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Longsun 7, 270 PU

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Ostrov is a relatively young world whose peoples and pantheon are still growing into themselves.   For most of its existence, Ostrov has been mostly cut off from the rest of the multiverse. Mages and scholars debate the existence of other worlds, but little is known, and even less is certain. Some summoning spells do give glimpses of other realms, and recently strange portals have been opening to mysterious places. As these portals grow and multiply, the nearby realms of the Feywild and Shadowfell draw nearer.   The world features two major continents spanning most of its northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is less well mapped and made up of smaller land masses. Ocean travel has become more commonplace over the last couple of centuries, before which, magical means were the only reliable method intercontinental transportation. Trade between disparate lands continues to grow, and passenger can travel by ship can be had for the right price.   The pantheon of Ostrov is eclectic. In addition to the original prime deities newer cults dedicated to demigods, natural forces, and other obscure figures continue to emerge.   Technologically speaking, Ostrov is approximately renaissance-level in most respects, although quirks of history have left it more advanced in some areas, and less in others. Its banking system, for example, is much more sophisticated than would be expected thanks to the influence and expertise of the Filus, the god of finance.   The humanoid races of Ostrov generally co-exist without much in the way of racial tension, although historic and cultural clashes may lead to friction or prejudice between particular groups. In general, most of the humanoid races have a historic homeland somewhere in the world, although most of them have spread well beyond those lands. In many Ostrov's cities it would be quite common to see people of various races living together peacefully.   The practice of the arcane arts is widespread, although high level magical practitioners are less common outside of major urban centers. Magical talent can appear in people of all backgrounds, but is more common in some lineages than others. Individuals who can trace their bloodline directly to one of the prime deities are almost certainly mages of some sort or another.


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