Arbor Colossus Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Arbor Colossus (Huge giant, Neutral evil)

Standing almost 30 feet tall, on legs as thick as tree trunks and skin the color of old wood, one could almost mistake the arbor colossus for a tree if it stood still long enough. Found in the ancient deciduous forests that cover Theros, the arbor colossi, like all giants, have long been an enemy of the gods, and the arbor colossus an enemy of Nylea in particular.   The God of the Hunt views the arbor colossi with disdain, believing their greater need for sustenance and methods of hunting risk upsetting the balance of her forests. The arbor colossi, for their part, think that Nylea jealously hoards nature's bounties for herself and her followers, and view every animal they kill and every tree they fell as an act of liberation.   Guerilla Warriors To fight back against the perceived tyranny of the gods, the arbor colossi are willing to do whatever they perceive as necessary. Often this means laying traps throughout the forests they inhabit, not caring whether they catch animals or humans, or jealously guarding a patch of land until they've stripped it of its resources, before moving on to the next. This careful planning doesn't extend to their battle tactics,w which like most monsters, involves confronting their enemies head-on with overwhelming strength.   In combat, an arbor colossus prefers to fight the same way it hunts its food, using the massive longbow it carries to give its attack an incredible reach. The arrows for this bow are almost as long as a man and a single quiver often requires a fully-grown tree- just another way in which the giants frustrate and anger Nylea, in addition to using a weapon so like her own.   Led by Strength Like all giants, the arbor colossi do not enjoy each other's company, preferring to remain in solitude. The only exception is at the summer and winter solstices, where the arbor colossi all travel far from Theros to the original homeland of the giants, where they meet in a place known as the Elder Grove. Here they gather to discuss the ways in which they have waged their war against Nylea and her followers and loudly proclaim their greatest deeds in the past 6 months. These proceedings are led by the Bower King, the arbor colossus' informal leader.   The meeting lasts for three nights, with the solstice in the middle. In the end, just before the colossi leave to travel back to their homes, the Bower King asks for challengers to his position. Anyone who accepts, and challenges the Bower King, enter into a contest with him, which lasts for 6 months before the next gathering. Such a contest might be to collect the greatest number of trophies or build the mightiest bow. If the challenger wins, they have the right to fave the Bower Kin in combat to take the throne for themselves. The current Bower King is a colossus by the name of Hyrean, who has held the position for 30 straight meetings, longer than any king before him.  

Arbor Colossus

Standing almost 30 feet tall, on legs as thick as tree trunks and skin the color of old wood, one could almost mistake the arbor colossus for a tree if it stood still long enough. Found in the ancient deciduous forests that cover Theros, the arbor colossi, like all giants, have long been an enemy of the gods, and the arbor colossus an enemy of Nylea in particular.
The God of the Hunt views the arbor colossi with disdain, believing their greater need for sustenance and methods of hunting risk upsetting the balance of her forests. The arbor colossi, for their part, think that Nylea jealously hoards nature's bounties for herself and her followers, and view every animal they kill and every tree they fell as an act of liberation.


Armor Class16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 15d12+75
Speed40 ft.
Strength21 (+5)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution20 (+5)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma12 (+1)
SkillsPerception d20+8 Survival d20+8
SensesPassive Perception 18
Challenge10 (5,900 XP)
Special 1Innate SpellcastingThe colossus' innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 16, d20+8 to hit with spell attacks).
It can innately cast the following spells,without requiring material components:
Spell 13/dayConture barrageHail of thorns
Hunter's mark
Spells 21/dayConjure volley
Special 2MonstorsityAt the start of each of the colossus' turns,if it took damage since the end of its last turn,
roll a d10 . On a result of 6 or higher,the colossus becomes monstrous until the end of its next long rest.While monstrous, the colossus gains a +3 bonus to attackand damage rolls and deals an additional 3d8 damage
on all weapon attacks made against flying creatures
Special 3ReachThe colossus has an advantage on attackrolls made against flying creatures
Special 4SharpshooterThe colossus ignores half and three-quarters cover,and doesn't have a disadvantage on ranged attack rolls
made while within 5 feet of a hostile creature
Action 1MultiattackThe colossus makes two attacks with its longbow
Action 2LongbowRanged Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Range 300/1200 ft., one targetHit 3d8+4 piercing damage
Action 3SlamMelee Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 2d8+5 bludgeoning damage

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