
A hyena is a type of pack animal known for its shrewdness and hunting skills and for its disturbing laugh-like call.  


A hyena is a type of pack animal known for its shrewdness and hunting skills and for its disturbing laugh-like call.

Armor Class11
Hit Points 1d8+1
Speed50 ft.
Strength11 (+0)
Dexterity13 (+1)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence2 (-4)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma5 (-3)
SkillsPerception d20+3
SensesPassive Perception 13
Challenge0 (10 XP)
SpecialPack TacticsThe hyena has an advantage on an attack rollagainst a creature if at least one of the hyena's allies
is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated
ActionBiteMelee Weapon Attack d20+2 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6 piercing damage


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