Benthic Giant Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Benthic Giant

There are few things on Theros more important, or more dangerous, for its people than the sea. The major method of travel and commerce for the poleis, particularly Meletis, the seas of Theros are a gateway for its people to the rest of the world, and mastering the art of sailing was a turning point in their history.   But even though the Therosians have sailed the waters for generations, there are still dozens of terrifying encounters that can turn any trip out to sea into a tragedy. The benthic giant is one of these terrors, a behemoth of muscle nestled in a tangled mess of seaweed, just waiting for a foolhardy captain or a rushing merchant vessel to pass near enough for it to reach out and grab the ship with its mammoth hands.   Lurking in the Deep The benthic giant isn't the only danger found on Theros' ocean floors, and though its size and strength don't quite rival the legendary storm giants, what sets it apart is how quickly it can turn an innocent pleasure cruise into a storm of death. The benthic giant is just tall enough for its feet to touch the floors of Thero's deepest bays while keeping its head just below surface level. In doing so, the benthic giant lets its kelp-like hair twist and swirl on the ocean currents, just like any of the other characteristic masses of sargassum across the sea.   When ships pass through these tangles, their keels often drag the seaweed with them, tugging the giant's hair and giving it a subtle alert that something has begun to move above it. The giant waits only a moment to confirm that it's caught something, before reaching up with its hands to try and crush whatever is passing above. Once a ship is destroyed, the benthic giant sets about eating all of its contents, cargo and crew alike.  

Benthic Giant

The benthic giant isn't the only danger found on Theros' ocean floors, and though its size and strength don't quite rival the legendary storm giants, what sets it apart is how quickly it can turn an innocent pleasure cruise into a storm of death. The benthic giant is just tall enough for its feet to touch the floors of Thero's deepest bays while keeping its head just below surface level. In doing so, the benthic giant lets its kelp-like hair twist and swirl on the ocean currents, just like any of the other characteristic masses of sargassum across the sea.

Armor Class12
Hit Points 10d12+60
Speed50 ft.Swim 100 ft.
Strength20 (+5)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution23 (+6)
Intelligence7 (-2)
Wisdom13 (+1)
Charisma10 (+0)
SkillsAthletics +8
SensesDarkvision 120 ft.Passive Perception 11
Challenge6 (2,300 XP)
Special 1AmphibiousThe giant can breathe air and water
Special 2Blockade MonsterThe giant deals double damage to objects and ships
Special 3False ApperanceWhile the giant remains motionless,it is indistinguishable from a large patch of seaweed
Special 4HexproofThe giant takes half as much damage from and has an advantageon saving throws against, spells, and other magical effects
Action 1MultiattackThe giant makes two slam attacks
Action 2SlamMelee Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage,and the target must succeed ona DC 16 Strength saving throw
or be pushed 10 feet away from the giant
Action 3RockRanged Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Range 30/120 ft., one targetHit 4d10+5 bludgeoning damage

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