
The inhabitants of the Peloponnesian Isles are known as Pelopians, a diverse ethnicity with rich cultural traditions and deep ties to their ancestral lands. Within the Pelopian ethnicity, there are two prominent sub-ethnicities: the Helian Greeks and the Romeran Romans.   The Helian Greeks are descendants of the ancient Hellenic tribes who settled in the continent of Helas. They possess a strong sense of honor, valor, and intellectual curiosity. Known for their prowess in philosophy, arts, and military strategy, the Helian Greeks value wisdom and strive for excellence in all aspects of life. They are fiercely proud of their city-states and their democratic ideals, often engaging in spirited debates and political discourse.   On the other hand, the Romeran Romans are the descendants of settlers who established the city of Roma Nova on the continent of Romeris. They are known for their sophistication, refinement, and administrative prowess. The Romeran Romans have a deep appreciation for architecture, literature, and law, and their society is characterized by a strong sense of hierarchy and order. They take pride in their imperial heritage and the legacy of their ancestors, striving to uphold the values of duty, honor, and loyalty.   Despite their differences, both sub-ethnicities share a common bond as Pelopians, united by their history, mythology, and the challenges they face in the Peloponnesian Isles. Together, they contribute to the vibrant tapestry of cultures that define this legendary realm.


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