Gallows Warden Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Gallows Warden

Though many of the spirits that haunt the mortal coil of Innistrad have risen from the unhappy souls of mortals, some are born instead from powerful psychic energy. When humans repeatedly experience strong emotions in a single location, they can often leave behind powerful imprints of their thoughts at that moment. Given time and the constant reoccurrence of the feelings, an imprint can take on a life of its own, becoming its own sort of ghost.   Numerous, but not so numerous as ghosts made from the risen dead, the most common of such spirits are found in dark places, the most common of such spirits are found in dark places, where few willing travel. But even spirits born from hostile emotions can kind, as is the case with the gallows warden.   Balm for the Lost When someone faces a sure death, strong emotions are sure to rise. At the gallows, even those hardened criminals that know their life is at an end often wish for just one more day, a final moment of peace, or even a single extra breath of fresh air. These feelings of longing, of the desire for a peace they may never know, is what makes a gallows warden.   Even though a gallows warden has never known life, for the condemned it endeavors to make peaceful the end of life, and beyond. Though it couldn't save them in life, a gallows warden seeks to save its charges in death. Beneath the shade of its tattered cloak, which billows as if it were caught in some unseen storm, the restless dead knows at least some form of peace. There, the wounds of the deathless stitch themselves closed, and the ectoplasmic forms of other ghosts regenerate themselves.   Form Follows Function Like all psychic spirits, the form of the gallows warden is inspired by the thoughts that created it. Like a hanged criminal, its arms are bound, keeping it from interacting with the rest of the world; it is always afloat, with no legs to touch the ground; and like the condensed, whose eyes are covered in their final moments, the gallows warden can not see, because it has no eyes.   For those lost to the gallows, these qualities were a final reminder of their helplessness, and the fate waiting for them around the corner. It's only appropriate, then that they become some of the gallows warden's greatest strengths. Even without eyes, it can sense energy every inch of the world around it; and though it has no legs, the gallows warden has everything those who died to create it had ever wanted.  

Gallows Warden

Though many of the spirits that haunt the mortal coil of Innistrad have risen from the unhappy souls of mortals, some are born instead from powerful psychic energy. When humans repeatedly experience strong emotions in a single location, they can often leave behind powerful imprints of their thoughts at that moment. Given time and the constant reoccurrence of the feelings, an imprint can take on a life of its own, becoming its own sort of ghost.
Numerous, but not so numerous as ghosts made from the risen dead, the most common of such spirits are found in dark places, the most common of such spirits are found in dark places, where few willing travel. But even spirits born from hostile emotions can kind, as is the case with the gallows warden.

Armor Class13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 8d10+32
Speed0 ft.Fly 60 ft. (hover)
Strength6 (-2)
Dexterity16 (+3)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma17 (+3)
Damage VulnerabilitiesPsychic
Damage ResistancesAcidColdFire
Slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silver
Damage ImmunitiesNecroticPoison
Condition ImmunitiesCharmedExhaustionGrappled
SensesBlindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)Passive Perception 11
LanguagesThe languages it knew in life
Challenge7 (2,900 XP)
Special 1Bound HandsThe warden can't attempt to grapple creatures,and can't pick up or interact with objects
Special 2Incorporal MovementThe warden can move through other creaturesand objects as if they were difficult terrain.
It takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object
Special 3Sheltering ShadeAny undead creature that starts its turn 15 feet ofthe warden automatically regains 10 hit points
ActionStorm TendrilMelee Weapon Attack d20+6 to hit
Reach 15 ft., one creatureHit 4d10+3 lightning damage,and the target must succeed ona DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or be stunned until the end of its next turn

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