Demon Blood Material in Ostyria | World Anvil

Demon Blood

Demon blood is the name used in reference to all blood that courses through the veins of fiends although not all fiends are demons. It is a highly volatile substance that has surprisingly many uses and applications, the most popular and well-known usage is as a fuel source for RIMs.

Demon blood can be a source of healing and empowerment for other fiends, it can be deadly to most humanoids, and it is overflowing with arcane energy. This arcane energy has varying levels of potency depending on the fiend called sonority or resonance. The more powerful the fiend the more sonorous the blood and therefore the more valuable it is.


Material Characteristics

Demon blood in its purest, rawest form when exposed to air looks like tar that absorbs almost all light around it, making whatever surface it is upon look as though a massive hole of nothingness is in the center of it. While it courses through the veins of fiends it gives off a golden-white soft glow just beneath the skin.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Demon blood is scorching hot and highly acidic. High-sonority blood can melt most metals but surprisingly it is not highly flammable.



Demon blood is the main ingredient in Jonu, a highly addictive, hallucinatory narcotic. Hard to make due to the acidic nature of demon blood and if done incorrectly can prove deadly to the imbiber.

Life & Expiration

Demon blood stays stable indefinitely once exposed to air, it is only upon any alteration, addition, or friction that its stability drops swiftly. Depending on the sonority of the blood there are special techniques that are used to handle it. It stays infused with arcane energy until it is destroyed or someone drains it of its sonority.

History & Usage


Demon blood was always known as a highly volatile, deadly, and magical substance even to the early Lanfens but it was not used for any purpose other than empowering other fiends. Many humanoids tried to mimic the fiends, hoping to obtain the power to go against them but the results were obvious. It was not until the conversion of RIMs that demon blood was used for anything else.   There is a lineage of humanoids that are said to be able to withstand the effects of demon blood and there are stories of them using it as dressing for their foods. These rumors have not yet been confirmed.

Everyday use

The most common use of demon blood is fuel for RIMs. Special containers called cells were developed in order to contain and transport the blood. There are purger companies dedicated to harvesting demon blood and its value on the market is ever-evolving.
smells like brimstone
to humanoids demon blood is sulfurous and bitter, to fiends it taste like the sweetest honey
blackest of black
Common State
an ooze like liquid composed of plasma and arcane energy
Related Locations

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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