Rite of Rule Tradition / Ritual in Ostyria | World Anvil

Rite of Rule

As the second war cry bellows above the scorching winds, the Ina gather themselves. They surround in a circle two Ina leaving space for them to move around. Yells for blood wave through the crowd as the current chieftain is challenged for his position. To challenge the chieftain is death but it is the right of any who believe themselves to be a better ruler, is their blood stronger or will they fail miserably? Honor and power await the challenger if they win, death's embrace awaits when they lose.

The Rite of Rule is a tradition among the Ina that has been in place for as long as anyone can remember. Anyone who believes themselves to be more worthy of rule may challenge the current chieftain in a battle to the death. It is a bloody tradition and many have lost their lives for their eagerness, but to the victor goes the spoils. The survivor is thrown a feast, their pick of any number of romantic companions, and honor is bestowed upon them as they earn the right to lead the Ina people in the way they see fit.


Since anyone can remember the Ina have always had a rotating cast of leaders. Most of their chieftains never live long enough to be well known to the rest of Lanfe. After one failed raid or if a chieftain looks at someone the wrong way they were assassinated shortly after. However at some point the Ina decided that instead of cowardly assassinations, that the chieftain should be someone who can hold their own in a fair and open fight. Therefore they decided if anyone had qualms with the chieftain they could simply challenge them for their rule.


The Rite of Rule can be invoked at any time and any place by anyone. When the rite is invoked all within the war camp are notified and all are expected to attend to witness the possible ascension of a new chieftain.

Components and tools

The chieftain and challenger are allowed to bring any weapon of their choice and any armor of their choice. This means that the battle can be completely lopsided but that does not matter.


The rite participants are the chieftain, the challenger, and the crowd. The chieftain is to do everything within their power to kill the challenger and assert their dominance over the tribe. The challenger is to prove themselves not a dead man walking by killing the chieftain and claiming their rule. The crowd is to surround the chieftain and challenger, prevent them from running away, and acknowledge the winner of the bout.

Primary Related Location

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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