Lapras Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Lapras is a marine reptilian Pokémon that resembles a plesiosaur. It has a blue hide with darker blue spots and a cream-colored underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers. The foremost flippers are larger than the hind. On its back is a heavy, gray shell covered in blunt knobs.   Lapras is a gentle, helpful Pokémon that enjoys ferrying people across bodies of water. In the past, its docility made it an easy target for hunters, and it was driven to near extinction. Recent protection efforts have seen Lapras become overabundant instead, which is now affecting the fish Pokémon numbers in some areas. An intelligent Pokémon, it is able to understand human speech. Lapras have been known to travel in large pods across the seas, spanning both polar and tropical areas. To keep in touch with other of its kind, it sings enchanting melodies. It has been shown that Lapras is able to develop psychic abilities such as telepathy.  


A smart and kindhearted Pokémon, it glides across the surface of the sea while its beautiful song echoes around it.

Armor Class15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 14d10+42
Speed30 ft.Swim 60 ft.
Strength15 (+2)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom14 (+2)
Charisma16 (+3)
Damage VulnerabilitiesThunder
Damage ResistancesCold
Saving ThrowsIntelligence d20+4
SensesPassive Perception 12
Challenge5 (1,800 XP)
SpecialAmphibiousLapras can breathe air and water
Action 1Body SlamMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d10+2 bludgeoning damage
Action 2SingOne creature that can see Lapras within 60 feet,must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw.
On a failure, the creature is charmed by Laprus for up to 1 minute
Action 3Ice Beam (Recharge 6)Lapras exhales ice in a 60/120 ft. cone.Each creature in that area must make
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw,taking 6d6 cold damage on a failed save ,or half as much on a successful one
Action 4Perish Song (1/Day)Lapras sings a magic melody.Every creature that can hear and is within 30 feet of it must make
a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw.On a failed save the creature falls unconsciousand is incapacitated for 1 minute,unless it takes damage.
This song has no effect on constructs
ReactionPerryLapras adds 2 to its AC against one melee attackthat would hit it while in water.
To do so, Lapras must see the attacker

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