Artisan’s Sorrow Spell in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Artisan’s Sorrow

When you cast this spell, you touch a creature or object and automatically end one spell currently affecting the target. After doing so, roll 2d20 and record the results of one of the dice. Before the end of your next short or long rest, when you roll a d20 you can choose to replace the roll with the recorded one. You can do so after seeing the roll, but before you know the result.  
6th Level Divination
Casting Time 1 bonus action (ritual)
Range Touch
Components Vocal Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Bard Cleric
  Artisan’s Sorrow


When you cast this spell, you touch a creature or object and automatically end one spell currently affecting the target.

Side/Secondary Effects

Before the end of your next short or long rest, when you roll a d20 you can choose to replace the roll with the recorded one.


Class Source
Bard Learned
Cleric Deity 
Gestures & Ritual
When you cast this spell, you touch a creature or object and automatically end one spell currently affecting the target.
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 bonus action (ritual) Range: Touch

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