Giant Ape

A giant ape is size Huge. This is the same size as an elephant, a fire giant, or a treant (among other things). Probably about 15 to 20 feet tall, and takes up a 15x15 space in combat.  

Giant Ape

A giant ape is size Huge. This is the same size as an elephant, a fire giant, or a treant (among other things). Probably about 15 to 20 feet tall, and takes up a 15x15 space in combat.

Armor Class12
Hit Points 15d12+60
Speed40ft.Climb 40ft.
Strength23 (+6)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence7 (- 2)
Wisdom12 (+1 )
Charisma7 (-2)
Action 1MultiattackThe ape makes two fist attacks
Action 2FistMelee Weapon Attack: d20+9 to hit
Reach 10ft., one targetHit 3d10+6 bludgeoning damage
Action 3RockRanged Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Range 50/100ft., one targetHit 7d6+6 bludgeoning damage


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