The Wildpride

In the realm of Ostrium, the Wildpride reign supreme, a pantheon of nature gods revered by all who dwell in the untamed lands. At the helm stands Soleo, the majestic Lion God of the Sun, whose golden mane blazes with the radiance of dawn, guiding all creatures with his benevolent warmth.   Beside Soleo walks Elunara, the graceful Panther Goddess of the Moon, his steadfast companion and mate. She prowls the night skies, her eyes gleaming with the mysteries of the cosmos, casting a soothing glow upon the land.   Their offspring, Asteria, the elegant Elk Goddess of the Stars, dances across the heavens, her hooves tracing constellations in the velvet expanse. With her is Nyx, the cunning Spider Goddess of Darkness, Asteria's enigmatic sister who weaves shadows into intricate webs, guarding the secrets of the night.   Ura, the nurturing Elephant Goddess of Nature, watches over the forests and plains, her gentle trunk cradling the delicate balance of life. From her union with the earth sprang Carnuté, the majestic Stag God of the Wild, whose antlers reach for the sky as he roams the untamed wilderness, his heart bound to Asteria's shimmering light.   In the frigid domain of winter stands Frosla, the fierce Wolf Goddess of Winter, sister to Soleo, her icy breath heralding the frost-kissed dawn. And amidst the tempests roams Kalthrogg, the indomitable Boar God of Storms, his thunderous roars echoing across the storm-lashed skies, reminding all of nature's untamed power. Together, the Wildpride embody the eternal cycle of life and the untamed beauty of the natural world in the realm of Ostrium.

Mythology & Lore

In the ancient annals of Ostrium's mythology, the saga of the Wildpride unfolds as a tale of succession and evolution, intricately woven into the fabric of creation itself. At the genesis of time, the cosmos was birthed by the Siblings of Creation: Anjelos, the celestial architect; Dimitrios, the earth-shaper; Scaldris, the fire-bringer; Skye, the wind-weaver; Terros, the oceanic guardian; and Typhos, the world of Ostrium incarnate.   These primordial beings sculpted the universe, shaping its lands, skies, and seas with their divine hands. Yet, in their wake, they left behind a world ripe for life to flourish, a realm teeming with potential and possibility.   As eons passed, the Wildpride emerged as the successors to the Siblings of Creation, embodying the essence of nature itself. Soleo, the Lion God of the Sun, ascended as the leader of this new pantheon, inheriting Anjelos's divine spark and illuminating the world with his radiant presence.   Beside him stood Elunara, his beloved mate and counterpart, inheriting the grace and mystery of Skye, the wind-weaver. Together, they birthed Asteria and Nyx, their daughters who embodied the duality of light and darkness, inheriting the legacies of Scaldris and Typhos, respectively.   From the depths of the earth, Ura, the Elephant Goddess of Nature, emerged, embodying the nurturing spirit of Dimitrios, the earth-shaper. And from her union with the land, Carnuté, the Stag God of the Wild, arose, inheriting the strength and vitality of Terros, the oceanic guardian.   Frosla, the Wolf Goddess of Winter, and Kalthrogg, the Boar God of Storms, emerged as primal forces of nature, embodying the untamed elements of the world and carrying on the legacies of their predecessors.   Thus, the Wildpride rose to prominence, guardians of the natural order and stewards of the world, weaving their own mythos into the tapestry of creation, honoring the legacy of the Siblings of Creation while forging their own path in the ever-unfolding story of Ostrium.h

