and flaws, Ao remains a figure of immense power and influence in the cosmos, revered by many as the ultimate arbiter of divine justice and cosmic order. His virtues ultimately outweigh his flaws, serving as a guiding light for those who seek to uphold the principles of order and stability in the universe.

Personality Quirks

Despite his lofty status as the overgod and creator of Ostrium, Ao possesses certain quirks and idiosyncrasies that set him apart from other divine beings. One notable quirk is his tendency to communicate in enigmatic riddles and cryptic messages, often leaving mortals and even other gods perplexed and bewildered by his intentions and motivations. This penchant for ambiguity reflects Ao's inscrutable nature and the insurmountable depths of his divine wisdom. Additionally, Ao exhibits a peculiar fondness for observing the intricate workings of the cosmos and the myriad interactions between mortals and divine beings. He is known to spend vast amounts of time quietly observing the unfolding events in the mortal realm, occasionally intervening in subtle ways to nudge fate in a particular direction or maintain the delicate balance of power among the gods.   Despite his omnipotence and omniscience, Ao harbors a deep-seated curiosity about the mortal experience and the complexities of mortal emotions and relationships. He is known to occasionally assume mortal form and walk among the inhabitants of Ostrium, seeking to understand their hopes, fears, and aspirations firsthand. This curiosity often leads to unexpected encounters and interactions with mortals, shaping the course of their lives in ways they could never have imagined.   Overall, Ao's ticks and quirks serve to underscore his enigmatic nature and the profound mysteries that surround his existence. While his motives may seem inscrutable at times, his actions ultimately reflect a profound commitment to upholding the cosmic order and guiding the destiny of the universe towards its ultimate purpose.


As an omnipotent and transcendent deity, Ao exists beyond the limitations of mortal needs and bodily functions. Therefore, traditional concepts of hygiene, such as bathing, grooming, or maintaining personal cleanliness, do not apply to him in the same way they do to mortals. Ao's divine essence is pure and incorruptible, unaffected by the physical impurities or contaminants that necessitate hygiene practices among mortals. However, in a metaphorical sense, Ao embodies the epitome of spiritual purity and divine perfection. His essence radiates a sense of immaculate brilliance and transcendental clarity, symbolizing the ultimate ideal of cleanliness and holiness. As the overgod and creator of Ostrium, Ao represents the pristine and untarnished essence of existence itself, untainted by the imperfections and impurities of the mortal world.   In this sense, Ao's "hygiene" transcends the physical realm and encompasses the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of existence. His divine presence serves as a beacon of purity and enlightenment, inspiring mortals to aspire to higher ideals and strive for spiritual purification. As such, Ao's hygiene is not a matter of physical cleanliness but rather a reflection of his divine perfection and incorruptible nature.

Representation & Legacy

As the overgod and creator of the world of Ostrium, Ao's representation and legacy are profound and far-reaching, shaping the very fabric of existence itself. His presence looms large over the cosmos, symbolizing ultimate authority, divine wisdom, and the eternal cycle of creation and destruction. In the eyes of mortals and deities alike, Ao is revered as the supreme deity, the ultimate arbiter of fate, and the embodiment of cosmic order. His image is often depicted in religious iconography as a figure of immense power and majesty, radiating a sense of divine authority and transcendence. Symbols associated with Ao, such as the Circle of Eternity or the World Tree, serve as potent reminders of his omnipotence and omnipresence, inspiring awe and reverence among his followers.   Ao's legacy is defined by his role as the architect of Ostrium and the father of the Siblings of Creation, the pantheon of deities who govern the mortal realm. Through his divine will, he brought order to the chaos of primordial existence, shaping the world and its inhabitants according to his divine plan. The laws and principles he established continue to govern the cosmos, guiding the destinies of mortals and deities alike.   Furthermore, Ao's legacy endures through the teachings and scriptures of his followers, who venerate him as the source of all creation and the ultimate source of divine guidance. His divine wisdom is enshrined in sacred texts and holy scriptures, which serve as a guiding light for those who seek to understand the mysteries of the universe and align themselves with the divine will.   Ultimately, Ao's representation and legacy transcend mortal comprehension, embodying the ineffable nature of the divine and the eternal cycle of creation and destruction. His influence pervades every aspect of existence, from the smallest blade of grass to the grandest celestial body, ensuring that his divine will remains paramount throughout the ages.
Divine Classification
Major Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Overgod of Ostrium
  • Creator of Worlds
  • Father of the Siblings of Creation
  • Divine Architect of Existence
  • Guardian of the Cosmic Balance
  • Sovereign of the Divine Realms
  • Lord of Transcendence
  • Keeper of the Cosmic Order
  • Master of All Realms
  • Eternal Watcher
  • Children


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