Tangela / Tangrowth Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Tangela / Tangrowth

Tangela is a plant Pokémon covered by blue, seaweed-like vines that obscure its face. There is a small opening in the vines that reveals its eyes surrounded by a black space. The vines give Tangela a round shape, but it is unknown what it looks like without them. Its vines are covered in fine hair and are always growing. If damaged or lost, replacements are grown. There is a pair of red boot-like feet poking out from under the vines, but no visible arms.   Tangela can ensnare and entangle anything that moves too close to it with its vines. The vines constantly jiggle and sway, unnerving enemies and causing a tickling sensation if ensnared. Tangela's vines will snap off easily and painlessly if the target pulls on them, so it can quickly escape. The vines of Tangela are said to have a distinct scent.  


Hidden beneath a tangle of vines that grows nonstop even if the vines are torn off, this Pokémon’s true appearance remains a mystery.

Armor Class11
Hit Points 8d6
Speed30 ft.
Strength12 (+1)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution10 (+0)
Intelligence6 (-2)
Wisdom10 (+0)
Charisma10 (+0)
Damage VulnerabilitiesFire
SensesPassive Perception 10
Challenge½ (100 XP)
Special 1Shed VinesTangela cannot be grappled
Special 2BindIf Tangela has a creature grappled,it can use Constrict as a bonus action
Special 3IngrainIf Tangela does not move during its turn,it regains 5 hit points at the end of its turn
Action 1Vine WhipMelee Weapon Attack d20+3 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 1d6+1 bludgeoning damageand the target is grappled (escape DC 11)
Action 2ConstrictOne grappled target must makea DC 11 Strength saving throw,
taking 1d6+1 bludgeoning damageon a failed save, or half asmuch damage on a successful one
  Tangrowth is a large Pokémon with a black body wrapped in a large mass of blue vines. The vines are used to entangle foes and prey. A pair of saucer-like eyes peek out from beneath the tangled mess of vines. However, these eyes may be hidden in warm seasons due to how profusely the vines grow. Its stubby black feet are tipped with red. Tangrowth has a pair of blue boneless arms that have three fingers. The arms are made from bundles of vines. These fingers are completely red on a female Tangrowth, while they have red tips on a male.   Tangrowth is unfazed if one of its arms is broken off, as it will easily grow back. It will also rip apart vines off its body should they have grown too long. It hunts by disguising itself as a shrub, then grabbing prey with its vines. It can extend its arms as much as it wants. Predators like to eat Tangrowth's vines. When the climate is warm, its vine growth is accelerated. Tangrowth is very rare in the wild, though it can be found in temperate grasslands.  


Tangrowth has two arms that it can extend as it pleases. Recent research has shown that these arms are, in fact, bundles of vines.

Armor Class14
Hit Points 12d6
Speed30 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity16 (+3)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma12 (+1)
Damage VulnerabilitiesFire
SensesPassive Perception 12
Challenge3 (300 XP)
Special 1Shed VinesTangrowth cannot be grappled
Special 2BindIf Tangrowth has a creature grappled,it can use Constrict as a bonus action
Special 3IngrainIf Tangrowth does not move during its turn,it regains 5 hit points at the end of its turn
Action 1Vine WhipMelee Weapon Attack d20+6 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 3d6+2 bludgeoning damageand the target is grappled (escape DC 11)
Action 2ConstrictOne grappled target must makea DC 11 Strength saving throw,
taking 3d6+2 bludgeoning damageon a failed save, or half asmuch damage on a successful one
Action 3Sleep PowderTangrowth scatters sleep-inducing dust at a point it can see within range.Each creature within 10 ft of the point must succeed
on a constitution saving throw DC 14 or fall asleep
Action 4Power WhipMelee Weapon Attack d20+6 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 8d8+2 bludgeoning damage

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