Munchlax / Snorlax Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Munchlax / Snorlax

Munchlax is a teal Pokémon with a cream spot on its chest. Its round head is teal in the top half and cream in the bottom half. It has big, round eyes and large pointy ears. It has five-fingered hands and cream feet with three clawed toes. The fur close to the bottom of a Munchlax seems to resemble a dress. Munchlax has two pointy teeth that stick out of its mouth even if closed.   It is a hyperactive Pokémon. It does not mind walking and running from place to place as it looks for food, but it is usually very slow-moving. Munchlax tends to store food in its long fur, although it sometimes forgets about its hidden food. Its stomach allows it to eat nearly anything, even rotten food, and they are indifferent to flavour. It can also eat many servings of food at a time without chewing and rarely gets full. It eats the most food of any Pokémon besides its evolution, Snorlax. Munchlax tends to raid villages for food intended to be thrown away.  


Stuffing itself with vast amounts of food is its only concern. Whether the food is rotten or fresh, yummy or tasteless—it does not care.

Armor Class10 (natural armor)
Hit Points 6d6+45
Speed20 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence6 (-2)
Wisdom8 (-1)
Charisma14 (+2)
Damage ResistanceColdFire
Damage ImmunitiesPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisoned
SensesPassive Perception 10
Challenge5 (1,800 XP)
Action 1CovetMelee Attack d20+6 to hit
Munchlax endearingly approacha target you can see within range, then strike.Hit 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage andmake a Stealth check (Sleight of Hand) check
against the target's passive perception.On a success, Munchlax steal’s the target’s held item
Action 2FlailMelee Attack d20+6 to hit
Reach 5ft. One target] Munchlax flails aimlessly.Hit 4d6+2 bludgeoning damage.If Munchlax’s current HP is less than half,then damage becomes 8d6
Action 3Last ResortRange Weapon AttackOut of options Munchlax calls upon a start
to strike a target visible within range. d20+6 to hitRange 120 ft., one targetHit 10d12+2 bludgeoning damage
  Snorlax is a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green mammalian Pokémon with a cream-coloured face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, as its limbs are comparatively small. Its head is large with small, pointed ears, and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has round feet, which both have three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and short arms with five claws on each hand.   Snorlax is often found in mountains and forests. It wakes up only to eat, requiring 900 lbs. (400 kg) of food per day before returning to its slumber, although it can also eat while it is resting. It is not a picky eater, as its strong stomach allows it to eat even mouldy food without feeling any ill effects. It can even handle thorny plants or Muk's poison. Snorlax is docile enough to let children and small Pokémon bounce on its large stomach. Despite its apparent laziness, however, Snorlax can exhibit tremendous power when prompted. Snorlax is known to appear without warning in villages and steal their food supplies, such as rice granaries, which have long been considered a disaster whenever it happens.  


It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds of food every day. When it is done eating, it goes promptly to sleep.

Armor Class16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 20d10+100
Speed25 ft.
Strength20 (+5)
Dexterity8 (-1)
Constitution25 (+7)
Intelligence6 (-2)
Wisdom10 (+0)
Charisma10 (+0)
Damage ResistanceColdFire
Damage immunitiesPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisoned
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+9 Wisdom d20+4 Constitution d20+8
SensesPassive Perception 10
Challenge10 (2,300 XP)
Special 1SleepySnorlax automatically fails saving throws againstany effect or spells that would cause it to fall asleep
Special 2Pulverizing Pancake (1/day)As a bonus action, Snorlax can muster up all of its energyto increase its movement speed to 40 feet for 1 minute.
During this minute, if Snorlax moves at least 20 feet straight toward a targetand then hits it with Body Slam on the same turn,the target takes an extra 4d12 bludgeoning damage,and if the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throwor become stunned for as long as it is grappled by Snorlax.An affected creature can repeat the saving throwat the end of each of its turns,
snapping out of its stunned condition on a success.If Snorlax uses this ability while asleep,it wakes up and cannot fall asleep until after its duration of 1 minute.At the end of this abilities duration,
Snorlax falls asleep for at least 1 hour
Special 3RestWhile asleep, Snorlax has a damage threshold of 20,it has immunity to all damage unless it takes
an amount of damage from a single attack or effect equalto or greater than its damage threshold,in which case it takes damage as normal
Special 4Sleep TalkWhile asleep, Snorlax has a movement speed of 10 feetand can perform actions as normal,
but is considered blinded.Snorlax gains the benefits of a long rest,even if it is “active” while asleep,if it is asleep for at least 1 hour.
Snorlax does not gain the benefits of a long restif it takes damage while asleep,but can regain those benefits if it continuessleeping without taking damage for
long enough to complete a long rest
Action 1Body SlamMelee Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d12+5 bludgeoning damage.If the target is a Large or smaller creature,it is pinned beneath Snorlax and grappled (escape DC 17).
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained,Snorlax is prone, and Snorlax cantuse Body Slam on another target.The grapple ends if Snorlax stands up or moves off of the target
Action 2Yawn (Recharge 4-6)As a bonus action, Snorlax yawns contagiously,spreading sleepiness to each creature in a 10-foot radius that can hear it.
Each creature in the affected area must succeed ona DC 19 Constitution saving throw or become drowsy.A drowsy creature can repeat the saving throwas an action on its turn,
ending the effect on itself on a success.A drowsy creature gains one level of exhaustionat the start of each of its turns.If a drowsy creature starts its turn with three or more levels of exhaustion,
it falls asleep at the start of its turn and doesnot gain any more levels of exhaustion.A creature that falls asleep from drowsinesssleeps for up to 3 hours,
or until it takes damage or someone uses anaction to shake or slap the sleeper awake.A creature that has the effects of drowsiness removed fromit or is woken up from sleep caused by drowsiness
returns to however many levels of exhaustion ithad before being subjected to Snoelax’s Yawn.A creature that succeeds on the initial ora repeated saving throw,
or wakes up from being put to sleep by Yawn,is immune to Snorlax’s Yawn for the next 8 hours

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