The Eclipsed

Deity Alignment Province Domains
The Betrayer Chaotic Evil God of Endless Deserts and Chaos Trickery, Tempest
The Carcass Feeder Neutral Evil Goddess of Misery and Strife Nature, Death
The Dissonant Ruin Lawful Evil Goddess of Injustice Order, Knowledge
The Roaring Carnage Chaotic Evil Goddess of Massacres Blood, War, Tempest
The Scaled Tyrant Lawful Evil Dragon Goddess of Despair War, Trickery
The Slaver Lawful Evil God of Devils and Demons Forge, Death
The Soul Eater Lawful Evil Devourer of the Dead Grave, Death
The Toxic Assassin Chaotic Evil Goddess of Poisons Death, Trickery
The True Dark Neutral Evil God of Darkness Arcana, Death
The World Serpent Neutral Evil God of Corruption Trickery, Arcana

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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