Ditto Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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In its natural state, Ditto is a light-purple or pink blob-like Pokémon with vestigial facial features. It is often referred to as amorphous but has a relatively consistent appearance in official artwork, including two small nubs on its "head", a few soft lumps at its base, and two pseudopod-like protrusions in place of arms. The face consists of beady eyes and a simple mouth; almost always pulled into a smile.   It is capable of transforming into an exact replica of any physical object or living creature, including its form and abilities. Each Ditto has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to transforming; being unable to remain transformed while laughing and getting details of its transformation wrong if based on memory being apparently universal. While its transformation ability allows it to get along with almost anything, it does not get along with its own kind, which it will quickly (and generally fruitlessly) attempt to transform into. It transforms into a rock when sleeping to avoid attack. Ditto is never far from civilization or people.  


It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes.

Armor Class10
Hit Points 20d4
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution10 (+0)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma10 (+0)
SkillsDeception d20+4 Insight d20+2
SensesPassive Perception 10
Challenge1/8 (25 XP)
SpecialImposterDitto can transform as a reaction
Action 1TransformDitto transforms into a creature or object that it can clearly see.The transformation lasts until the Ditto drops to 0 hit points or dies.
Ditto’s stats are replaced by the stats of the creatureor object it transforms into,except for its mental ability score, proficiencies,known languages, and hit points.
Ditto also retains its own alignment, personality,and spellcasting abilities.Ditto is limited in the actions it can performby the nature of its new form,
and it can’t speak, cast spells, or take any other actionthat requires hands or speech unless itsnew form is capable of such actions.If ditto transforms into a creature,
it transforms in such a way as to also have all visible equipmentbeing worn or carried by the creature.This equipment cannot have magical properties,even if the equipment owned by the original creature does.
This equipment turns to dust if it's more than 5 feet awayfrom Ditto for more than 1 minute.This equipment melds into Ditto's form and vanishesif it transforms again.
While transformed into either a creature or an object,the Ditto retains its own face.If a creature is unable to see a transformed Ditto’s face,a transformed Ditto can be identified as such by a successful
DC 22 Intelligence (Investigation),Intelligence (Nature), orWisdom (Insight) check
Action 2MimicIf Ditto has used transform,then it can use any of the actions
possessed by its new form

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