Divine Origins

In the dawn of time, when the cosmos was but a primordial expanse of chaos and potential, there arose the need for order and balance. From the depths of the void, the Siblings of Creation emerged, each embodying a fundamental aspect of the universe: Anjelos, the architect of celestial realms; Dimitrios, the forger of earth and stone; Scaldris, the bringer of fire and passion; Skye, the weaver of winds and currents; Terros, the guardian of oceans and tides; and Typhos, the embodiment of chaos and change.   Together, they shaped the world, sculpting mountains, carving rivers, and painting the skies with their divine touch. Yet, as they labored, they also sowed the seeds of their successors, imbuing the very essence of creation with the spark of life.   From the radiant essence of Anjelos and Scaldris emerged Soleo, the Lion God of the Sun, his mane ablaze with the fires of creation, destined to illuminate the world with his radiant warmth. At his side stood Elunara, born from the winds of Skye and the shadows of Typhos, her grace and mystery echoing the dance of the cosmos.   Their union gave rise to Asteria, the Elk Goddess of the Stars, and Nyx, the Spider Goddess of Darkness, embodiments of light and shadow, born to traverse the celestial expanse. From the fertile embrace of Dimitrios and the nurturing spirit of Ura, the Elephant Goddess of Nature, emerged Carnuté, the Stag God of the Wild, his antlers reaching for the heavens as he roamed the untamed lands.   Frosla, the Wolf Goddess of Winter, and Kalthrogg, the Boar God of Storms, emerged from the primal forces of the elements, their ferocity tempered by the wisdom of their progenitors.   Thus, the Wildpride came to be, heirs to the legacy of creation, tasked with preserving the delicate balance of nature and guiding the world through the ages. From their origins intertwined with the very fabric of existence, they emerged as stewards of Ostrium, weaving their own story into the eternal tapestry of the cosmos.

Cosmological Views

In the cosmology of the Wildpride, Ostrium exists as a realm where the natural world intertwines with divine forces, creating a tapestry of beauty and mystery. At the center of this cosmic dance are the Wildpride themselves, a pantheon of nature gods and goddesses who embody the essence of the world.   The celestial sphere is overseen by Soleo, the Lion God of the Sun, whose radiant presence brings light and warmth to the land. By day, his golden mane blazes across the heavens, guiding the paths of creatures below and nourishing the earth with his benevolent rays.   Opposite Soleo stands Elunara, the Panther Goddess of the Moon, her shimmering form casting a gentle glow upon the world by night. She prowls the celestial expanse, her silver eyes reflecting the secrets of the cosmos, guiding travelers and dreamers alike with her serene presence.   Asteria, the Elk Goddess of the Stars, dances among the constellations, her graceful movements tracing patterns of light across the night sky. Her sister, Nyx, the Spider Goddess of Darkness, weaves webs of shadow, cloaking the world in mystery and intrigue.   Ura, the Elephant Goddess of Nature, embodies the earth itself, her form vast and nurturing, cradling the delicate balance of life within her embrace. From her union with the land sprang Carnuté, the Stag God of the Wild, whose antlers reach for the heavens as he roams the untamed wilderness.   Frosla, the Wolf Goddess of Winter, and Kalthrogg, the Boar God of Storms, rule over the elemental forces of cold and tempest, their domains shaping the world with their fierce presence.   Together, the Wildpride govern the cycles of nature, from the rising and setting of the sun to the ebb and flow of the tides. They are the guardians of Ostrium, watching over its inhabitants with a blend of awe and reverence, ensuring that the delicate balance of life is maintained throughout the ages.


The ethics of the Wildpride are rooted deeply in reverence for the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Central to their ethos is the belief in balance, harmony, and respect for the cycles of life.   First and foremost, the Wildpride uphold the sanctity of nature, viewing it not as a resource to be exploited but as a sacred realm deserving of protection and preservation. They advocate for stewardship of the land, encouraging harmony between humanity and the natural world, and guiding mortals to live in harmony with the environment rather than dominating it.   Compassion and empathy are also core tenets of the Wildpride's ethics. They value kindness and understanding towards all creatures, promoting harmony and cooperation among diverse species. Whether it be a majestic stag roaming the forests or a tiny spider spinning its web, every being is seen as worthy of respect and consideration.   Additionally, the Wildpride emphasize the importance of balance in all things. They recognize the delicate interplay between light and darkness, life and death, growth and decay, and strive to maintain equilibrium in the world. They teach that imbalance leads to chaos and destruction, and thus advocate for moderation and mindfulness in all actions.   Furthermore, the Wildpride value freedom and self-expression, encouraging individuals to embrace their true nature and follow their instincts. They celebrate diversity and individuality, recognizing that each being has a unique role to play in the grand tapestry of existence.   Overall, the ethics of the Wildpride are grounded in a deep reverence for nature, compassion for all living beings, and a commitment to balance and harmony. Through their guidance and teachings, they seek to inspire mortals to live in harmony with the natural world and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members


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