The Eternal Flow

The realm of the Eternal Flow extends to wherever the seas shift. As the keeper of the seas, the Eternal Flow represents the ebb and flow of nature, the calms, and rages of the oceans. She is the patron deity of Tritons and other beings that live harmoniously above or below the seas. Those seeking safe passage across dangerous waters pray to her to calm the rage of her lover, the Pacifier. Her devoted followers work to protect nature and guide it as it changes the land it encompasses. The Eternal Flow moves about like the motion of the ocean from plane to plane overseeing natural life. She is often found alongside her lover, in the boundless pool of the Azure Palace within Celestia.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the untamed waters from exploitation and destruction.
  • Accept change like the shifting tides. The righteous guide the course of change and ensure it is on the right path.
  • Embrace the wild nature of the world and live in harmony with it.


The Eternal Flow's holy day, called Tide's Call, takes place on the second day of Kaehe when summer is reaching its climax. In coastal regions, people celebrate by embracing the seas and enjoying the beauty of nature. Some cultures take this day to appreciate the bounties granted by the sea and give thanks for not being swallowed by the surrounding waters.
Divine Classification
Depiction. The Eternal Flow is often depicted as a matronly woman of dark brown complexion, with skin that sparkles under the moonlight as she rises radiantly from the seas. Her hair is long and white and cascades down her form like waves in the ocean.

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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