Giant Eagle

A giant eagle is a noble creature that speaks its own language and understands speech in the Common tongue. A mated pair of giant eagles typically has up to four eggs or young in their nest (treat the young as normal eagles).  

Giant Eagle

A giant eagle is a noble creature that speaks its own language and understands speech in the Common tongue. A mated pair of giant eagles typically has up to four eggs or young in their nest (treat the young as normal eagles).

Armor Class13
Hit Points 4d10+4
Speed10ft.Fly 80ft.
Strength16 (+3)
Dexterity17 (+3)
Constitution13 (+1)
Intelligence8 (- 1)
Wisdom14 (+2)
Charisma10 (+0)
SkillsPerception d20+4
SensesPassive Perception 14
LanguagesUnderstands Common and Auran but can 't speak them
Challenge1 (200 XP)
SpecialKeen SightThe eagle has advantage onWisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
Action 1MultiattackThe eagle makes two attacks:one with its beak
and one with its talons
Action 2BeakMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6+3 piercing damage
Action 3TalonsMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d6+3 slashing damage


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