Fendali (fen-da-lee)

Fendali are descendants of those that were drastically transformed along with Lanfe and/or made pacts with devils, summoned demons, or consorted with other fiends. They are the most populous and widespread species of humanoids on Lanfe and one of the most diverse in terms of appearance, personalities, ethnicities and cultures. Most Fendali are easily spotted due to their fiendish features and because of this many Fendali are met with disdain and suspicion. However, it is the Fendali that have advanced Lanfen tools, culture, and language the most out of any other sapient species.

Basic Information


Fendali are bipedal and have complex brains like most other humanoids. They also have horns that come in all shapes and sizes as well as tails which they can move independently. They have sharp incisors, solid single colored eyes, their skin tones cover the full color spectrum with varying tones, and their hair textures are vast.

Biological Traits


Inferni are a subspecies or group of Fendali that have an infernal heritage. The male and females tend to be taller and more muscular than the other Fendali subspecies. Their skin tones typically fall in between the red and purple shades and hues and their horns more closely favor rams or gazelles.


Abyssi are a subspecies or group of Fendali that have abyssal heritage. The males tend to be more lithe and smaller than their female counterparts who are mostly average humanoid height and weight. Their skin tones fall on the grayscale, going from deep black to stark white. They are more likely to have bat-like wings or other animalistic features than any other Fendali subspecies.


There are many other subspecies of Fendali that are not linked to devils or demons, some known ones are; The Lothik Fendali who are children of the avaricious Yugoloths, Cubun Fendali are the offspring of Incubi and Succubi, and Shashan Fendali are the descendants of Rakshasas. Each subspecies bares remnants of their progenitor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most Fendali reproduction is the same as it is for all other humanoids, fertilization via sexual intercourse. However there are certain arcane prodcedures that have been developed to assist in repoduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like most other humanoids, Fendali have the typical growth stages of infancy, prepubescence, adolescence, adulthood and elderly. As they grow their horns may grow longer and/or thicker, their tails may become more dense or protracted, and their skin tones can deepen or dullen.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fendali are omnivorous, capable of consuming most plant and animal material. Their diets are heavily locale and culture based, some Fendali are more plant based focused while others are mainly carnivorous.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fendali are able to see accurately in the dark due to their fiendish ancestry. Some have a natural affinity for the arcane and certain subspecies have capabilities that mimic closely their fiendish heritage.

Scientific Name
Homo fiendalius
Up to 100 years
Average Height
4ft. 7in. - 6ft. 3in. (1.4 - 1.9m)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Tiefling Fanart by deleoblack


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