
A quipper is a carnivorous fish with sharp teeth. Quippers can adapt to any aquatic environment, including cold subterranean lakes. They frequently gather in swarms; the statistics for a swarm of quippers appear later in this appendix.  


A quipper is a carnivorous fish with sharp teeth. Quippers can adapt to any aquatic environment, including cold subterranean lakes. They frequently gather in swarms; the statistics for a swarm of quippers appear later in this appendix.

Armor Class13
Hit Points 1d4-1
Speed0 ft.Swim 40ft.
Strength2 (-4)
Dexterity16 (+3)
Constitution9 (- 1)
Intelligence1 (-5)
Wisdom7 (- 2)
Charisma2 (-4)
SensesDarkvision 60ft.Passive Perception 8
Challenge0 (10 XP)
Special 1Blood FrenzyThe quipper has an advantage on melee attack rollsagainst any creature that doesn't have all its hit points
Special 2Water BreathingThe quipper can breathe only underwater
ActionBiteMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1 piercing damage


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