Koffing / Weezing / Forian Weezing Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Koffing / Weezing / Forian Weezing

Koffing is a spherical Pokémon filled with toxic gases. It has vacant eyes and a wide mouth that usually has two pointed teeth in the upper jaw. However, a full set of teeth has been seen. Below its face is a cream-coloured skull-and-crossbones marking. Several geyser-like protrusions, which usually release a mustard-colored gas, cover this Pokémon's body. Koffing's purple skin is very thin, and over-inflation can cause it to explode.   Koffing creates gases within its body by mixing toxins with garbage and produces more gas at higher temperatures. These gases are malodorous and cause sniffles, coughs, and teary eyes to those around them. The gases are also lighter than air, allowing Koffing to hover. When agitated, it creates a more toxic gas and expels it through the holes in its body. Koffing's gas can be ignited by fire or electricity. It feeds on the fumes of raw, rotting trash found in gas dumps and polluted air. Koffing at one point was plentiful in Forian due to factories. Koffing is most often found in urban areas.  


Its body is full of poisonous gas. It floats into garbage dumps, seeking out the fumes of raw, rotting trash.

Armor Class11
Hit Points 3d6+9
Speed0 ft.Fly 20 ft. (hover)
Strength7 (-2)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence6 (-2)
Wisdom10 (+0)
Charisma8 (-1)
Damage ResistancesAcid
Damage ImmunitiesPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisonedProne
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 10Blindsight 10 ft.
Challenge1/2 (100 XP)
Special 1Toxic CloudAny creature that starts its turnwithin 10 feet of Koffing must make a
DC 10 Constitution saving throw,taking 1d6 poison damage on a failed save
Special 2Self-DestructWhenever the Koffing takes damage,it must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw,
doing so with disadvantage if the source is fire damage.On a failed save, the Koffing explodes in a burst of poisonous gas,the Koffing can also choose to explode as an action.Exploding kills the Koffing.
When Koffing explodes, each creature withina 10-foot radius of it must make aDC 13 Constitution saving throw,take 2d8 poison damage and become poisoned
for 1 hour on a failed save,or half as much damage and not become poisoned on a successful one.If the fire damage causes the Koffing to explode,the explosion deals an additional 1d8 fire damage
Special 2SmogThe Koffing is constantly exuding smog that lightly obscures thearea in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on itself.
Any creature that enters the affected area for the first timeon a turn or starts its turn there must succeed ona DC 13 Constitution saving throw or bepoisoned until the start of its next turn.
As an action, the Koffing can exhale a thick cloud of smog,creating a 20-foot-radius sphere ofsmog centered on its current position.This expanded sphere spreads around corners,
its area is heavily obscured, and anycreature that starts its turn in the smog or enters iffor the first time on its turn must make the saving throw.This thick cloud lasts for up to 10 minutes or
until a wind of moderate or greater speed(at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.The Koffing can use this feature once,and an expanded use is restored when
the Koffing finishes a long rest
Special 3Toxic CloudAny creature that starts its turn within10 feet of Koffing must make a
DC 10 Constitution saving throw,taking 1d6 poison damage on a failed save
ActionPoison GasThe Koffing exhales a plume of thick,noxious fumes in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on itself.
Each creature in that area must succeed on aDC 13 Constitution saving throw ortake 2d4 poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute
  Weezing is a purple Pokémon consisting of two spherical heads connected by a thin tube with another sphere in the center. The heads have different sizes and features. The left head is larger and has prominent eyebrows, pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw, and two flat teeth in its upper jaw. The smaller, right head simply has two pointed teeth, one at each corner of its mouth. The larger head has a cream-coloured skull-and-crossbones marking below its face, while the smaller head has a ring marking instead. It is covered with many geyser-like protrusions, which usually expel mustard-colored gases. Weezing is said to form when poisonous gases pool and two Koffing fuse over many years. Very rarely, two Koffings can become a Weezing in a short time span because of a sudden mutation. Triplet Weezing has been discovered, although they are extremely rare.   Each of Weezing's heads contains a different toxin. It mixes its gases by inflating one head and deflating the other. When its gases mix, wheezing becomes more toxic and putrid. Weezing can hover in midair, presumably due to gases lighter than air, as is the case for Koffing. Despite their stench and poison, Weezing's gases can be used to make top-grade perfume by diluting them to the highest level.   Weezing lives in urban areas. It seeks a dirty, unkempt house and nests there. At night, when the people in the house are asleep, it will go through the trash. Weezing feeds on the dust, microorganisms, and especially gases emitted by garbage and toxic waste. Weezing's body expands and smells worse upon inhaling poisonous gases.  


It mixes gases between its two bodies. It’s said that these Pokémon were seen all over the Galar region back in the day.

Armor Class12
Hit Points 14d6+14
Speed0 ft.Fly 30 ft. (hover)
Strength12 (+1)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence9 (-1)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma9 (-1)
Damage ImmunitiesPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisoned
SkillsListen d20+10
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 11
Challenge1 (200 XP)
Special 1Toxic CloudAny creature that starts its turn within10 feet of Weezing must make a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw,taking 2d6 poison damage on a failed save
Special 2Death ExplosionWhen Weezing is reduced to 0 hit points,all creatures within 10 feet of it must make
DC 12 Dexterity saving throws,taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save,or half as much damage on a successful one
Action 1Poison GasAll creatures within 10 feet of Weezing must makea DC 12 Constitution saving throw,
taking 2d6 poison damage on a failed save,or half as much damage on a successful one
Action 2TackleMelee Weapon Attack d20+4
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage
Action 3Smokescreen (Recharge 5-6)Weezing lets loose a cloud of smoke ina 20 foot radius around it, making the area heavily obscured
  In the Forian region, its appearance has changed due to absorbing polluted air from factories. It has a gray body with a skull, crossbones, and ring patterns changed to the colour yellow. Both heads have a hat-like tube located on top of them that constantly releases purified air. Five puffs of green poison gas clouds can be seen floating around it. The gas clouds also partly cover its faces: the larger head has a mustache-like cloud on its upper lip, while the smaller head has clouds on its face in the shape of eyebrows and a beard.   Forian Weezing consumes particles from polluted air and expels clean air instead of droppings. The toxins within Forian Weezing's body are accumulated into poison gas clouds that leak and drift around it. The gas is its best weapon in battle, being potent enough to stun and immobilize an opponent with just a whiff. Forian Weezing preys on Trubbish for the fumes it produces.  

Forian Weezing

This Pokémon consumes particles that contaminate the air. Instead of leaving droppings, it expels clean air.

Armor Class16
Hit Points 16d6+48
Speed0 ft.30 ft. Fly (hover)
Strength16 (+3)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence6 (-2)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma8 (-1)
Damage VulnerabilitiesPsychicSteel
Damage ResistancesFighting
Damage ImmunitiesDragon
Saving ThrowsConstitution d20+7
SkillsDeception d20+6
Challenge3 (300 XP)
SpecialNeutralizing GasAs long as Weezing is on the battlefield,all other’s abilities are negated
Action 1SmokescreenWeezing releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink.Until the end of Weezing’s turn,
attack rolls made against it has disadvantage
Action 2Self-DestructWeezing attacks by causing a tremendous explosion.Immediately fainting, and all others
within range must make a constitution saving throw,taking 20d8 bludgeoning damageon a failed or half as much on a success
Action 3Sludge BombRange Attack Move d20+7 to hit
Range 60 ft., one targetHit 8d6+3 poison damage,and the target must succeed on a14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
Action 4Destiny BondWeezing creates an evil ward on himself.Before the end of its next turn,
if it faints from an attack,the attacker faints as well.

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