Keldon Warcaller Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Keldon Warcaller

Found at the head of every Keldon war host, warcallers play an important role in Keldon battles. Though they move with the frontlines and are often the first to attack, warcallers are often less adept in battle than other Keldon warriors. But the warcallers make up for this difference by wielding magic drawn from the sounds of the battlefield- the clashing of blades, the rattle of armor, the pounding of hooves, and the thunder of their own horns.   Teller of Tales Outside of battle, Keldon warcallers serve the war host by listening to the stories of their people, taking them down, and committing them to memory. During festivals and celebrations, the warcallers recount these same stories, having spent weeks writing the best of them into the form of songs. The greater the song they write, the greater the chance that others will remember it. And for warcallers, the more who remember their songs, the greater power that same song has when spoken or sung on the battlefield.   By repeating the glories of their ancestors and allies, warcallers can speak true magic into the world- which allows them to heal wounds, blast their foes with thunderous power, or channel the spirit of the First Flame into themselves or others.  

Keldon Warcaller

Found at the head of every Keldon war host, warcallers play an important role in Keldon battles. Though they move with the frontlines and are often the first to attack, warcallers are often less adept in battle than other Keldon warriors. But the warcallers make up for this difference by wielding magic drawn from the sounds of the battlefield- the clashing of blades, the rattle of armor, the pounding of hooves, and the thunder of their own horns.

Armor Class13 (studdend leather)
Hit Points 5d8+5
Speed30 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution13 (+1)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom14 (+2)
Charisma15 (+2)
SkillsPerformance d20+4 Persuasion d20+4
SensesPassive Perception 12
Challenge2 (450 XP)
Special 1SpellcastingThe warcaller is a 4th-level spellcaster.Its spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 12, d20+4 to hit with spell attacks).It has the following Bard spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)Blade wardThunderclap
Ture strike
Spells 21st level (4 slots)BaneCure wounds
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Heat metalPyrotechnics
Action 1LongswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+4 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+2 slashing damage.If the attack hits, the warcaller can use a bonusaction to cast a cantrip that it knows
Action 2Blasting Horn (3/day)Each creature in a 30-foot cone originating from the warcallermust make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw,
taking 4d6 thunder damage on a failed save,or half as much on success.Objects and structures in the areaautomatically take 8d6 thunder damage

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