
A rat is a long-tailed rodent, a species of animal. Rats with brown fur are favored by the Mulhorandi god Geb, while those with black fur are sacred to Loviatar. Rats of any variety are seen as signs of good omen to worshipers of Beshaba, Talona, and Yurtrus. Rats are generally cowardly creatures, but will become fierce if cornered or trapped. They fear fire, but if hungry enough can be driven to ignore this base instinct.  


A rat is a long-tailed rodent, a species of animal. Rats with brown fur are favored by the Mulhorandi god Geb, while those with black fur are sacred to Loviatar. Rats of any variety are seen as signs of good omen to worshipers of Beshaba, Talona, and Yurtrus. Rats are generally cowardly creatures, but will become fierce if cornered or trapped. They fear fire, but if hungry enough can be driven to ignore this base instinct.

Armor Class10
Hit Points 1d4-1
Speed20 ft.
Strength2 (-4)
Dexterity11 (+0)
Constitution9 (- 1)
Intelligence2 (-4)
Wisdom10 (+0)
Charisma4 (-3)
SensesDarkvision 30ft.Passive Perception 10
Challenge0 (10 XP)
SpecialKeen SmellThe rat has an advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on smell
ActionBiteMelee Weapon Attack d20+0 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1 piercing damage


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