Garruk Relentless Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Garruk Relentless

The planeswalker Garruk has always been a proud and noble hunter, though somewhat estranged from civilization. An early life in the forest with no one but his father for company, followed by several years on the run in the wilds, has left Garruk more comfortable in the presence of beasts than other people. In spite of this, Garruk has always maintained a strong code of ethics, punishing those who do wrong in the way of the wild, rather than by the word of law.   But now Garruk has no time for such honor. The hunter suffers, not quietly, but in loud and full-bodied agony, at the hands of a powerful necrotic curse. Laid on him by the necromancer Liliana Vess, Garruk's power alone is not enough to break the curse, which was crafted and empowered by the ancient and terrible Chain Veil. Unsure if anyone could soothe the constant torment he feels, Garruk seeks Lilliana once more, if not to cure himself then at least to end the witch's life.   What Garruk does not yet realize, blinded by pain and sorrow, is that the Chain Veil's curse is not killing him. Too strong to be undone by its agonies, Garruk is slowly transforming from its influence, away from a noble hunter and into a mighty executioner. Night-by night, as he lays awake, unable to sleep from his suffering, his mind grows darker and the code he has lived by his whole life begins to slip away.  

Garruk Relentless

The planeswalker Garruck has always been a proud and noble hunter, though somewhat estranged from civilization. An early life in the forest with no one but his father for company, followed by several years on the run in the wilds, has left Garruck more comfortable in the presence of beasts than other people. In spite of this, Garruck has always maintained a strong code of ethics, punishing those who do wrong in the way of the wild, rather than by the word of law.

Armor Class18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 26d8+104
Speed30 ft.
Strength21 (+5)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution19 (+4)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom20 (+5)
Charisma18 (+4)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+11 Dexterity d20+10 Constitution d20+10
Wisdom d20+11
SkillsAthletics d20+11 Animal Handling d20+11 Perception d20+11
Stealth d20+10 Survival d20+11
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 21
Challenge17 (18,000 XP)
Special 1BruteA melee weapon deals two extra die of its damage whenGarruk hits with it (included in the attack)
Special 2Garruk has 5 strength dice, which are d12s.When Garruk makes an attack,he can expand a strength die to gain a +5 bonus to the attack roll.
If the attack hits, he can roll the die and add the result to the damage.Garruk regains all expanded strengthdice when he finishes a long rest
Special 3Innate SpellcastingGarruck's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 19, d20+11 to hit with spell attacks).
He can innately cast the following spellsrequiring no material components:
Spells 1At willBeast bondHunter's mark
Pass without tracePlane shift (self only)
Spells 23/day eachPlant growthSilence
Spells 31/day eachLocate creatureSteel wind strike
Special 4Keen Hearing and SightGarruk has an advantage on Wisdom (Perception)checks that rely on hearing and sight
Special 5Legendary Resistance (2/day)If Garruk fails a saving throw,he can choose to succeed instead
Special 6The Veil's CurseAt the start of each of Garruk's turns,if he has 100 or fewer hit points remaining, he transforms.
When Garruck transforms his statistics are replacedby the statistics of Garruk, the Veil-Cursed
Action 1MultiattackGarruk makes two attacks with his great ax orone with his great ax and two with his dagger
Action 2Great axMelee Weapon Attack d20+11 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 3d12+5 slashing damage
Action 3DaggerMelee Weapon Attack d20+11 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 3d4+5 piercing damage
Legendary ActionsGarruk Relentless can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Garruk regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1Hunter's CallGarruk summons a beast of CR 2 or lower in an unoccupiedspace that he can see within 30 feet.
The beast is friendly to Garruk and his allies and acts at the end of Garruk's turn.The beast gains a bonus to its attack and damage rolls equal to Garruk's Wisdom modifier.The summoned creature disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points,Garruk falls unconscious or is killed,
or Garruk dismisses it using a bonus action on his turn
Legendary Action 2Hunter's StrengthGarruk regains one of his expanded strength dice
Legendary Action 3Even Blow (Costs 2 Actions)Garruk makes one great ax attack.If the attack hits, it deals an additional 2d12 slashing damage,
and the target can use its reaction to makea single melee weapon attack against Garruk

Garruk, the Veil-Cursed

But now Garruk has no time for such honor. The hunter suffers, not quietly, but in loud and full-bodied agony, at the hands of a powerful necrotic curse. Laid on him by the necromancer Liliana Vess, Garruk's power alone is not enough to break the curse, which was crafted and empowered by the ancient and terrible Chain Veil. Unsure if anyone could soothe the constant torment he feels, Garruk seeks Lilliana once more, if not to cure himself then at least to end the witch's life.

Armor Class17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 22d8+5
Speed30 ft.
Strength22 (+6)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution19 (+4)
Intelligence8 (-1)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma15 (+2)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+12 Dexterity d20+10 Constittuion d20+10
SkillsAthletics d20+12 Perception d20+10 Survival d20+10
Condition ImmunitiesCharmedFrightened
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 20
Challenge19 (18,000 XP)
Special 1BruteA melee Weapon deals two extra die of its damagewhen Garruk hits with it (included in the attack)
Special 2Draw StrengthGarruk has 3 strength dice,which are d12s. When Garruk makes an attack,
he can expend a strength die to gain a +5 bonus to the attack roll.If the attack hits, he can roll the die and add the result to the damage.Garruk regains all expended strength dice when he finishes a long rest
Special 3Innate SpellcastingGarruk's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 18, d20+10 to hit with spell attacks).He can innately cast the following spells,requiring no material components:
Spells 1At willEnsnaring strikeHunter's mark
Plane shift (self only)Zephyr strike
Spells 24/day eachBlightDominate beast
Plant growth
Spells 32/day eachSteel wind strikeWall of thorns
Spells 41/dayPower word pain
Special 4Legendary Resistance (2/day)If Garruk fails a saving throw,he can choose to succeed instead
Special 5Power AttackOnce per turn, when Garruk makes a melee weapon attack,he can choose to make the attack with a disadvantage.
If the attack hits, it deals an additional die of damage
Action 1MultiattackGarruk makes two attacks with his great axor two attacks with his dagger
and one crippling touch attack
Action 2Great axMelee Weapon Attack d20+12 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 3d12+6 slashing damage
Action 3DaggerMelee Weapon Attack d20+12 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 3d4+6 piercing damage
Action 4Crippling TouchMelee Spell Attack d20+10 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d10+6 necrotic damageand the target's maximum hit points are reducedby an amount equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
If the target's maximum hit points are reduced to 0 in this way,it automatically dies. This reduction lastsuntil the end of the target's next long rest
Legendary ActionsGarruk, the Veil-Cursed can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Garruk regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1Curse's CallGarruk summons a beast of CR 1 or lower in an unoccupied spacethat he can see within 30 feet.
The beast is friendly to Garruk and acts at the end of Garruk's turn.The beast gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to Garruk's Wisdom modifier,and any creature damaged by the beast's attacks has its maximum hit pointsreduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt.
The summoned creature disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points,or Garruk falls unconscious or is killed
Legendary Action 2Greater Good (Costs 2 Actions)Garruk chooses a creature that he can see within 30 feetthat he summoned or that is charmed by him.
That creature is reduced to 0 hit points,and Garruk regains one of his expended strength dice
Legendary Action 3Curse's Strength (Costs 3 Actions)Until the end of Garruk's next turn,he and each of his allies have an advantage
on attack rolls made against creature's withless than their maximum hit points remaining

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