The Primes

Most of the Primes were established as the creators of the mortal races and saviors of the world, that battled during the Planar Convergence against the powers that arose to end the world. They represent a spectrum of light, protection, love, death, and all other facets of freedom and life in the world. The gods do not always agree and they even feud, but they all work together in a somewhat tenuous alliance to protect the sanctity of life and their creations.   The primes agreed to establish a barrier between themselves and the mortals, whose lives they had interfered in for too long, this is known as the Divine Seal. The Divine Seal sealed away The Primes as well as The Eclipsed, into their respective realms, in hopes of preventing another Planar Convergence. If the Divine Seal were to be opened by the unanimous effort of the Primes, all powers would be unbarred bringing forth the end of days. Therefore, the gods watch over their creations from beyond the barrier, imparting what little power they can through the lock to aid the goals of their devout.
Deity Alignment Province Domains
The Alabaster General Chaotic Good Goddess of Beauty and Retribution War, Tempest
The Arcane Mother Neutral Good Goddess of Magic and Marriage Arcane, Life, Peace
The Bellower Neutral Good God of the Wilds Nature, Life
The Chronicler Neutral God of Wisdom and Balance Knowledge, Order
The Coiled Guardian Chaotic Good Goddess of Protection Nature, War
The Dawnbringer Lawful Good God of Rebirth Light, Forge
The Eternal Flow Neutral Goddess of the Seas Nature, Life
The God-King Lawful Good God of the Sun Light, Life
The Great Architect Lawful Neutral God of Creations and Secrets Forge, Knowledge
The Pacifier Neutral Good God of Storms Tempest, Nature
The Pathfinder Chaotic Good God of the Moon Twilight, Light, Trickery,
The Platinum Dragon Lawful Good Dragon God of Hope Life, War
The Star Bride Neutral Good Goddess of Stars and Divination Light, Arcana, Twilight
The Supreme Justice Lawful Neutral God of Judgement Grave, Order
The Truth Seer Lawful Neutral Goddess of Justice Order, Arcana
The Undertaker Lawful Good God of the Underworld Death, Life, Grave

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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