Divine Spark Material in Ostyria | World Anvil

Divine Spark

The power to perform miracles, to mold reality to your will, to become a god, that is the potential that comes with a divine spark.

In the beginning there was the Spark of Divinity that created Ostyria alongside Order and Chaos but an almost cataclysmic event threatened this budding world. In order to stabilize the world, the Spark of Divinity became one with the world, imbuing everything with its essence. This essence was known as a divine spark.

The Past

The era that followed the Spark of Divinity's cosmic sacrifice is known as the Age of Miracles. During this time the world flourish, flora was lush and vibrant, fauna were fruitful and plentiful, cities were beautiful and bustling, people were creating and thriving, all thanks to the divine spark that resided within them. The divine spark gave people the ability to perform minor miracles, to tap into a divine font of magic and accomplish feats they never could unless they were trained in the ways of the arcane. Sickness and disease were few, war and famine were non-existent, everyone had a home if they wanted and were able to provide for their family, technology rapidly grew and accommodated all facets of life.

For some the divine spark was simply a tool for everyday affairs, light a fire here, heal a cut there; but for a select few the divine spark was a seed to be cultivated and cared for. The few who truly honed and mastered their divine spark were able to accomplish far greater than minor miracles, some even reach the pinnacle of mortal life and ascended into godhood.

The Present

Post Convergence, divine sparks are forgotten amongst the populace of Ostyria. How to harness and train oneself to use their divine spark is lost to most of the world, except for the continent of Iya. Artifacts that run on divine spark are far and few between on most of the other continents but Iya has been able to preserve the past, the memories of the Age of Miracles is not lost to them and as such divine sparks are the lifeblood of Iyan society. The Federation employs many Conduits, people who can harness their divine spark, and has vast archives on ancient divine magic and technology, Miratech.


Material Characteristics

The actual visage of a divine spark has never been seen, many have speculated and came up with concepts but only a cosmic entity would truly know. However there are some that are able to see an aura like radiance around those who access their divine spark to perform various feats.

Life & Expiration

Perhaps the limit has never been reached but a divine spark has no expiration, it is eternal and in all things. Throughout the years its presence has become more diluted but nonetheless it is always present.

History & Usage

Everyday use

On Iya divine sparks are harnessed everyday to heal simply wounds, light fires, water plants, conjure food, and many other daily chores. The Federation does not prevent divine spark use but it does limit it to everyday tasks. It is rare that the common populace would have access to Miratech but not completely unheard of and some are even granted usage of Miratech for the purposes of farming or herding.

Divine Spark by EbonxGaming (via Midjourney)
Common State

Coming Soon:

  • More images
  • Article links
  • More history

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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